Saturday, May 7, 2016

                                                                Mother are always respected anywhere in the world. It is because of their contributions in Family and Society. It is also observed that mother sacrifices everything for her children. Therefore it is said in Indian philosophy that ' Mother is like God and she should be respected. In the western society mother are respected in their own ways. America celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of the month of May i.e. It falls this year on 8th May 2016.
                                                              All great men and saints have dedicated their success to their Mother. Abraham Lincoln had also loved and respected his Mother. He use to leave any important work on the call of her mother. Former President of America George Bush use to consult his mother Barbara on religious and moral Issues. The world still remembers mother 'Merry' the mother of Jesus  Christ.

 Lord Krishna use to miss his mother 'Yashoda' in 'Dwarka' in spite of all  glory and prosperity.  Mahatma Gandhi described in his autobiography the reflection of  his mother in his life.

                                                              Thus it shows that  mother always treat their children in the same manner through out her life. It does not make any difference for mother even if her child has  grown up and have become successfully great. However it is to be seen how children remember their mother in their lives?
Oh Mother---
Oh Mother you who trained
How to walk and to talk
You were  my couch
For swimming this difficult life
Oh Mother---
You filled me with high values
And kept me away from vices
You inspired me with confidence
To live worthy life in this world
Oh Mother---
You were always support in bad time
when my whole mind was paining
The  tremendous pain was within me
but it was your heart which was bleeding
Oh Mother---
You were always on giving side but never asked
but our love was sufficient for you to live.
Bharat Desai


Friday, May 6, 2016

Black Money
                                  Black money is easy to spend because it is unaccounted money. However it also adversely affects the  Economy. The more Black Money are generated and it creates high inflation in the country. In the process genuine  tax paying citizen are becoming victim of it. One can observe that The inflation  affects only Genuine Taxpayers,  Fix Salary Class and Senior citizens.  While rich and lower class are least affected.

                                  Besides that it is observed that India stands top among the countries who are generating high amount of  black money. It is quit natural when high percentage of people do not pay the taxes. There is also limit for keeping black money in the house. Hence excess black money is diverted in form of Investments in Gold or Diamond Ornaments. The other sources of investments of Black Money are in Real Estate and Tax Heavens abroad. Therefore India is also one of the leading country regarding investing Back Money abroad. The transfer of huge tax invaded funds also comes in the way of development.

                                     In short the Black Money  has become political issue. It is political issue in the sense that people who are supposed to handle the said issue are involve in the same i.e.  Corrupt Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the powerful Rich. Who is going to bell the Cat?Apparently all political parties are against Black Money but they need will to eliminate it. Besides that  even elections are fought with large amount of Black Money. Hence it is a vicious circle. The list of persons who are having funds in Swiss Banks are already unofficially published. Panama papers relieved the list of the people who have invested considerable amount  in the said Tax Heaven. They are appears to be all tax evaded Money i.e. Black Money.

                                     The present government had also promised in election that they will bring Black Money illegally invested abroad so that common men of India will be benefited. However  now Indian Government says that ' They do not know how much amount of illegal funds are  lying Abroad'?. It is also said those foreign funds lying abroad are coming back in the form of Foreign Investment funds in India. However one thing is certain that' Black  Money are braking back bone of Indian Economy.' It will be in the interest of the India to solve the monster of  Black Money as early as possible.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How to be Healthy and Happy?
                                                          Health goes with happiness and vise versa. One feel very dull and  unhappy if once health is not good. Therefore it is said that happiness comes from within. One do not do anything and remains in the house and such condition continues for considerable period then one will feel that once doom day is near i.e. Physically and Mentally. Hence the constructive and positive  approach towards life is absolutely necessary.

                                                          However it is said that' Health is wealth' which brings all sort of happiness in the life. Therefore good health should be the priority in life. The performing of suitable physical exercises is very important. There are few common exercises each one can do it for keeping good health. One  can walk  for 10 to 30 minutes Daily. It  brings freshness in the life of person. Besides that it is better to observe silence for 10 minutes Daily. It gives one peace of mind and opportunity to introspect once actions. It may also help one to analyse once past actions to rectify it if necessary.  one should also spare some time for meditation and prayer which help the inner developments. It is more effective in order to find ways means to further improve the health.  it also good to take green vegetables for digesting the food and for getting inputs of vitamins. it helps to keep one healthy.  The water is the best medicine for getting rid of toxic substances from body. Therefore drinking plenty of water preferably more in the morning with empty stomach. There are three principles which are very important for inputs of food. i.e. Eat more in Breakfast. Less than that in Lunch and Least in Dinner. These are the few things which any one do it for keeping himself Healthy.

                                                             The positive approaches in life also creates healthy and happy life. One can feel Healthy and Young if one remain in touch with  Young and Old Generations. You have to learn from young generation to make adjustments with what is coming up and to gain some knowledge and experience from old generation. The inputs from the both generations will make it easy for you to absorb your self among them. It can makes once life easy and happy. Besides that you can be more happy if you are positive in life. In short you have to understand the situation and adjust your life accordingly to be happy. It is some time difficult to change the people and situation. You must see every thing positively to be Comfortable and Happy.

                                                             One cannot be happy if he start thinking that he knows  everything. Life journey it self is school wherein one has to learn every day. The urge of learning more and more gives you immense happiness instead of otherwise. There is no use of remembering past and wasting energy. It brings you all short of unhappiness if you cannot get rid bad experiences of the past. Besides that it should  not be the matter of unhappiness what other thinks about. However it is a matter of important for you i.e. What you think right and which brings happiness to you.

                                                            There is a more pleasure and happiness in forgiving others than suffering with vindictiveness. One can be be more happy living simple life and care more for the people who cares for him. The adverse situation in life is not permanent and always think that best is yet to come. It will bring immense happiness in once life.
                                                             Thus positive thinking and healthy body will give boundless happiness which all are seeking. These are the key of happiness. Healthy Body and Healthy Mind brings Happiness.