Friday, February 12, 2016

The American Primary Elections
                                                                                                                                                               The forth coming American Presidential election in the November 2016 have brought lots of heat in the American Primary Elections of the States.The Primary Elections in the states are held in order to select the candidate of each party in the forthcoming election of American President at the end of this year.
                                                                                   The delegates from of each party of the states  choose their candidates on the basis of the program declared by various candidates of the parties. The two States Primary Election were held i.e. Iowa and New Hampshire. In the Iowa Ted Cruz, Republican candidate won against Donald Trump Republican. However Donald Trump still lead general survey of American opinion. Donald Trump has also won in the New Hampshire. Besides that in respect of Democratic Party Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sander had tie in Iowa and Sander won in New Hampshire with considerable margin. Hence all State Delegates of each parties will vote for their Candidates.   The final candidates of individual parties will be selected in the national convention of each political parties. This is the best way to select the candidate for the presidential election of each party on the basis of mind given by grassroot level delegates.
                                                                               The Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are at present leading candidates of Republican and Democratic parties respectively. Donald Trump stands for deporting illegal immigrants, to built up wall on the border with  Mexico, and to stop immigration of muslim in America until suitable Security system is built up. While Hillary Clinton stands for to fight against racial inequality. She emphasis on Employment, Job, Education and Housing.Sanders want to reform broken Criminal System and  Free Education in Colleges/Universities. Besides he would like to reduce Inequality by Taxing Rich. He is also for  a plan wherein Government run single payer Healthcare System. Hillary Clinton is trying to attract Minorities, and African Americans while Bernie Sander is trying to attract Young and Poor Voters.  Donald Trump is reflecting views of conservative Americans who are worried about the security of the country because of Terrorism and Illegal Immigrants.
                                                                             Let us see and watch How American voters votes and whom they elect their next President?

Monday, February 8, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                      Father is the head of the family and he has to take hard decisions in the best interest of the same. Hence he is generally not popular among his family members. In the process father is blame for the bad things happen in family and  generally not given due credit for the successful upbringing of the family. Children even shows more loves and affection towards mother.
                                  It is said that father is the mind of Son and heart of Daughter. Besides that he is the vast treasures of experiences. Therefore he may guide the children in the right manner avoiding the wrong ways. Therefore children should not do what father did but they are suppose to act on what he advises or says.  The conflicts in some cases  starts out of what father is saying and what he is doing or what he did  during  his life. It will be always in the best interest of chieldern to follow what he says.

                                   Besides that it is found that even Great and Successful fathers had differance of opinion with their sons. i.e. Between Krishna and his son Pradyumna
, Ram and his sons Love/ Kush, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb, Shivaji and Sambhaji, and the latest case of  Mahatma Gandhi and his son Hiralal.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    However  the Father and Son relationships many times become matter of controversies. It also happens in day to day life. It is said that-
Krishna Mother is Devaki
But his Father name is missing frequently
The Injustice done to Sita is discussed everywhere
But the pain which Ram went through who knows
Poets, Writers, Thinkers and Saints Sings the Song of Mother
While father is showered with praise rarely
Father who Sacrifices his life Physically, Mentally and Materially
 and Carries the burden of family in this world without much credit
Sometime father  becomes a  Villain in the World
 And his very sorry picture is drawn for his benevolent stiffness.
                                 However if fathers are the pillars of the society then mothers are the foundations in the up bringing. They are both important in the positive developments of the mankind.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Make in India
                                                                                                                                                           Indian Government have recently started 'Make in India' campaign for which the initial response is very encouraging.  The economic climate is very favourable for the same.
1) The GDP growth of India is about  more than 7.3% in the year 2015 which is considerably high  among all develop countries including that of China.
2) The direct foreign investment has reached to $44 Billion during the year 2014-2015.
3) The world rating agency'Moody'has up graded India's rating from'Stable'to'Positive'.
4)The implementation of administrative reforms regarding simplifying the approval  process of projects i.e. including on line projects. The project monitoring group has already cleared 411 projects out of 704 long pending projects.
5)The tax reforms are on the way and goods and services tax Bill is already before parliament for passing the same.
6) All these developments have decrease the Current Account deficit which is under control now.
                             In the context of above the foreign companies are attracted and several manufacturing projects are under way. i.e.
a) Indian railway has signed locomotive manufacturing project in Bihar with General Electric.
b)'Foxconn Announced 10 to 12 facilities in India.
c) Mercedes Benz, 'BMWVolvo, Ford, will increase their local Auto Manufacturing activities in India.
d) Hyundai to manufacture Warship in India.
e)Sun Group to built Russian Helicopters in India.
f) Reliance to built'Nuclear Submarine and Warship with foreign collaborators.
g) Airbus to starts manufacturing Helicopters with Mahindra and Mahindra.

These are the glaring examples of success regarding Make in India , Campaign.  However overall success of such projects depend upon the qualities of product and cost effectiveness.
