Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rural Upliftment  and  Urban Industrialisation
                                                                                                                                                       Mahatma Gandhi had his own dream for prosperity of India. He wanted to have balance development between Rural and Urban areas. However he emphasis more on Rural development as majority population of India lives in Rural area and which  mainly deals with Agriculture. Besides that he also wanted to make each village self sufficient with assignment of local development in the hands of local  Panchayat i.e. In the hands of local people.  Therefore he gave more importance to  Handloom, Handicraft, and other Service Industries at Village level.
                                                                             But most of his colleagues in the freedom struggle were British educated.  They were very much impressed with the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Hence they went  for Urban  Industrialization and in the process there was a rush towards Urban Areas for employments. It also created slums in Cities. The Rural Development was also very much neglected. Besides that the rising population  nullified the development up to great extent in Urban Areas. Gandhi also believed that population can be controlled through Education and Self Discipline.

                                                                          India can now take lesson from the decline of Chines Economy. China is Dictatorial Country wherein people are asked to sacrifice their Liberty and Rights for the Prosperity. Chines Economy has attained the the Status of Third Economic Power in the world but at what cost? The Chines worker receives least Wages against long and Vigorous labour. This is done in order to increase Export against stiff competition in the world Market. The collective Agriculture has disappeared  from China and 300 Million Rural Population Moved to Urban Area so far to increase the production up to 34%.  China has also used the Migrated Rural Population in Cities to build up infrastructure like Housing, Ring Roads, Bridges, Malls etc. That has also proved inefficient infrastructures which creates lots of  Traffic Jams and other problems.  China had also introduced 0% increase of population but now they have realized that it is a  failure and it has created adverse effect on Zender Ratio. The chines gdp has also decline considerably low. Besides that the  Urbanization has created unrest among people and including in labor force. There is a crash in Stock Market due to adverse Economy.  What all these features Indicate?

                                      The prosperity can not be achieved at the cost of  one against another sector but it has to be done in balance manner. It is grave mistake to encourage  people to move from their places to other places and making them miserable. That was the essence of Gandhian philosophy. The compulsion also fail as it create perversion. Who can say that Gandhian Economical philosophy is irrelevant to present? These are the lessons from declined of Chines Economy. India should take steps to eliminate those mistakes instead of satisfying that they see India's bright future in the decline of Chines Economy.

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