Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rural Upliftment  and  Urban Industrialisation
                                                                                                                                                       Mahatma Gandhi had his own dream for prosperity of India. He wanted to have balance development between Rural and Urban areas. However he emphasis more on Rural development as majority population of India lives in Rural area and which  mainly deals with Agriculture. Besides that he also wanted to make each village self sufficient with assignment of local development in the hands of local  Panchayat i.e. In the hands of local people.  Therefore he gave more importance to  Handloom, Handicraft, and other Service Industries at Village level.
                                                                             But most of his colleagues in the freedom struggle were British educated.  They were very much impressed with the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Hence they went  for Urban  Industrialization and in the process there was a rush towards Urban Areas for employments. It also created slums in Cities. The Rural Development was also very much neglected. Besides that the rising population  nullified the development up to great extent in Urban Areas. Gandhi also believed that population can be controlled through Education and Self Discipline.

                                                                          India can now take lesson from the decline of Chines Economy. China is Dictatorial Country wherein people are asked to sacrifice their Liberty and Rights for the Prosperity. Chines Economy has attained the the Status of Third Economic Power in the world but at what cost? The Chines worker receives least Wages against long and Vigorous labour. This is done in order to increase Export against stiff competition in the world Market. The collective Agriculture has disappeared  from China and 300 Million Rural Population Moved to Urban Area so far to increase the production up to 34%.  China has also used the Migrated Rural Population in Cities to build up infrastructure like Housing, Ring Roads, Bridges, Malls etc. That has also proved inefficient infrastructures which creates lots of  Traffic Jams and other problems.  China had also introduced 0% increase of population but now they have realized that it is a  failure and it has created adverse effect on Zender Ratio. The chines gdp has also decline considerably low. Besides that the  Urbanization has created unrest among people and including in labor force. There is a crash in Stock Market due to adverse Economy.  What all these features Indicate?

                                      The prosperity can not be achieved at the cost of  one against another sector but it has to be done in balance manner. It is grave mistake to encourage  people to move from their places to other places and making them miserable. That was the essence of Gandhian philosophy. The compulsion also fail as it create perversion. Who can say that Gandhian Economical philosophy is irrelevant to present? These are the lessons from declined of Chines Economy. India should take steps to eliminate those mistakes instead of satisfying that they see India's bright future in the decline of Chines Economy.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Swami Vivekananda(1863-1902)
                                                                                                                                                         Swami Vivekananda was born on 12th January 1863 and died in the year 1902 at the age of 39 years. It is not important how many years one lives but it is important what one delivers during his life. In that  context  Vivekananda  lived  Thirty nine  years of very meaningful life. It is observed that the Great man comes with some mission and goes away as soon it is competed. Swamiji refreshed and propagated the Hindu philosophy through out world during his short life. He educated the whole world regarding Hinduism up to such extent that one can held  head high for Hindu religion in the world. His approach was very practical regarding Modern Science. He was taken to see the highly mechanized cattle slaughter factory in America. Swamiji was asked his opinion about it. He said "We in India convert Human out of Animal but you people kill the Animal."
                                                                                 It was not easy for Vivekananda to attend world religious congress at chicago.  He had no contacts and even money then to travel so far. He was moving all over india to visit religious places meeting people. he also visited and sat on rock to do penance near kanyakumari the last tip of india in south. however on the way he made lots of friends and well wisher who encouraged him to attend religious world congress at america. some people also tried to help him even financially. however one thing was certain that he was total stranger for america then. it is very interesting and pleasant incident on the ship when he reached san francisco. He was standing on the deck along with one of the American who had become friendly with him. All travellers were waving at the people who had come to recieved them. He asked Swamiji who has come to receive you? He replied with smile  'No body and He added 'You are there my friend.' That American became the host of Swamiji then.  This shows that How difficult was the situation for Swamiji in America then. Therefore Vivekananda said once ' The relationship are more important in life, but those relationship are more important which have life in it.'

                                                                             Swamy Vivekananda was the disciple of Ramakrishna Paramhansa on whose name worldwide 'Ramkrishna Mission' was started. Swami Vivekananda had asked so many questions to his guru which were troubling him. Ramkrishna  Paramhansa replied him following manner in order to guide his  disciple  It is very important for all truth seeking people.
1) Live the life without analysing unnecessarily
2) Be cheerful forgetting the problems of life.
3) The good people always suffer because they have to pass through difficult test. The Gold become more pure by heating more and more.
4) The suffering in the life  is a experience of facing the strict teacher.
5) Always count what you have recieved in life instead if what you have lost. It will help to boast up your spirit.
6) It is surprising that people ask in suffering 'why I am?  Instead of asking why I am? when they get happiness.
7) Always face present with self confidence. Be ready to make bright future and do not regret your past. These all makes life  best.
8) You must decide how to live life and should be never afraid of  facing any problem regarding the same.  There is no use of doing prayer to make life happy.
 9) The fruits of your action will make you happy if you feel that your life has become busy because of your activities have cornered you.
                                                        All those things had a deep reflection on the life of Swami Vivekananda.
                                                         Swamy Vivekananda said -
1)Who is loving you do not hate them and who is believing you do not cheat them.
2) If you like me I am in your Heart. If you hate me I am in your Mind.
3) Talk to yourself at least once in a day. Otherwise you may miss a meeting with an excellent person in this world.
4) By study of different religions we find that in essence they are one.

                                                         Thus Swami Vivekananda had done the greatest service to Hinduism after Great Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya. He also died in his Thirty after completing his Mission.

Monday, January 11, 2016

  The Great Politician,Diplomat and Thinker- Chanakya                                                                                        
Chanakya is already recognized as great politician in the history of India. He was a mentor of  Chandragupta a king of Magadha, Chandragupta ruled from Bihar to Punjab and deep in South. Chanakya  used his diplomacy to  see that Chandragupta get marry to the princess of Salucas.  The Greek Salucas was then the Governor of the kingdom left by Alexander the Great. Chanakya also dethroned the king of Magadha i.e. Of Bihar and installed Chandragupta as a king. It was golden period for India.
                                                                                            However Chanakya left  his knowledge behind in the form of book written in Sanskrit. It is known as 'Chanakya Niti'. It is very practical guideline which is  important in our day to day life.

                                                                                           Few important things He said -
1) Friends should have qualities like Intelligence, Selflessness, and  Fearlessness. He should be Ashamed of doing wrong things.
2) One should not hesitate to accept knowledge  even from the  lowest kind of  living Creature.
3) One can  Marry  intelligent girl even if she is  coming from bad family.
4) One should never tell his secret things to others because it is bound to make one victim of betrayal.
5) One should never remain present where fight is going on as in such cases only innocent people come into trouble.
6) One must face the reality in life and not to go on worring about its bad consequences. It is a waste of energies.
7) The Satisfaction and Patience  can only bring happiness.
8) Do not be afraid before starting any work and once you start work do not leave it half away.
9) Always remain away from idiot and Insane. They are like Animal. In short keep a distance from Bad and Ignorant people.
10) You can not increase or decrease generosity in any one  as it is in the nature of person.
11) It is in the hand  of a person  i.e. which decision is to be taken when?
12) Since Birth only Goodness comes in Nature.
                              (Left above top Chandragupta Maurya and Right above Chanakya)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sunny and Shia- Muslim Sectarian War
                                                                                                                                                              The  crisis in Middle East can take the shape of world war due to Terrorism involve therein. However if you go deep in the the causes of Middle East Crisis you will also come across the Civil War among Muslims i.e. Between Sunny and Shia.
                                                              There are Two big and powerful Countries in the Middle East i.e. Saudi Arabia and Iran. They are having the substantial storage of oil in their soil which makes them Rich and Powerful. However Saudi Arabia is  Sunny dominated Muslim State while Iran is Shia dominated State. They try to support their own sect in the Muslim world. They even do not have shortage of men and money due to oil treasures.

                                                              Recently Saudi Arabia executed 50 people who were branded Terrorist and Enemy of the State.  Among them one Shia Cleric Nimr Baqr Al- Nimr who was Shiast  and who had protested against Sunny dominated Saudi  Government. This has created change of reactions and  Shia dominated State like Iran has protested Violently by setting fires the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and other places in Iran.It has increased the  tension in the Middle East and Sunny dominated States like, Sudan, Yemen, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and including Saudi Arabia have severed the diplomatic relations with Iran. It is a matter of concern for USA, China,and Russia as USA is the close allies of Saudi Arabia and Russia/ China are close to iran. It is conflict of interest among World powers.
                                                            It has  also also affected the World Stock Market up to some extent with Oil Prices going up.   This is also one of the factors wherein all World Powers will have to handle the Middle East Crisis on Collective Basis.