Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What they Thought and Said-
                                                                                                                                                                Reverend Edward Everett Hale had his own experiences with Congressmen and Sentors. It may be good and bad but he said once that" I look at the US senators and pray  for the country" Mahatma Gandhi had his own view on Indian and western civilization. But he discretely and shortly said once about Western Civilization " I think it would be a good idea."

                                        Once Oscar wild was humiliated very badly. Somebody had thrown rotten Cabbage on him on the stage. However he calmly and  intelligently replied him "Thank you my friend. Every time I smell it, I shall reminded of you." Abraham Lincoln was once accused of two faced.  he replied it very lightly and jocularly that " If I had two faces do you think I had be wearing this one."

                                         Winston Churchill was very humorous.  One of the MPs once asked him " Churchill  must you fall sleep when I am speaking?"  Churchill curtly replied  " No it is purely Voluntary."
Once Bessie  Braddock told Churchill "Winston you are drunk and what is more you are disgustingly drunk"
Churchill replied it very sportingly that " Bessie you are disgustingly ugly, but tomorrow I shall sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly."

                                         However some people are very sharp in their remarks. Once Groucho Mark'x said sarcastically to somebody " I never forget a face but in your case I will glad to make exception."
                                          This shows that each celebrity is having it own style and way to convey his views.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Unholy Alliances in Indian Politics.
                                                                                                                                                                  It is said that politics is the game of scoundrels. No politician is ever enemy of any one permanently. In short it is like bed shared by odd couple if necessary arises. In Indian politics mostly two things are very important for politicians i.e. power and wealth. Hence any odd alliances can take place at any time. There were very few political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel and others which can be counted on finger tips and who believed in principles and values. Those tall leaders were ready to leave power and wealth for the national and public interest. Now days we can observe such odd alliances in politics for personal ambitions and overlooking public interest. It is strange that political parties who were fighting against each other becomes friendly after election i,e, On the name of giving stable government. However the main interest behind such alignments are for power sharing. This is not good for the country and the democratic system .

                                             The present alliances  between  Lalu Yadav, Sharad Yadav, and Nitiskumar in Bihar is purely a marriage of convenience against 'BJP'. Similarly the alliance between 'BJP' and Manjiram a defected former chief minister of Bihar is only adjustment without any common factor in the the matter. Even to make their political alliances powerful the Politicians can go up to having family members marriage alliances. This is only done in order to strengthen their political base. It is very funny to see the Political Enemies of the past hugging publicly each other. The  people must be enjoying the fun. The card of secularism is played against communalism in order to get votes. The some of the parties which were not ready to touch 'BJP' are now ready to join with them for the sake of power.
                                            Such odd alliances has taken place in the Jammu and Kashmir between 'PDP' and 'BJP' in order to share the power. However their political out look is quit against each other. In the process the separatist and terrorist element may furnished in the valley. Besides that 'BJP' has to give up their stand on Article 370 and on the displaced Kashmiri Brahmin problems of  the valley. It is on the whole power sharing at the cost of public and national interest.

                                             It is also observed that the recently formed 'AAP' Party also was ready to share power with congress before election in order to stop 'BJP' to come power in Delhi.  This clearly shows that any body can join anybody for sharing power without any consideration of public or national interest.
All these shows that Indian public is watching all those acrobatics helplessly. The question arises that whether India is having real democracy or it is only for name sake. However in the process  Indian public is still suffering with political corruption, mismanagement and misuse of public resources. It is also fact that about 33% of Indian population is still suffering from poverty and minimum services after independence of  more then 65 years. We can at least  pray 'God' to save India