Saturday, January 10, 2015

                                                                                                                                                      Anybody can fall in love with  its Natural Beauty of Mauritius. Besides that it is not only Natural Heaven but it is also Financial Heaven for investors. It is situated 2000 km away from  South East coast of Africa. It has free ports and Air links with all countries including Europe.

                       Mauritius  Economy is mainly based on  Sugar, Textiles, Apparel, Financial Services and including Tourism. The several successful Bollywood Movies had done outside shootings in Mauritius on account of its Natural Beauty. There are 32000 offshore units in  Mauritius which have also helped to show the study growth of  Mauritius Economy.

                        They are also expanding in Fish Processing, Real Estate, Hospitality, and in Information/Communication Technology. Mauritius is also giving advantage of  simplified Tax System. Therefore it has become a  place of Foreign Investment or in other word a  base for diversion of 'FDI' from here to other countries.Besides that Mauritius is having business friendly government and aggressive/progressive bureaucracy.

                          The 68% of population of Mauritius is of Indian origin and they are interested in keeping close relationship with India in field of higher education etc. India can develop close relationship  with Mauritius through complying  with their needs. It can also help India to further develop its trade with other African Countries through Gate Way of  Mauritius.

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