Monday, January 12, 2015

Gujarat Vibrant -2015 (i.e. Between 11th January 2015 to 13th January 2015)
                                                                                                                                                         Gujarat is trying to attract Industrial Investment since decade under then leadership of Narendra Modi, who is now prime minister of India. The huge amount of fund is being spent in order to raise the show of  'Vibrant Gujarat' at the interval of about Three Years. The end result is that Gujarat is put on the world map of Trade, Industry and Business. The considerable  commitments were made by parties and countries during such events have been executed and implemented. It has benefited the Gujarat and created awareness among the other States of India. The other Indian States also have  entered into competition in order to attract investments.
                                                       The Gujarat is leading in so many fields of Trade and Industries ,including with GDP of 7.15% .  Gujarat is leading in climate change field and it has also achieved Fourth rank in Asia.  It is the first state of India which entered into Carbon trading. The state is also having excellent road connectivity of 97.27 % with 98..86% of villages are connected with perfect all seasons Roads.  Gujarat is the first states who has passed special investment act (i.e.2009). Besides that it is having world biggest refinery at Jamnagar. Gujarat is the biggest producer of finished diamonds in the world and the  leading cotton producer in the India. It is also leading  producers of Oil Seeds, Jiru, and Variyali. Besides that it is a leading producer of Denim and having the biggest Shipwrecking Yard at Alang near Bhavnagar. Gujarat is also heading towards establishing the biggest Auto manufacturing Hub of India. Besides that it is remarkable that in Gujarat there are not much waste of human working hours due to strike in the industry. The loss of hours rate is only 1%. Gujarat is also leading in pharmaceutical, chemical, textile, and dairy industries  in the Country.
                                               However the Vibrant Gujarat 2015 has attracted much attention and several well developed countries like UK, USA, Australia, Japan, Canada Netherlands,Russia, Singapore and China have participated for investment. The total 110 countries took part in the session and 55 delegation from  some of the countries also  took part. The 25 Lakhs Crores of investment commitments have come from various sources including local industrial Houses like Reliance, Birla, Adani, Mahendra, Vodiacon, etc. The American Foreign Secretary, John Carry, United Nations, Secretary General, Baan  Ki Moon, President of World Bank, Jim Chong Kim also attended and contributed in the Vibrant Gujarat -2015. The main investments are coming in for Petro- Chemical , Cement, Auto Industries,  Renewable Energies, and Defense Industry. However the Credit goes to Narendra Modi Prime Minister for the successful show and attracting all dignitaries.  About 300 CEO of  various Companies have also attended the Session. One thing is Clear that Gujarat has become the Development Engine of India and  it is being now recognized Internationally.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

                                                                                                                                                      Anybody can fall in love with  its Natural Beauty of Mauritius. Besides that it is not only Natural Heaven but it is also Financial Heaven for investors. It is situated 2000 km away from  South East coast of Africa. It has free ports and Air links with all countries including Europe.

                       Mauritius  Economy is mainly based on  Sugar, Textiles, Apparel, Financial Services and including Tourism. The several successful Bollywood Movies had done outside shootings in Mauritius on account of its Natural Beauty. There are 32000 offshore units in  Mauritius which have also helped to show the study growth of  Mauritius Economy.

                        They are also expanding in Fish Processing, Real Estate, Hospitality, and in Information/Communication Technology. Mauritius is also giving advantage of  simplified Tax System. Therefore it has become a  place of Foreign Investment or in other word a  base for diversion of 'FDI' from here to other countries.Besides that Mauritius is having business friendly government and aggressive/progressive bureaucracy.

                          The 68% of population of Mauritius is of Indian origin and they are interested in keeping close relationship with India in field of higher education etc. India can develop close relationship  with Mauritius through complying  with their needs. It can also help India to further develop its trade with other African Countries through Gate Way of  Mauritius.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Politics in Fighting against Terrorism i.e. Against the National Interest
                                                                                         It is very unfortunate that politics is being played in the cases of terrorism by various parties. There are several  encounters by the police against terrorist which are also being challenged in the Court. Besides that there are several senior police officers are  behind the bar in fake terror encounters  cases. We may not be knowing the merit of such cases as matter is Sub Judice. But such developments certainly brings down  the morale of the police forces.  However that is not in the interest of the National Security. Even politicians are also being dragged in to controversial cases which creates very bad picture of the political scenario.

                                                        Some time it is accused that some of the innocent people are being killed on the name of terrorism.  But it  does reflects adversely on the police forces consequently all in police forces are being demoralized.
                                                        There are several terror based encounter cases are going on in several states including in Gujarat, Punjab etc.  The most important factor is that all these developments creates adverse effects on our fight against terrorism.

                                                        Besides that Pakistan  is always there to propagate against such published  matters.  In the recent time Pakistan is continuously firing on International Borders.  But giving wrong colors to our firing in self defense. The recent one of the cases the Pakistani boat carrying the terrorist was caught in International water by our Coast Guards. The said Pakistani boat was destroyed by terrorist   with fear of being caught alive. In short one terror attacked was prevented by us. However one of the politicians said regarding that' The  government is taking early credit for preventing terror attack as  it is being done without producing evidence of attack. This is very distressing development and it endorses the Pakistani government allegation that' India is creating Wrong Impression.
                                                            Therefore it is the most important requirements of the time that' In such sensitive matters of terror, the Media, Politicians and the Government should stand unitedly forgetting the all political differences. It will help the country to fight  against terrorism more effectively.