Monday, December 15, 2014

Absolute Power
                                                                                                                                                               The power is very dangerous if it cannot be digested. It is said that absolute power corrupt a person absolutely. Besides that power drunk are  very dangerous then people who are addict to Alcohol and Opium.   Those Alcoholic  addicts come to senses for some time but Power drunk becomes impossible. The power drunks are driven to only one direction i.e. Total Distruction.

                                    There are several instances in the history where several people with senses also were driven to destruction as they were power drunk. It is not that the power is derived only by political means but it is also obtain through Religion,Cast and Creed.  Adolf Hitler was the most powerful and mass leader of Germany. His intelligence was blinded by absolute power. He lost even the practical reasoning and attacked Russia in Winter. Rasputin enjoyed the unauthorized power of Russian Crown through his Spiritual and Mysterious Power. However ultimately absolute power driven him to madness and  was destroyred. Aurangzeb the most powerful Mogul emperor  had  became mad  with his  fanaticism  to convert majority Hindu Population to Muslim. He was mad with absolute power and in the process he destroyed the the most powerful Mogul Empire. He died fighting lonely in Southern India.

                                   The Asharam Bapu and Dharampal are the recent religious heads who suffered on account of the  Power derived from Religious Sentiments. Thus even religious power if it becomes absolute then it drives persons to total destruction. Even  the most popular politicians are destroyed if they get drunk with the power derived from the mass support. The Winston Churchill the most popular and powerful leader of the second world  lost the election after War. Hence power is very powerful instrument to bring reforms and developments, but if it is mishandled than can also bring total destruction.  Therefore power is a very delicate instrument which requires tactful handling.

Power brings  strength but also  instrument of miseries
It Generates powerful energies with some Responsibilities
The Wealth always pampers the Power
Therefor it becomes difficult  to Balance
It Corrupts absolute the Power Drunk  person
Which  becomes the cause of  total  Destruction
Power isolates a powerful Man from Friends and Family
Because it is a instrument which creates fear every end
Power and Truth sometime becomes Rivals
As truth will never bows before any strength
The Truth is going to prevail over power
 If the power is not used Discretely and Rightly
Bharat Desai


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