Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dr Abraham Kovoor and Movie "pk"

                                                                                                                                                                Dr Abraham Kovoor was born at Kerala in the Christian family.  He was Social Reformer and latter on  shifted to Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Dr Abraham Kovoor was distributing Ashes to expose Religious Scandles.  He was also against  Sai Baba and was  distributing Ashes as  symbol of protest against him. Besides that he was very much impressed by reformist views of Lord Buddha. He also tried to educate people against wrong religious practices. He  fought against Astrology, God Men and  including against the people who claimed extra ordinary power. He came to conclusion that nobody can have Super Power. He wrote a book titled " Bogon God Men of Gods" wherein he caution the people to remain away from  such evil elements.

                                                        It is reported that " Movie 'pk's Script Writer Abhijaat Joshi, Producer Rajkumar Hirani are very much impressed of Dr Abraham Kovoor's  view on Religious Matters.
It is  also observed in the Movie  'pk' that  Hero is fighting against so called God men and he exposed him. 'pk' a Hero also behaves like Vice and Prudent man in the Movie.  He goes to one of the colleges on Exam Day and put one Red Stone with throwing few coins thereon.  Students were scared of exam and in the process they offer lots of Money to that stone. Here 'pk' wants to say that" To reach the God you do not requires to go Religious Head".

                                                       However lots of controversies are being created by Movie 'pk'and Several cases are filed against the Movie for Banning the Picture.  One thing is very unfortunate in the Movie that it  criticize the Hindu God Men  and  its Malpractices  without  mentioning about the malpractices of other Religions.  In the process Hindu Religious feelings are being  Hurt as Hindu religious God and God men were criticized and humiliated. It appears the film producers have not given proper thought regarding religious feeling of Hindus who is the majority Community of India.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Which one is the biggest Economy of the World?- America or China

                                                                      The International Monetary fund has reported  certain figures which shows that Chines economy is surpassing the American Economy in the year 2014. Therefore America has become Number Two in the world Economies.

                                                                    The national out put  in real terms to Goods and Services are surpassed by China in  comparison with   USA.  China  will produce this year  goods worth of S17.6  Trillion in the comparison to the goods produced  worth 17.4 Trillion  by USA. This will account for 16.5% Share in the Global Economy. while America will account for 16.3% share in Global Economy. This all shows that Chines Economy is ahead of American Economy accordingly.  China also surpassed in Global Trade Twice than USA.                                    
                                                                    The Military Power also depends upon Economic Power. It is a historical facts that France, Spain, and Britain also fall from world power accordingly. We know very well that England dominated as a world Economy for 200 years and subsequently America dominated  the world Economy after 1945. The purchasing power parity is same in China as well as in USA. i.e. The regardless of fluctuation in the Foreign Exchange.

                                                                      Besides that USA is heavily indebted to China through trade. All these developments shows that Chines Economy is going ahead of American Economy.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Absolute Power
                                                                                                                                                               The power is very dangerous if it cannot be digested. It is said that absolute power corrupt a person absolutely. Besides that power drunk are  very dangerous then people who are addict to Alcohol and Opium.   Those Alcoholic  addicts come to senses for some time but Power drunk becomes impossible. The power drunks are driven to only one direction i.e. Total Distruction.

                                    There are several instances in the history where several people with senses also were driven to destruction as they were power drunk. It is not that the power is derived only by political means but it is also obtain through Religion,Cast and Creed.  Adolf Hitler was the most powerful and mass leader of Germany. His intelligence was blinded by absolute power. He lost even the practical reasoning and attacked Russia in Winter. Rasputin enjoyed the unauthorized power of Russian Crown through his Spiritual and Mysterious Power. However ultimately absolute power driven him to madness and  was destroyred. Aurangzeb the most powerful Mogul emperor  had  became mad  with his  fanaticism  to convert majority Hindu Population to Muslim. He was mad with absolute power and in the process he destroyed the the most powerful Mogul Empire. He died fighting lonely in Southern India.

                                   The Asharam Bapu and Dharampal are the recent religious heads who suffered on account of the  Power derived from Religious Sentiments. Thus even religious power if it becomes absolute then it drives persons to total destruction. Even  the most popular politicians are destroyed if they get drunk with the power derived from the mass support. The Winston Churchill the most popular and powerful leader of the second world  lost the election after War. Hence power is very powerful instrument to bring reforms and developments, but if it is mishandled than can also bring total destruction.  Therefore power is a very delicate instrument which requires tactful handling.

Power brings  strength but also  instrument of miseries
It Generates powerful energies with some Responsibilities
The Wealth always pampers the Power
Therefor it becomes difficult  to Balance
It Corrupts absolute the Power Drunk  person
Which  becomes the cause of  total  Destruction
Power isolates a powerful Man from Friends and Family
Because it is a instrument which creates fear every end
Power and Truth sometime becomes Rivals
As truth will never bows before any strength
The Truth is going to prevail over power
 If the power is not used Discretely and Rightly
Bharat Desai


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mahabharata and Modern Mahabharata
                                                                                                                                                              The first  chapter of Gita is based on full of sorrow expressed by Arjuna to Lord Krishna as he  saw all his relatives on war front i.e. Including  his Guru Drona and Grand Father Bhisma. However it is not as simple as narrated thereon because Arjuna also described the position of his family after War. There only lies the picture of modern Mahabharata in our society.

                                                                      The same types of inner fighting are going on present day in many families .  The family members are fighting against each other out of jealousy, vindictiveness and ego.  However they are not worried about the outcome from such fight which was put up by Arjuna before Lord Krishna. Arjuna clearly described his mental problems which reflects on his body looking at the disastrous results of family fight.  The same types things may be reflecting in the minds of prudent members of the family during inner fight of family. They may be suffering from fear or stress or helplessness, or excitements, or nervousness, or loss of control over body or may be unhappy about the situation.  The present day  family fight  brings out  total destruction of the family relationship. It is observed that in some of the cases even sons does not go to the funeral of parent, or brother  sister does not talk to each other, or even mother do not look at their children. In short all blood relationship is scattered. The same things happened to Dhutarashtra and Gandhari after their all sons were killed in war.

                                                                    Arjuna described his Kaurava Brothers as 'Aattaayi'.  'Aattaayi' is a Sanskrit word means  people who can set fire,or aggressors, or who loots properties, or who snatch away others property, or Even goes up to using poison to kill rivals. Even today also those types of 'Aattaayi' are existing in the families who creates inner fighting. However Dharma says the above types of people deserved to be destroyed.
                                                                     Arjun also described to Lord Krishna that what will be the position of his family after war. He says the tradition and heritage of family will be destroyed. The several women will become widow and that will bring the downfall of dharma. All these will affect adversely on  the Ladies. It will spoil the next generation. Arjuna was full of wisdom and he was right. We can see even modern society all inner fights of families bring all these types of evils.
                                                                   Therefore Mahabharata is still alive in present day society. We have to learn from Gita that how to avoid such destructive situation  in day to day family life.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Whether We are Ungrateful?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          We got our freedom with the help of Mahatma Gandhi who always cared sacrificed for the country and neglected his family. It is not only Mahatma Gandhi even Sardar Patel also sacrificed his family for India. All Honest freedom fighters families suffered on account of their love for the Country. However they did their duty for the country selflessly . In the process the most of the stalwarts freedom fighters family suffered and their careers  or were ruined. It is the duty of the nation to find them and help them if they need any help. Those leader never expected anything in return but it is now duty of our Country.
                                                      It is well known fact that Gandhi's eldest son Hiralal ruin his life because of stiffness observed by Mahatma Gandhi with his son. However Hiralal Complaint that he was always neglected and his aspirations were overlooked by his father. We even we do not know where about of Gandhi family now and How they are doing. It is reported in one of the medias that  the Gandhi's one of the Grand Sons Kanu Gandhi has to take the shelter in old age sheltor home at Surat and subsequently with one of the 'NGO's.  This is one example but there may be many instances where nation has not  taken any care of. The country can at least see that  in such instances their lives become comfortable and decent . It is time to return what our great leaders have done for the country. They never cared to make provisions for their future generations as most of the present day leaders are doing.
                                                    Even in some of the cases  policemen and soldiers who sacrificed their lives are for our country  are also neglected.  During the Terrorist attack of 26/11 at Mumbai several policemen and officers sacrificed their lives but there are complaints that their families are yet not properly compensated. Besides that there is recent instance where several Para Military troupe members were killed by Naxelites in Chhattisgar State. It was reported that their uniforms and shoes etc were found some where in Public Dustbin. Besides that one of the body of soldiers was sent to his Village through Railway Parcel.
                                                   We have to think about all these matters seriously and in the right perspective. i.e, In order to save the hard earned  precious freedom.