Sunday, July 20, 2014

                                                                                                                                                                  It is a dream of each and every one to see and enjoy the 'Heavenly Feeling' in lifetime. The Heaven is being created  in this world  by beauty of Nature i.e.  Places like  Kashmir or Switzerland.  Besides that even men are also capable of creating Heaven of their imaginations artificially in this world.  They have already done so  many places of such nature in this world.
                                                                   In this connection for example the city of 'Las Vegas'  is  one of the men made ' Heaven' on this Earth .

It is a Men made Heaven--
The Millions of colorful lights
which twinkles like Million Stars
It changes fast in the Rainbow Colors
 Like second to second  flickering eyes.
It is a Men made Heaven--
Beautiful women are moving around
In their colorful sexy dresses
Some of them are dancing on the floor
with least covered   bodies thereon
It is a Men made Heaven--
One ask for water , wines and liquors are given
 It is served  by pretty girls frequently here
One use to excitement different games are there
but to keep gamblers busy Casinos are their
It is a Men made Heaven-
It may be a replica of the Heaven created by God
Therefore all are ready to enjoy that Heaven before death.
Bharat Desai.


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