Sunday, July 20, 2014

                                                                                                                                                                  It is a dream of each and every one to see and enjoy the 'Heavenly Feeling' in lifetime. The Heaven is being created  in this world  by beauty of Nature i.e.  Places like  Kashmir or Switzerland.  Besides that even men are also capable of creating Heaven of their imaginations artificially in this world.  They have already done so  many places of such nature in this world.
                                                                   In this connection for example the city of 'Las Vegas'  is  one of the men made ' Heaven' on this Earth .

It is a Men made Heaven--
The Millions of colorful lights
which twinkles like Million Stars
It changes fast in the Rainbow Colors
 Like second to second  flickering eyes.
It is a Men made Heaven--
Beautiful women are moving around
In their colorful sexy dresses
Some of them are dancing on the floor
with least covered   bodies thereon
It is a Men made Heaven--
One ask for water , wines and liquors are given
 It is served  by pretty girls frequently here
One use to excitement different games are there
but to keep gamblers busy Casinos are their
It is a Men made Heaven-
It may be a replica of the Heaven created by God
Therefore all are ready to enjoy that Heaven before death.
Bharat Desai.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

                                                                                                                                                           There are several major religions like  Hindu, Muslim,Buddhist, Christian, Jain Sikhs etc. The different Religions shows different ways and means to reach ' God'. However several religious war were fought to show that our ways are the best.  The common among the all religions is the' Faith' in the belief.
                          There are Good and  Fanatics / Bad elements in the all religions but Each religion teaches How to become Good  and Useful Persons in the society. But How? i.e. as Below

- Each Religion represents Once inner Conscious
-It builds up people Character
-It also Encourages to develop Good Qualities in Human being
-It teaches the Rule of Law
-It builds up Discipline in the people
-It also makes one Duty bound
-It makes one Spiritual to pass the Journey from Birth to Death.
-It shows the Right path
-It also caution against  the wrong path

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day
                                                                                                                                  The independence day is very important  for all countries  of the world. However it depends upon the country and it  patriotism. There is always history behind the independence of each country. You can not achieve independence without sacrifice of  the freedom fighters.
                                                India and America both become independent from the colonial rules of England and thousands of freedom fighters fought for the Independence. It was not easy task to get freedom. It was solely due to sacrifices of so many.
                                                 Indian independent war started from the revolt of 1858 and it ended with independence on 15 Th August 1947. However in the process lakhs of freedom fighters sacrificed their wealth, family and lives. It was Mahatma Gandhi who intensified the freedom struggle of India. It was a non violence struggle without much loss of people in the process. However some of the revolutionaries even died in the struggle.  It is said that value of our freedom  is not being much appreciated due to easy gain of  independence in peaceful manner.  We are independent but without knowing the value of it.  Hence there is a lack of nationalism, patriotism, and feeling of duties toward the nation. Ghandhiji said that we have achieved independence but not 'Surajya' i.e How to rightly govern ourselves. Besides that our prime minister Narendra Modi said once that we do not have respect for our good things but we always consider  outside things are more superior i.e. Because of our slavish mentality. Therefore much more is required to be done  to develop independence by mind and in our action.

                                                      The fourth of July was a Independence Day of  'USA' when it became independent from England. The declaration of Independence was signed on that day. America has a history of about 150 years but  has become well developed super power with spirit of nationalism, and patriotism.  It has also developed the spirit of protecting the freedom at any cost. The america has shown that it can chase the  people and destroy them if they play with their freedom. The people of America still remembers the sacrifice made by its freedom fighters and also who made sacrifice to protect the freedom. You will find the war Memorials  for the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of America. Even the freedom of America was also not achieved without the sacrifices of its Freedom Fighters and the Soldiers Revolutionary Army.  The  56 men who signed declaration of independence  of America also suffered  severely .  The out of 56 members the 24 were captured and jailed, the 12 members houses were ransacked and destroyed, the 5 members were arrested and tortured  until death, the 9 fought and died in Revolutionary War, the 4 members sons died in Revolutionary War and the 2 Wealthy members died and lost everything in the Revolutionary War., This is only to show the price of freedom. However American history shows that sacrificed made by freedom fighters are not gone in vain'
                                                      The Indian people has to still show that the sacrificed of Indian freedom fighters has not gone in vain by developing the patriotism and readiness to sacrifice every thing for the hard earned freedom. India has to come out of Slavish Mentality, Cast, Creed,and Religions in order  to prove that they are worthy of freedom.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

                                                                                                        It is said that the future of world lies in the Africa as that dark continent  have still vast natural resources.  The some of those resources  are  untapped and unexploited. This is because  of ineffective local administrations and infighting going on among various Tribes, Cast and Religions.
                                                                                                    However one thing is to be noted that China is the only country who is looking after those resources in very speedy manner and that too on the name of giving them help. Then the question arises that why India is lacking in taking very aggressive initiative regarding those African countries?

                                                                                                   Namibia is one of the countries wherein there are lots of Minerals Resources  like Diamond,Zinc,Lead, Tin, Silver, Tungsten, Copper and Uranium.
Besides it have industries like Meat packing, Fish Processing, Dairy Products, Pasta and Beverages. Even India can also take advantage of all those Industries, and Mineral Resources in order to increase its Trade. There are very few Indian Companies are there but they are  negligible in comparison with Chines  Companies. India can also increase the Export of Drugs, Aggro Chemicals, Glassware, Machine Tools, Transport Equipments, Rubber made Products and Electronic Goods. There are also potentialities of establishing Joint Projects.

                                                                                                 This is a way India can develop  Major Trade with the African Countries . It is path for creating prosperous future for India. But there should be suitable aggressive strategy for increasing the trade with mineral rich  countries of Africa.