Thursday, October 24, 2013

Karma Yoga


                                                                                    Krishna had very hard time to explain  Arjuna about the karma Yoga. He was very much confused with the Illusion and Desire. However Krishna told  Arjuna that people whom you are going to kill in the war are already dead and you  are going to be only instrument in the process . He also added that God does not take any credit for doing karma. Therefore you will get all credits in this world. Besides that you should do your karma and do not think about the end result of  war.  This shows that  God  always take care of  all actions which may be good or  bad.
                              However there are three types of karmas i.e. One is karma is done in Routine,  Second one is  Positive and the last one is Negative. The ordinary people do certain thing without knowing the consequences. The Kaurava were doing all karmas in negative manner. Duryodhan use to say that he knows what is right?  But  can not put into practice'.  However it appears he was very much use to practice wrong. Therefore he was always doing negative karma. while Pandavas were always positive and were doing positive karma under guidance Krishna. This is all worldly karmas.
                             However Krishna also talked in Gita about karma which release your soul from worldly thing and take you the path of knowledge and realization. In such process your soul comes out of all dirt and become clean.  There are many ways  by which path of knowledge/ realization is being achieved.  It is known as Yagna i.e.A means to seek Gyaan. Some  are doing through Prayers, or through Distributing Wealth to Needy or By controlling  Senses, or by Doing Penance. It makes soul clean and  makes one immune of all desire, jealousy and ego. It also makes it easy to reach near goal.  The supreme knowledge is the stage when one gets release of all doubts and everything is being selflessly done for others. That is a meaning of  'Bharat' in Sanskrit i.e Knowledge with Light.

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