Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Gujarat State Card For NRG/NRI

                                                                                                              (In the above pictures from  top 1) In the seminar Hall at Gujarat chamber of commerce and industry. 2)In the bottom picture from right K H Patel, Chairman, Gujarat state NRG foundation Center,Ahmadabad, Bimal Parikh, President Gujarat chamber of commerce and industry, and Pankaj Kumar, IAS, Chairman, Gujarat state non resident Gujarati's foundation)

                                                                                                          Gujarati are spreaded all over world  but they are  most welcomed in Gujarat with recognition. It is said  among the Indian origin  abroad the Gujarati community is having 25% share . It is also reported that people of Indian origin are remitting the highest amount to of foreign remittances to India. The Gujarati are one of the richest community in the world. Therefore Gujarat government is actively seeking their investment and sharing their experiences in the development of the state. The chief minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi is the inspiring force in this endevour.
                                                            The Gujarat state Non Resident Gujarati Foundation  is issuing Gujarat Card to NRG/NRI Gujarati for recognizing them and giving them discount in the fields of  Tours/Travel,Jewelry, Show Room, Hotels,  Books/ Periodical,  Hand loom/Handicraft product,  Hospital/ Healthcare. The foundation also gives services  in the fields of Real Estate,Visa, Banking/Insurance  and even  extend police services.
                                                           It was a pleasure to attend the some of the seminars arranged by NRG foundation Center,Ahmadabad regarding NRI marriages. In the said  seminar the  number of cases of NRI marriages which had come in to trouble were reported. The booklets regarding  precautions is to be taken in case of NRI marriages were distributed..
                                                          It was also proud privilege to attend recent seminar on Gujarat State card on 28/10/13  which was organized by NRG Foundation Center Ahmadabad. The main objective was to  increase membership of  Gujarat State NRG Card and to give more facilities to card holders i.e Registering and Approving more and more commercial Establishments on NRG Card.
                                        It is reported that  there are 15000 Gujarat State NRG Card holders and 200 Establishments are attached with the same. There is a vast potentialities to further expands the operation of Gujarat NRG Card. The meeting was attended by Eminent personalities from  Trade/ Industry, NRI and Media. The meeting was presided over by Pankaj Kumar, IAS, Chairman of ' The Gujarat State Non Gujarati Foundation .
                                      The several suggestions were made to make Gujarat State Non Resident Gujarati Card. 1)The the Logo of the 'Gujarat State Non Resident Gujarati Card may be exhibited on all approved Establishments. 2) To simplify  the Procedure for issuance of Non Resident Gujarati Card. The Separate  discount facilities in health care sector i.e. Regarding Hospital and Medicine Charges. The legal and financial services in respect of Real Estate, Banking can also further bring the considerable amount of investment in Gujarat.
                                       The number of 15000 Card holders are very negligible in the context of the 60,00000  Non Resident Gujarati  Abroad. Therefore the increase of liaison with Gujarati Community abroad can be done through Eminent Gujaratis or through all Gujarati organizations abroad.  It may be done through government organizations abroad. However The non resident Gujarat card for NRG/NRI is very attractive which should be accepted  all Gujarati living abroad in order to develop close relationship with Mother state.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Karma Yoga


                                                                                    Krishna had very hard time to explain  Arjuna about the karma Yoga. He was very much confused with the Illusion and Desire. However Krishna told  Arjuna that people whom you are going to kill in the war are already dead and you  are going to be only instrument in the process . He also added that God does not take any credit for doing karma. Therefore you will get all credits in this world. Besides that you should do your karma and do not think about the end result of  war.  This shows that  God  always take care of  all actions which may be good or  bad.
                              However there are three types of karmas i.e. One is karma is done in Routine,  Second one is  Positive and the last one is Negative. The ordinary people do certain thing without knowing the consequences. The Kaurava were doing all karmas in negative manner. Duryodhan use to say that he knows what is right?  But  can not put into practice'.  However it appears he was very much use to practice wrong. Therefore he was always doing negative karma. while Pandavas were always positive and were doing positive karma under guidance Krishna. This is all worldly karmas.
                             However Krishna also talked in Gita about karma which release your soul from worldly thing and take you the path of knowledge and realization. In such process your soul comes out of all dirt and become clean.  There are many ways  by which path of knowledge/ realization is being achieved.  It is known as Yagna i.e.A means to seek Gyaan. Some  are doing through Prayers, or through Distributing Wealth to Needy or By controlling  Senses, or by Doing Penance. It makes soul clean and  makes one immune of all desire, jealousy and ego. It also makes it easy to reach near goal.  The supreme knowledge is the stage when one gets release of all doubts and everything is being selflessly done for others. That is a meaning of  'Bharat' in Sanskrit i.e Knowledge with Light.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Non Resident Indian- Related

                                                                                                                The good  numbers of Indians are settle down  abroad and good number of young Indians also wants settle down abroad in search of  promising opportunities.  It has created lot of craze among young generation. One of the social workers who is running the school of good standard in the district town was telling me that ' It is really a craze among
parents to send their children abroad for higher studies and for better opportunities. She said when  asked my students the majority of said they would like to go abroad for good i.e. USA,UK, Australia Newzeland and other countries. It is alarming craze in the sense that it is being done in reckless manner and that too without being giving proper thought to the opportunities available abroad. Besides that even lots of opportunities are now available in the India for educated youngsters in the terms of  opportunities. Therefore the craze for foreign education should not be that much acute as use to be.  There are instances wherein  several universities at abroad were compelled to close due to some types of scandals or irregularities. The good numbers of Indian students were made to suffer thereon. The proper verification regarding the credential of university has to be verified before taking admission. This-one of the sector in which Indians have to take care.
                                                           The another field is marriage wherein young boys and girls suffers in  'NRI' marriages. The Indian parents some time think that their girl will be happy by getting bridegroom from Abroad. Some time they are misguided by alleged talk regarding the comforts and money the 'NRIs' earned. They also think that once their daughter reaches abroad they have not to bother about  her welfare. However it is also not crime to think the welfare of children but it is grave mistake to get married daughter in hurry without verifying the credentials of bridegroom. It is also vise verse in the case of 'NRI' boy marring Indian girl. The  bad cases have also have taken place on this side even,
                                                         However recently  attended the seminar on  'Marriage- Indian with 'NRI'. It was organized by 'Non Gujarati Foundation'(Affiliated to Gujarat Government) at Ahmadabad. They translated the booklet in the Gujarati which is being  published by The Government of India. It educates the concerned people. The booklet also contains some of the factors where people has to take care before they arrange marriage with 'NRI' candidate. The some of the  precautions given here below. It may help to avoid lots of miseries in case of marriages to 'NRI'.
1) To Examine the Visa and Passport
2) To Examine  the Voter and Alien Registration Card
3) To Examine the  ' Social Security Card
4)  To Examine the Income Tax returns of the previous Three Years
5) The papers of Bank Accounts
6)The Documents relating to all Assets.
                                                           Besides that it is also necessary to check that 1) Wether candidate is Married, or divorced,or  is separated from the spouse.2)The details regarding Job including Designation/Salary/ Address of employment /The position regarding immigration and his ability to take his spouse abroad/To check the financial position/To check whether there is any Criminal record/The family background/The Address and Details regarding the Assets Claimed.
                                                        These are some of the matters which should be examined in detail for the safety of people concerned. This is  to help the people who enters in 'NRI' Marriage.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Leader and Actor

                                                                                    Leaders and Actors are always born but both are professionally very close to each other. Leaders  and actors both  reach to celebrities status and have to generally play on the  emotions of the masses. They both are always under tension in order to maintain their status.
                                               Their lives are  always exposed to public and nothing in their lives remains personal. Besides that their success depends upon on their Body Language. They both lives in the high society so that some time their lives get mixed up with unreal, unpractical and illegitimate relationship. In short some time they do not have their personal life. However if they can keep their personal lives separate from professional lives than they can be at peace. There are exceptions but that does not prove the rule.
                                                The success of leader  depends upon his Oratory power, Emotional touch and  in his Clear cut goal.  Narendra Mody has become popular among youth by his oratory power and emotional approach. He said' He is a Hidu Rashtrawadi'.  It is a entirely new phrase but it may have appealed the people to raise their patriotism. He said more 'Toilate then Temple'. He tried to emotionally  touch the more then 50% of Indian population who are deprived of Toilate facilities. Besides that Rahul Gandhi's  burst out on the recent ordinance that ' It deserved to be torned and to throw away in waste paper basket. This is clear emotional touch to the opinion of majority people of India who are against it. The ordinance was supposed to protect Criminals in politics. That was done in very sensational way to touch the opinion of masses.
                                                Hence time, words, and its delivery are very important for the success of leadership. The film actor  late Rajkumar was very successful actor on the account of forceful delivery of his  dialogs and its emotional effect on the people.
                                                  Sometime actors are supposed slip in wrong relationship  as they are living glamorous world. Raj Kapoor, Dilipkumar, Salmankhan, are the instances even though they had or having their personal life and family. The leader are also not immune of such instances. Jawahwerlal Nehru was reported to be connected to many ladies as he was very romantic and emotional. Bill Clinton, Former President of America, Late Krishna Menon, Narayandatt Tiwari are the examples who were involved in sex Scandals. It is reported even mahatma Gandhi had a platonic love with niece of Ravindranath Tagore.  Some of the relationship may be considered indiscretion but it is part of leaders and actors lives.
                                                Therefore it is observed that some time leader behaves like actor and some time actor also become leader. This is because they are the two sides coins. But the 'Masses' which is the common factor in the both.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What Mahatma Gandhi meant by real Freedom.



We had achieved independence on 15th August 1947 but we are still not independent by mind. The poison of slavery is still we are carrying in our mind i.e. Everything is superior than Ours.
                                                                      Gandhiji was not much happy when we achieved independence because it was achieved  without individual self discipline i.e. of Mind and Body. The  freedom has no meaning  without responsible self control. Gandhiji said that  by ruling with majority rule but without the power of people to mend it is not the freedom in the real sense. In short the power of people to control the misrule can only bring the advantage of freedom. Therefore the good rule will always depend upon the power of individual, society and people.
                                                                      Mahatma Gandhi was against the Government control and had also shown his displeasure towards people depending upon the government for  each and every matter. He said freedom suppose to preserve our culture.  Besides that all new things should come up from our land  so that we can return the things which we borrowed from  outside. That will be  the fruits of real freedom.  The freedom can be preserved when majority people are patriot and believes that country  interest is their interest. The freedom is the rule of majority and if majority is selfish and corrupt then there will be chaos.
                                                                           Gandhiji had a dream that free India will be above  the discrimination based on religion/cast, educated/ uneducated, rich and poor. He was for rule of people with observance of high values and rule of  law. His ideal freedom is that common men  should get all minimum requirements. He believed that if there is a unity of purpose then people can make effect on the people who are in power. One can enjoy the right but without harming the others. That is the real meaning of freedom.
(2nd October is the Birth anniversary of father of the nation. India is in bad shape as we have diverted from his ideals. We can pay him our best tribute by making efforts to follow him.)
