Thursday, May 23, 2013

Buddha and Buddhism
                                                          It is reported that Hong Kong  and South Korea  had observed National Holiday on the Birth Day of Buddha on 17 Th May 2013.  It is surprising that India where Buddha was born and spreaded his message is not observing it as Holiday. Even the exact Birthday of Buddha is  also mystery.  However one thing is certain that Buddha was born(i.e.About 2500 Years Before) in the month of May at Lambini, Kapilvasthu. He also got realization at Buddha Gaya , Bihar.
                                                           Buddha message has some background of Hindu philosophy i.e. It preaches renunciation instead of severer asceticism. It was a time when Indian people were more attracted towards Buddhism and most of them were observing Buddhism including all kings. Adi Shankracharya took the challenge to convince the Indian people that there is not much new in Buddhism than Hinduism. He had discussion  for several days on the important religious topics with  then top Buddhist Monks at Kashi.  He defeated them in the discussion and that  is how Hinduism survived in India. In short Adi Shankeracharya was savior of Hindu religion as he established four pith from north to south and east to west  for propagating Hindu philosophy.
                                                            Which factors had attracted Buddhism? Buddhism had  invited Noble to Sweeper including Outcast  People to join it when Hinduism was suffering with acute Cast War. Besides that Buddhism was for  Karuna/Sympathy , Love, and Tolerance.
                                                             Buddha believed that silence is the best weapons to deal with your enemies.  He had sympathy for fallen people. One of the beautiful prostitutes was in love with him but he ignored her.  However he personally went to her and looked after her when she was old and suffering from deadly disease. Once he was asked what did he achieved  out of  all penance and suffering that he had  gone through? He replied with smiling face " I have achieved nothing but  have Peace and pleasure." It shows he was humble who had crushed his ego completely.
                                               Buddha's message is clear-
                                              -The suffering is  an ingrained part of existence
                                              - To have right intention
                                              - To have right way of  speech
                                              - To have right action
                                              - To make right efforts
                                              - To have right mindfulness
                                              - To have concentration at right place.
                                              - To carry right view
                                                           However he cautioned against Kama, Maya(Attachment), Thirst/Hunger, Craving, Fear, Doubt, and  Rigidity.
                                                           The Buddhism is spreaded very well in South East Asia including China,Japan Korea and  carried the message of Indian philosophy. We can find the family System, and Moral/Religious values, are high on those countries. It has also helped to strengthen the fiber of those countries. They are grateful to the great son of India( i.e. \Buddha) who has shown them a path of happy life.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rape- The hot topic
                                                             There were lots of protest all over India for the bus gang rape at   New  Delhi. Thereafter media has become more active and now  they are reporting regarding other  gang rapes or minor girl rapes very prominently.
                                                           . Rape is very controversial subject and  it is also being seen with very much contempt. However it is very difficult to prove Rape unless there are enough specific evidence. One of the recent cases in ‘UK’  it was proved that  it was not rape but it was case of consent by both the parties. The accused was  acquitted. It was case where defence used its all tricks to get out of Rape case.
                                                            Besides that it is usually understood that Rape is done by men only. It may not be so in all the cases. There are cases where women had seduced the man and compelling him to perform inappropriate things. In Indian ancient story wherein Rishi Vishwamitra was seduced by Menka.
                                                           It is not that Rapes are taking place more now than in the past.i.e. The every war brought  thousands and lac of Rapes in the world. It can be also described  that women are treated very badly by men folk in their weak moments. However Rapes cases were not reported much in the past because of lack of communication system. We have now Radio, TV, and Newspapers which reports the cases very fast.
                                                           It is also not fact that it happens only in uneducated countries and uncultured societies. It is reported that in India every 22 minutes one Rape case takes  place while in educated and advance country like America it takes place one Rape Case at every two minutes.
                                                          Besides that if,  there is lots of sex starving people, than such incidents are going to happen more and more.  The  incidents are more exposed if moral sense is high in the society. This is because in advance country sometime  even minor girls are giving birth to child which are orphans. Some cases it may be out of Rapes during the unguarded moments. It is unfortunate but state has to make arrangements for ‘Day Care Center’ in order that those mothers get ahead in life.  The proved cases only culprit are punished otherwise it is liabilities for state and society.
                                                         It is absolutely necessary to punished the guilty with deterrent punishment  who forcibly plan Rape. However  Rapes cases can be  reduced considerably with the collective efforts of State, Society and People. i.e. Including Men and Women.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My  Mother- Mother Day '12 Th May 2013'
                                                                 My mother died long back  but still  miss her. In the time of stress and strain and pain always remind me her and unconsciously in loud voice I shout 'Oh Mom'. I do not not know why it happens as she is no more? It is just like a child psychology calling for sympathy from mother. This shows  mother and her children relations are always same through out life i.e. whether you are grown up or child.
                                                                 My mother was fountain of love and was always sympathetic to me in the time of  suffering.  I was very mischievous in childhood and use to make lots fun of my younger brother / sisters. However apparently was very calm and peaceful and doing every thing secretly without knowledge of others. She knew my nature very well and use to punish me for doing the same. However in process her heart was crying as I was physically very weak then.
                                                                She was not much educated but use to speak few sentences of English very fluently i.e. 'I do not like your habit' or 'You will face the consequences. ' We brothers/ sisters use to enjoy those rare English utterances.
                                                                My father was very strict in discipline, and money matters. However my mother was  considerate in certain matters towards us . My father believed that children are spoiled by giving  money.  Therefore my father was very strict on money matters but mother use to be  lenient. We use to move around father to get pocket money but he use to make it difficult. It was mother only who was our savior in such difficult situation. She use to watch every thing minutely around her even though she was very much busy with her routine work. She use to see that father pass on  reasonable pocket money smoothly.
                                                               She never spend anything for her but use to spend for us in order that we are not deprived of the best of the things. She was river of sacrifice from where all  pleasures of our life came.
                                                              We had very big family and father use to be very busy with his work but mother us to look after our educational progress. I can say that father use to look at our annual result but mother was guardian of our day to day progress. We had Several Doctors, Engineers, Banker and Business Management consultant  in our family because of her lots of efforts and sacrifice.
                                                               She was very self respecting woman and never bow down before anybody. She lived her life according to her own way. She died also according to her will. She was traditional mother and came to stay with me in her last days. She shared her all life experiences with me in order to enriched me.
                                                               My mother is gone. She is no more with me. However she still lives in my Heart.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Where We are Heading?
                                                                     The movement of same Sex marriage had divided the society vertically  It has made the position of Churches and religions very much  compromising. The British government is on the verge of recognizing the Gay marriages which has also divided conservative party of Britain  The American President Barack Obama has also endorsed the Gay Marriage. It may be political compulsion for vote bank but it is going to create lot of division in the society.The church is the greatest protester of legalizing the Gay marriages. The legalizing the Gay marriages will also create judicial problems for churches in case they refuse to perform their marriages. The ten states in America have already legalized the Gay marriages. Even three native Indian Tribes in America have  recognized Gay marriages  It covers the 16 1/2% population of America. It is going to bring the  changes in the society  and  do not know where it will end.
                                   Similarly even the Drug war is creating lot of violence and  is becoming very expensive. The influential and Entertainment industry is also pleading for legalizing soft Drugs i.e. Marijuana. Besides that there is good profit in marketing such drugs. The pharmaceutical Industries can also produce such soft Entertaining Drugs under different names.The 19 American states have legalized the Marijuana. The such Drug may also increase the violence and  crime.
                                    The legal approval of such drugs will take society to travel in Horror.
It is to be seen now that what Heritage we are going to leave for our future Generation? i.e. Horror and Violence.