Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sardar  Patel  and Jawaherlal Nehru
                                                                                                                 We have seen that in this December 2013  the death anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai was celebrated by  two types of people one who really admires him and another one who wants to exploit his name for their own interest. Besides that any leader who wants to glorifies him will put Sardar against his name without knowing what Sardar stood for. His opponent says he was communal that is only to maline him without knowing that he was loyal to India and  was for people who are loyal to India. There are instances where Sardar helped Muslims out of way. There was a Muslim state of Sachin.(i.e. Situated near Surat ) Begum of Sachin was in financial difficulties during the integration of Native States. He helped her financially from his own money. She wanted to return the said money to Sardar afterwards. However he refused to take back money stating that 'I will not take back money which was  given to my sister'. This shows he was not communal at all.
                                                 While Jawaherlal Nehru was very temperamental and use to lose his temper at any time. Nehru had more exposure to international issues as he was educated in London and use to visit Switzerland and foreign countries during the grave illness of his wife. He was more scared of international reaction for handling of any problem faced by India. Hence he was not practical. He was also ambitious for becoming international  leader where by he overlooked some time the interest of India.  He did made mistakes in handling the international problems faced by India after independence. However nobody can doubt his patriotism.
                                                 There were common thing between Sardar and Nehru i.e.Patriotism and respect for their mentor Mahatma Gandhi.Nehru entirely differed with Gandhiji on policy matters but Sardar was with Gandhiji on  most of his Ideology. Nehru threatened Gandhji to divide congress if he is not made Prime minister of India while Sardar  gave up his genuine right for Prime Minister position as directed by Mahatma Gandhi. Nehru  encouraged Nehru dynasty by installing Indira Gandhi as congress president in his life time(i.e. to become prime minister of india ultimately). We do not know where the democrat Nehru was lost then. while Sardar kept all his close relative away from taking any advantage of his position. He even disconnected his relation with his only son in order to stop him for taking advantage of his position.
                                             Sardar was very generous towards the weaknesses of Nehru  and he always praised him positively. He wrote in the  souvenir which was published on the 60 Th Birthday of Jawaherlal Nehru as under" Nehru has highly explosive temper due to his dislikes for reducing the delay in the work. Besides that his volatile nature was also helpful against laziness and inordinate delay. He further added that Jawaher mood goes on changing from childish to mature person.  However he is always ready to accept any thing new even if it is against his nature"
                                            Jawaherlal Nehru also gave a glaring tribute to Sardar on his 75 Th birthday of  in following words. i.e. on 31st October 1950 "I have close connection with Sardar since 30 years and both us have seen ups and down with great events. Sardar Patel has come out of those critical problems with very strong personality. I  have also seen that lots of people are seeking his guidance on various types of problems. I wish he maintains his heath and continue to do so for years.
                                               You will rarely find such great leaders with different views,  Natures and out looks can work to gather for several decades that too with tremendous respect for each other. It may be due to the great personality like Mahatma Gandhi.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Anna Hazare factor
                                                                                                                                  The Father of Indian constitution Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar said that "One can form the best  constitution  but it depend upon the people who are going to handle it " Indian politicians proved  that how one can dismantle all constitutional institutions and amended the constitution for 92 times so far. While the American constitution which is about 200 years is not even amended half of it number.
                                                         It is unfortunate that Indian politicians has been using and twisting the constitution for their own interest. They have mishandled Executive, Judiciary and administrative machinery for their wasted interest.  They have even not spared election commission by appointing their own nominees.
 Therefore all system has been failing and people do not have any avenues to settle their complains. Under the circumstances the Hazare factor has come up to rectify the failing system. Nobody can question the sincerity and honesty of Anna Hazare but politicians are failing him  by doing political manipulations. In the process the people of India is completely depressed and frustrated. We do not know How, When,and in Which form that dissatisfaction will blow out. Nobody will be able to handle such situation then and it will lead to chaos only. Therefore Anna factor is the symbol of signal for such unwanted situation.
Anna Hazare went on fast for so many times to improve the situation but every time he was deceived and cheated by falls promises. It is surprising that even people from his own group also came out as a opportunity seeker for power and position. The enemy of Anna also  came out with suggestion that he should go for forming party  instead of going on fast. This was only to divert the main issues including corruption. However some people left the Anna in order to form the party( i.e. Aam Admi Party) in order to get political power for bringing reforms in the system. However it is time consuming process. meanwhile poor masses of India is suffering due to inflation, unemployment, corruption, and inefficient administration.
                                                      We do not find any solutions of all those grave problems in near future as the trek records of most of the existing political parties are not satisfactory. However meanwhile we can pray for our country and support all those factors like Anna Hazare which mean good of Indian people.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nelson Mandela
                                                                                                                               The great South African leader Nelson Mandela was born on 18th July 1918 and died very recently on 5th December 2013.  His Memorial service was attended by 100 leaders of the various Countries in Johannesburg, South Africa. The president of America Barrack Obama along with Former Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton. It shows the respect he carried through out world. He was awarded several awards from the world including 'Noble Prize' and ' Bharat Ratna' from India.
                                                      He struggled through out his life against racial discrimination policy of South African government for which he was imprisoned for about 27 years. However his agitation brought the concluding result and the racist South African government was demolished. Hence he became messiah of black people who were suppressed for years to gather. However he never kept any bitterness against white people.
 He became the president of South Africa in 1994. His biography 'Long Walk to Freedom' is very interesting book with his experiences during the struggle. He was also inspired by Non Violence Independence struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi. He rightly said  to India that' You sent us Mohanlal Karamchand Gandhi and we returned you Mahatma Gandhi. This shows that he was caring the great respect for Mahatma Gandhi.                      
He was totally fearless leader he said'The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,but he who conquers that fear'  He was against racist policy and racialism. He declared that ' I detest racialism because I regard it is a Barbaric thing, whether it comes from black man or white man.' This also shows that he was against all type of suppression and discrimination. His death is the great loss to the downtrodden and suppressed people.


Friday, December 6, 2013


                                                                                                               Women plays very important role in the world. They as a mother, sister and wife are very important in once life. The Hindu philosophy has given eminent position to the women in the society. It is said that' God is always there wherever women are respected'.
                                                  However there are instances where women are being suppressed, exploited and humiliated. The great wars had taken place on account of women and the major conflicts are also solved by them due to their Appeal. Some people consider them to be weak gender physically but they have proved very powerful in the end.
                                                They have been the causes of downfall of  many powerful men. The american president Bill Clinton came into trouble because of his affairs with one of the interns in the white house. The most powerful Editor in Chief of 'Tehelka' has recently come in trouble because of his sexual misbehavior with one of his female employees. Justice A K Ganguli the  former judge of supreme court is also in trouble because of sexual misbehavior with his lady intern. This is not happening in present day only. The 'Mahabharata' took place because of 'Draupadi'. The men generally under estimate them and come into trouble. The question arises how they have to be tacked in positive manner for the betterment of society and country.

The woman
The woman always creates something out of nothing
Like creating beautiful  garden  where there is nothing
When every thing is trembling and no way is being seen
It is woman who stands like rock to make every thing fine
The woman--
It is woman who built up family where one finds several cracks
She  acts then as a Mother or Sister or Wife on such a difficult track
It is a woman who creates happy, healthy and one family
which makes one home heaven out of different types of people
The woman--
She wins the hearts of family members
Through food of  various taste and types
That is a woman who creates something out of nothing
Like creating beautiful garden where there is nothing
Bharat Desai
                                   Hence why not respect them instead humiliating them.  It is a matter of wisdom to take their  help to build up society and nation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Beauty of  Switzerland
                                                                                    The Switzerland is the most beautiful country in the Europe. God has gifted it with all natural beauty. The rural side is absolutely like Heaven. The green meadows and icy peaks thereon are like ornaments. One must visit Switzerland once in life time to enjoy Heaven on earth.
What is that heaven?

Switz beauty of Nature
The Icy mountains are very glamorous
Like God wearing the crown full of  diamonds
The Green grasses are spreaded  in the Valley
Like beautiful green  dress, God wearing around
The Icy --
The tiny villages in the valley and small houses therein
The cattle herds are moving on those grassy fields
That beauty makes the worldly Heaven  thereon
which fills up the heart with joy of every one
The Icy--
That  beauty and sight  no body can  forget
which is being carried permanently  in  their  Heart
The Icy--
Bharat Desai

Monday, November 11, 2013

Central Bureau of Investigation

                                                 It is a agency of Indian Government  on the line of 'CIA' or 'FBI'.  However it has become very much controversial as the most of the Indian  government have been using  it as a tool to handle their political rivals.  In the process agency is cutting sorry figure before public. The director of the CBI has indirectly  urged supreme court of India to direct government to give it a independent status.
                                               However it is very difficult  for Indian government as they will have to pass bill in parliament where all wasted interest will opposed it. However recently Assam High Court  held that 'CBI' is a unconstitutional agency. The said judgement  has put the government of India  into very embarrassing position. The several cases are pending in the court  and due to above decision the all culprits will have free hand. Therefore government has to rush  to Supreme Court for obtaining stay order on the said judgement.  It is a high  time that 'CBI ' gets independent constitution identity.
                                               The boffor's kickback case is one of the instances where 'CBI'  created sorry figures due to political maneuvering and pressure. The agency is not to be blamed as they are some time helpless due to governmental and political pressure.
                                               Besides that ' CBI 'has root in the unpopular British rule Agency named  'The Special Police Establishment Agency' which was very much used by British Ruler against freedom fighters. Sardar Patel was also was very much against the said agency. it was more or less dismantled after independence but latter on was revived with the same provisions under the name of central bureau of investigation.

                                               The 'CBI' credibility is already being questioned  in the cases like 'Jain Hawala Case'  Bhopal  Gas( Relating to Union Carbide) Case, Zarkhand Bribe Case, Lakhubhai Pathak Case etc. Hence any Agency having Wide powers and that too without constitutional authority is not desirable. Therefor it is very much necessary now that 'CBI' is made constitutionally approved authority with Independent status.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Gujarat State Card For NRG/NRI

                                                                                                              (In the above pictures from  top 1) In the seminar Hall at Gujarat chamber of commerce and industry. 2)In the bottom picture from right K H Patel, Chairman, Gujarat state NRG foundation Center,Ahmadabad, Bimal Parikh, President Gujarat chamber of commerce and industry, and Pankaj Kumar, IAS, Chairman, Gujarat state non resident Gujarati's foundation)

                                                                                                          Gujarati are spreaded all over world  but they are  most welcomed in Gujarat with recognition. It is said  among the Indian origin  abroad the Gujarati community is having 25% share . It is also reported that people of Indian origin are remitting the highest amount to of foreign remittances to India. The Gujarati are one of the richest community in the world. Therefore Gujarat government is actively seeking their investment and sharing their experiences in the development of the state. The chief minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi is the inspiring force in this endevour.
                                                            The Gujarat state Non Resident Gujarati Foundation  is issuing Gujarat Card to NRG/NRI Gujarati for recognizing them and giving them discount in the fields of  Tours/Travel,Jewelry, Show Room, Hotels,  Books/ Periodical,  Hand loom/Handicraft product,  Hospital/ Healthcare. The foundation also gives services  in the fields of Real Estate,Visa, Banking/Insurance  and even  extend police services.
                                                           It was a pleasure to attend the some of the seminars arranged by NRG foundation Center,Ahmadabad regarding NRI marriages. In the said  seminar the  number of cases of NRI marriages which had come in to trouble were reported. The booklets regarding  precautions is to be taken in case of NRI marriages were distributed..
                                                          It was also proud privilege to attend recent seminar on Gujarat State card on 28/10/13  which was organized by NRG Foundation Center Ahmadabad. The main objective was to  increase membership of  Gujarat State NRG Card and to give more facilities to card holders i.e Registering and Approving more and more commercial Establishments on NRG Card.
                                        It is reported that  there are 15000 Gujarat State NRG Card holders and 200 Establishments are attached with the same. There is a vast potentialities to further expands the operation of Gujarat NRG Card. The meeting was attended by Eminent personalities from  Trade/ Industry, NRI and Media. The meeting was presided over by Pankaj Kumar, IAS, Chairman of ' The Gujarat State Non Gujarati Foundation .
                                      The several suggestions were made to make Gujarat State Non Resident Gujarati Card. 1)The the Logo of the 'Gujarat State Non Resident Gujarati Card may be exhibited on all approved Establishments. 2) To simplify  the Procedure for issuance of Non Resident Gujarati Card. The Separate  discount facilities in health care sector i.e. Regarding Hospital and Medicine Charges. The legal and financial services in respect of Real Estate, Banking can also further bring the considerable amount of investment in Gujarat.
                                       The number of 15000 Card holders are very negligible in the context of the 60,00000  Non Resident Gujarati  Abroad. Therefore the increase of liaison with Gujarati Community abroad can be done through Eminent Gujaratis or through all Gujarati organizations abroad.  It may be done through government organizations abroad. However The non resident Gujarat card for NRG/NRI is very attractive which should be accepted  all Gujarati living abroad in order to develop close relationship with Mother state.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Karma Yoga


                                                                                    Krishna had very hard time to explain  Arjuna about the karma Yoga. He was very much confused with the Illusion and Desire. However Krishna told  Arjuna that people whom you are going to kill in the war are already dead and you  are going to be only instrument in the process . He also added that God does not take any credit for doing karma. Therefore you will get all credits in this world. Besides that you should do your karma and do not think about the end result of  war.  This shows that  God  always take care of  all actions which may be good or  bad.
                              However there are three types of karmas i.e. One is karma is done in Routine,  Second one is  Positive and the last one is Negative. The ordinary people do certain thing without knowing the consequences. The Kaurava were doing all karmas in negative manner. Duryodhan use to say that he knows what is right?  But  can not put into practice'.  However it appears he was very much use to practice wrong. Therefore he was always doing negative karma. while Pandavas were always positive and were doing positive karma under guidance Krishna. This is all worldly karmas.
                             However Krishna also talked in Gita about karma which release your soul from worldly thing and take you the path of knowledge and realization. In such process your soul comes out of all dirt and become clean.  There are many ways  by which path of knowledge/ realization is being achieved.  It is known as Yagna i.e.A means to seek Gyaan. Some  are doing through Prayers, or through Distributing Wealth to Needy or By controlling  Senses, or by Doing Penance. It makes soul clean and  makes one immune of all desire, jealousy and ego. It also makes it easy to reach near goal.  The supreme knowledge is the stage when one gets release of all doubts and everything is being selflessly done for others. That is a meaning of  'Bharat' in Sanskrit i.e Knowledge with Light.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Non Resident Indian- Related

                                                                                                                The good  numbers of Indians are settle down  abroad and good number of young Indians also wants settle down abroad in search of  promising opportunities.  It has created lot of craze among young generation. One of the social workers who is running the school of good standard in the district town was telling me that ' It is really a craze among
parents to send their children abroad for higher studies and for better opportunities. She said when  asked my students the majority of said they would like to go abroad for good i.e. USA,UK, Australia Newzeland and other countries. It is alarming craze in the sense that it is being done in reckless manner and that too without being giving proper thought to the opportunities available abroad. Besides that even lots of opportunities are now available in the India for educated youngsters in the terms of  opportunities. Therefore the craze for foreign education should not be that much acute as use to be.  There are instances wherein  several universities at abroad were compelled to close due to some types of scandals or irregularities. The good numbers of Indian students were made to suffer thereon. The proper verification regarding the credential of university has to be verified before taking admission. This-one of the sector in which Indians have to take care.
                                                           The another field is marriage wherein young boys and girls suffers in  'NRI' marriages. The Indian parents some time think that their girl will be happy by getting bridegroom from Abroad. Some time they are misguided by alleged talk regarding the comforts and money the 'NRIs' earned. They also think that once their daughter reaches abroad they have not to bother about  her welfare. However it is also not crime to think the welfare of children but it is grave mistake to get married daughter in hurry without verifying the credentials of bridegroom. It is also vise verse in the case of 'NRI' boy marring Indian girl. The  bad cases have also have taken place on this side even,
                                                         However recently  attended the seminar on  'Marriage- Indian with 'NRI'. It was organized by 'Non Gujarati Foundation'(Affiliated to Gujarat Government) at Ahmadabad. They translated the booklet in the Gujarati which is being  published by The Government of India. It educates the concerned people. The booklet also contains some of the factors where people has to take care before they arrange marriage with 'NRI' candidate. The some of the  precautions given here below. It may help to avoid lots of miseries in case of marriages to 'NRI'.
1) To Examine the Visa and Passport
2) To Examine  the Voter and Alien Registration Card
3) To Examine the  ' Social Security Card
4)  To Examine the Income Tax returns of the previous Three Years
5) The papers of Bank Accounts
6)The Documents relating to all Assets.
                                                           Besides that it is also necessary to check that 1) Wether candidate is Married, or divorced,or  is separated from the spouse.2)The details regarding Job including Designation/Salary/ Address of employment /The position regarding immigration and his ability to take his spouse abroad/To check the financial position/To check whether there is any Criminal record/The family background/The Address and Details regarding the Assets Claimed.
                                                        These are some of the matters which should be examined in detail for the safety of people concerned. This is  to help the people who enters in 'NRI' Marriage.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Leader and Actor

                                                                                    Leaders and Actors are always born but both are professionally very close to each other. Leaders  and actors both  reach to celebrities status and have to generally play on the  emotions of the masses. They both are always under tension in order to maintain their status.
                                               Their lives are  always exposed to public and nothing in their lives remains personal. Besides that their success depends upon on their Body Language. They both lives in the high society so that some time their lives get mixed up with unreal, unpractical and illegitimate relationship. In short some time they do not have their personal life. However if they can keep their personal lives separate from professional lives than they can be at peace. There are exceptions but that does not prove the rule.
                                                The success of leader  depends upon his Oratory power, Emotional touch and  in his Clear cut goal.  Narendra Mody has become popular among youth by his oratory power and emotional approach. He said' He is a Hidu Rashtrawadi'.  It is a entirely new phrase but it may have appealed the people to raise their patriotism. He said more 'Toilate then Temple'. He tried to emotionally  touch the more then 50% of Indian population who are deprived of Toilate facilities. Besides that Rahul Gandhi's  burst out on the recent ordinance that ' It deserved to be torned and to throw away in waste paper basket. This is clear emotional touch to the opinion of majority people of India who are against it. The ordinance was supposed to protect Criminals in politics. That was done in very sensational way to touch the opinion of masses.
                                                Hence time, words, and its delivery are very important for the success of leadership. The film actor  late Rajkumar was very successful actor on the account of forceful delivery of his  dialogs and its emotional effect on the people.
                                                  Sometime actors are supposed slip in wrong relationship  as they are living glamorous world. Raj Kapoor, Dilipkumar, Salmankhan, are the instances even though they had or having their personal life and family. The leader are also not immune of such instances. Jawahwerlal Nehru was reported to be connected to many ladies as he was very romantic and emotional. Bill Clinton, Former President of America, Late Krishna Menon, Narayandatt Tiwari are the examples who were involved in sex Scandals. It is reported even mahatma Gandhi had a platonic love with niece of Ravindranath Tagore.  Some of the relationship may be considered indiscretion but it is part of leaders and actors lives.
                                                Therefore it is observed that some time leader behaves like actor and some time actor also become leader. This is because they are the two sides coins. But the 'Masses' which is the common factor in the both.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What Mahatma Gandhi meant by real Freedom.



We had achieved independence on 15th August 1947 but we are still not independent by mind. The poison of slavery is still we are carrying in our mind i.e. Everything is superior than Ours.
                                                                      Gandhiji was not much happy when we achieved independence because it was achieved  without individual self discipline i.e. of Mind and Body. The  freedom has no meaning  without responsible self control. Gandhiji said that  by ruling with majority rule but without the power of people to mend it is not the freedom in the real sense. In short the power of people to control the misrule can only bring the advantage of freedom. Therefore the good rule will always depend upon the power of individual, society and people.
                                                                      Mahatma Gandhi was against the Government control and had also shown his displeasure towards people depending upon the government for  each and every matter. He said freedom suppose to preserve our culture.  Besides that all new things should come up from our land  so that we can return the things which we borrowed from  outside. That will be  the fruits of real freedom.  The freedom can be preserved when majority people are patriot and believes that country  interest is their interest. The freedom is the rule of majority and if majority is selfish and corrupt then there will be chaos.
                                                                           Gandhiji had a dream that free India will be above  the discrimination based on religion/cast, educated/ uneducated, rich and poor. He was for rule of people with observance of high values and rule of  law. His ideal freedom is that common men  should get all minimum requirements. He believed that if there is a unity of purpose then people can make effect on the people who are in power. One can enjoy the right but without harming the others. That is the real meaning of freedom.
(2nd October is the Birth anniversary of father of the nation. India is in bad shape as we have diverted from his ideals. We can pay him our best tribute by making efforts to follow him.)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

American Economy and its Effect
                                                       Indian Rupee was showing down trend until now but it is getting stabilize after the decision of the American federal reserve.It is a relief for Indian economy which is suffering with inflation, the decreases of production and export. Its Current Account deficit is also going on increasing.
                                                      The Economist were  waiting for the American Federal Reserve decision  regarding the reduction of bond buying amount pm as american economy is improving.They expected that federal reserve may reduce the bond buying per month from 85 billion dollar to 60 billion dollar.
However federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke kept the stimulus on the same level..
                                                        American Federal Reserve may not have reduce the stimulus for reasons that GDP has increased from 2 to 2.3% instead of 2.3 to 2.6 %. The Real estate market has not yet stabilized and it may go for further correction. The worker participation for increasing the production  is not satisfactory.

                                                         The decision of American federal reserve have boosted other currencies against dollar and brought the life in world share market.  It is relief in world financial market but the Ben Bernanke is retiring in the January 2014. His successor may have to take unpleasant decision  as per the prevailing cicumtances then.

Friday, September 20, 2013

                                                                            Anger is the root cause of all problems in the world. Draupadi insulted Duryodhan which created Mahabharata under Anger. Manthara instigated Kaikaiya and out of anger the Ramayana took place. Hence the  war in the world and the petty quarrel in the family is being created by Anger.
                             Once person lose his temper and become angry  he does not know what he is speaking? or what he is doing? or what will be the consequences of the same? It is better not to do anything, or not to take any decision or not to speak when one is Angry. Anger sometime makes your best friend worst enemy.
Once the king of England killed his best friend bucket out of Anger and he repented for ever. Even Lord Siva killed his son Ganesh under Anger. Hence nobody is immune of the ugly effect of Anger
Therefore every religion has described the anger as a devil.
The Jainism call anger as a furious fire
while Islam described it as son of Satan
Bible  says it is a dangerous Volcano
and  Hinduism consider to be Hell
Therefore it is better to be away from it
to live better, peaceful and happy life.
Bharat Desai


Monday, September 9, 2013

The Scandals in Religion

                                                        The society always seek guidance from religion. Therefore religion and its leader should be role model for common man. However it is disturbing that some black patches are found in religious hierarchy. It was observed that several religious sex scandals  and mismanagement of religious institutions have come up wherein religious heads or institutions are involved.
                                                         The Rape cases  relating to Asharam Bapu and Swami Nityanand are the prominent among them. The kashiviswanath Temple of Kashi is one of the most prominent places of Hindu religion. kashipith head Rudranand Saraswati has been going on complaining regarding the large scale corruption prevailing in the management of the said Temple. He alleges that anarchy is prevailing in the management of temple due to vested interest. These all shows how moral values have gone down in the religious matters.
                                                       There are so many cases of child abuses and sex scandals by priest in Christian church that churches have now no funds to pay compensation. It is unfortunate that some time even ladies and children are not safe in the religious places.
                                                        It is said that once Pakistani Military Ruler Aahyakhan was black mailed by one of the Muslim Maulvis. He sent the video tapes of personal sex life of said Maulvi and he has to shut his mouth. This shows how religion and its leaders can impose the morality on society if they are themselves are not beyond doubt.
                                                     Hence no Religion can claim that  all their leaders are clean but it can at least handle such culprits in deterrent manner. Besides that even people has to deal with religious leader cautiously as they cannot taken granted beyond fault. It is the collective efforts of Religious institutions and people can only prevent such scandals.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Foreign Investment

                                     India has opened its market in 90 for foreign investments under liberalization policy. Liberalization has become more and more acceptable Policy after the fall of Russia.
                                        However it should depends upon the country and its economical  situation. That is how much market is to be opened for foreign investments. China is the unique example of  its liberalization policy. China's exports are on high side and world markets are flooded with chines goods. China has created free economic zones through which it tries to implement its own liberalization policy. They have refused to devalue its currency as that is not in their favor. They have even denied facilities to American companies wherein their interest is compromised. Chines are always reminding  America the economic fall of Russia  after political changes.  They are strictly following the economic policy of liberalization according to their own pattern. This is to be noted.
                                       In this century  no  country can think of colonizing the other country. However they can exploit the market of the country and remit the wealth through  trade. That is what is happening now.  the developed countries are exploiting the markets of upcoming countries. It is indirect way of taking the advantage of  market of underdeveloped countries. Therefore the total liberalization of trade can be between equals instead of stronger and weaker countries.
                                       Besides that liberalization of trade is good until its serve development purpose of the under developed countries. Hence each country has to follow the policy of liberalization which suits them. Otherwise it can become the dumping market of developed countries.
                                       India has opened its market up to limited extent and not made rupee convertible. However the experiences of some of the foreign companies are not good in india and  they were compelled to close their business accordingly. Even Big Mall projects are  not doing well as there millions of small traders who are doing business in Rural, Semi Urban, and Urban Areas. They are the sources of their self employments.
                                         Even some the foreign companies who are doing good business in India have not given much benefits to the Indian economy. The survey under taken of the 28 foreign  companies shows that  against their shares capital of 1954 crores of Rupees they are remitting in foreign currency Rupees 15638 crores.  It shows that it gives much advantage to foreign countries than Indian economy.The agreement between 'Mody Group of Industries' and German multinational Lufthansa has to be given up due to hidden conditions where Mody's where not comfortable. Therefore  India should proceed with liberalization with logic and reasoning instead of following it blindly.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Improving Economies of the world

                                                                         The Indian economy is on declining side but some of the countries  are making progress.  
                                                                   -Indonesia's GDP is on 6% while India's GDP remained on 51/2% during the year 2012 -2013. Indonesia's inflation rate is on 5.9%while India's inflation rate is on 9.64% at present.
                                                                   -Besides that China/Korea have increased their  shares by 30% in world market regarding  Diesel Engine,  Fire Crackers etc. This is being at the cost of India. China is putting cheap and attractive finished products in the market which does not requires any advertisement campaign. China's poverty rate was 35.6% in the year 1999 and was 11.6% in the year 2010 while India's poverty rate was 42.9% in the year 1999 while it was 21.9% in the year 2011. It shows that poverty is reducing faster in China then India. The Gap between Rich and Poor have increased by 6% between 1999 to 2010 in the China while it is  12% in the India during the same period. Hence poor are becoming more poor in the India. The Corrupt politicians are flourishing in India while they are executed in theChina.
                                                                  - The Norway is the best country to live where even Prime Minister moves as a Taxi Driver in order to Survey  the exact opinion of the people while Indian politicians are surrounded by commandos and unable to know the exact opinion of the people.
-The US Economy is also improving as the unemployment rate has gone down, The Real Estate Market is also improving. The US government has stop buying bonds from the open market which is making Dollar much stronger. Even the inflation rate is under control. That is a sign of improvement in the Economy. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Sex Crimes
                                                        The sex crime are on increasing side. It may be because of lack of proper security and lack of sex education. Besides that with the change of economic conditions the women are more out for career. In some of the countries  the isolation has also increased on the name of freedom and privacy. The women has also become more fashion conscious and started exposing themselves more and more in order to be more  attractive.
                                                                              It is observed that more and more gang rapes  are taking place in the isolated and late evening time. The Delhi Gang Rape had set on fire the public opinion. The government is trying to control the sex crime but they are on increasing side. Even very recently the gang rape took place in city like Mumbai.
                                                                            It is to be seen the sex crimes on the cultural point and  including prevailing conditions at various places. In the western countries the sex is very important subject in the  education system as young boys and girls are involved in sex at very early  stage. The  decease like aid has made people more conscious about safe sex. However still that much consciousness is not prevailing in backward and illiterate countries. The African  continent is badly affected by the Aid. This is because the lack of proper sex education among people. The sex starvation is also one of reasons for sex crime. This is because of prevailing social conditions and lack of proper knowledge.  This does not mean that sex crime are not there  in the countries which  are highly developed with good educative system. The rape rate is One for One Minute in USA while it is one rape at 23 minutes in India.
                                                                           The sex crime also  takes place due to isolated places and provocative situation.  It is also observed now days that religious heads are also involved in such crime . There are charges of sex crime on Saint like Nityanand from South and there are lots of sex scandals  related to different heads of the the different sects. In the western countries also some of the Fathers are involved in sex abuses cases and churches do not have money to pay compensations for those victims.
                                                                          It is a acute social problem with which enlightened  and backward societies are also suffering. It is not easy to dealt with sex crime where logic and reasoning does not work. The hard punishments are not reducing the rate of such crime.  Therefore it is necessity to work collectively and individually to reduce the Sex Crimes. The sex education can further exhilarate the process.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Latest from India-

                                 India is  celebrating its independence day to day with gloomy pictures around.
Financial Sector
- The people are suffering from heavy inflation of 5.79%. The prices of essential commodities like Vegetables, Food grains, Sugar, Oil, Petroleum products are going up. The onion price has gone up yearly basis by 145%
-The GDP growth is going down and it is expected to decline below 5%
-The Rupee is losing value and it has reached to low as 61.80. The foreign exchange reserve is also going down as current account deficit is increasing. The reserve bank has brought down under the liberalization remittances scheme from yearly $200000/- to $75000/- per year. Besides that import duties on precious metal like gold and silver are also increased.  This is only to save  the foreign exchange. This shows that finance sector is not doing well.
Political Sector
-India is on taking side on political level. Chines are crossing our border frequently. While Pakistan is braking the ceasefire several time. They have attacked our 16 border post and killed several our soldiers. This is because of soft peddling with them.
-The Terrorist are increasing their activities and Communal clashes are increasing.  The recent explosion related to naval submarine 'Sindhu Rakshak' at Mumbai has killed several naval officers and soldiers. It is also being investigated that whether it was a act of sabotage?
-The law and order situation is also deteriorating. The leadership inaction is appears to be creating demoralization among police and arm forces.
-The corruption is increasing with several scandals are coming on surface.
The young and dynamic  leadership is the only answer to all these problems. We have to wait for general election of 2014 which may bring some changes in the political field. Meanwhile we hope for the best.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

 Do we learn from our  Experiences?

                                                              I was once visiting temple and show that several beggars were begging outside. Thereafter I entered the  temple and  show that several  well to do persons of the town were praying God in same body language as beggar.  The beggar out side were begging for their existence while those rich were begging before God in temple to become more rich and comfortable. The difference is that some are begging outside openly while rich are begging in temple privately. We have to Judge who is real beggar?
                                                             One beggar had bitter experience of not getting anything when he sat out side Temple, Mosque, and Church which are generally visited by  Pious, Cultured, and well to do people. However he got lots of money when he sat out side the Bar which is  visited by drunkards. We have to  judge who are better persons?
                                                            There are bare truth of life which teaches lot of things.  where is friendship if friends are not frank to each other?  Sudama had asked Krishna what is friendships?
                                                             " You cannot create a friendship it happens natural way. Besides that in friendship selfishness has no place" replied Krishna. Therefore hide and seek game has no place in friendship.  That is a key for recognizing the true friend.
                                In short person can learn lots of things from his life experiences. There is no necessity to go for search of truth.
Where is love if you do not care?
where is hope if you do not believe?
where is life if you can not dream?
