Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Festival of Holi
The Indian festivals are always based on reason and logic. They are some time very scientific. Holi festival is celebrated following the arrival of spring in India. It is properly synchronized with the change of weather. Besides that it has also religious aspect behind the same.
It is said that Holica was evil woman and she was burn on that day. Therefore it represents the victory of virtues over evils. Besides that Holi also represent the change of weather for better. The campfire like atmospheres in every corner of Cities and Villages eliminate pollution and create a clean atmospheric conditions for the people
It is a festival wherein all relatives, friends, well wishers comes to gather and create a pleasant relationship. Its makes atmosphere colorful forgetting all illwill and bitterness. In short it cleans the heart of people and they enjoy to gather by mingling with each other freely.
In short it is a festival of love, friendship. Therefore Holi is celebrated all over India with color, music and feast. People have more practical reason to celebrate it then Religious.
Holi brings colors and flowers
and love of our nearest one
The Holi’s fire burns all evils here
To make this world lovable
It makes weather very beautiful
by cleaning the dirt here and there.
Therefore Holi is welcomed every where
and people enjoys it with lots of pleasure.
Holi brings colors and flowers
and love of our nearest one
Bharat Desai

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