Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Spring in now in full form. Every one gets fresh with the beautiful weather around. Even Health also improves in the pleasant weather of Spring. Most of poets are very much impressed with beauty of spring and gave the best poems regarding its beauty. Let us see what is there in the Spring which attracts Every one
The Spring
"The clouds are crystal clear
With attaining Navy blue color
The trees are beautiful and green
With colorful dancing flowers
We realize pleasant time has come
As spring is in full swing.
The birds are singing songs
And rivulets are playing divine music
The mountain peaks change its color
from Snowy white to dark green
That is time We realize
The springtime is everywhere.
The children are out in the parks
For enjoying carefree vacation
The air is fresh and weather is warm
The big smile on every face around
Then we ask why this celebration?
And we realize spring is around."

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