Sunday, February 26, 2012

President Day in America-20th February
The President Day is being observed in America on 20Th February every year. It is a Birthday of George Washington the first president of America.
The President of America is very powerful with wide powers. However his powers are balance by the Congress and Senate. The president elect will be the best available person in the country as he is being minutely filtered by Party and People. There are good instances in the American history for which every Americans can be proud of them.
The George Washington became the first president of America in the year 1789 after freeing the America from British colonial power. We can say that he led the American revolution of freedom. The 44Th President elected in 2008 is Barack Obama who is the first African American President. He had full filled the dream of Martin Luther King, Obama has proved by his policies that he is also dedicated to the welfare of middle class and lower class of society in America
However there are many presidents whose life and performances are worth noting. Abraham Lincoln rose from grass root level to the presidency of America. He has to lead the civil war in America for abolishing the slavery. His speech at Gettysburg is very famous wherein he addressed Americans that’ The four score and seven years ago our forefather brought on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created Equal’. He achieved his noble goal for which he has to sacrifice his life. His life was full of struggle He has to borrow 500 dollars for expenses to reach white house for his inauguration. He has to also struggle to become president. Once he was fighting the election for president and the news came that his mother was on death bed . He immediately winded up his campaign and went to mother who was dying. This was against the warning of his supporter that he may loose his election. This shows his golden heart. His famous letter to the principal of school where his son was studying. He wanted that his son should not be treated differently then other students. He also gave detail instructions how his son should be dealt with on various subjects.
Franklin Roosevelt who enjoyed four terms as president as a special case. It was he who dealt successfully with great depression of America. He was pioneer of various welfare scheme for America. Harry Truman who succeeded him also lead America successfully in the Second World War. He was in very heavy debt due to loss in business before he became President. However he repaid every thing in the period of 21 years. This shows that he was a person with strong will power. Similarly Ronald Reagan who was a Hollywood Movie Star became president of America. He reduced the American reliance on Government. He also created confidence among Americans regarding growth and optimism thereof. The fall of communism took place in Russia during his period on account of his efforts to reduce cold war.
F Kennedy became young and popular president in the year 1960. He was ideal of young American. He gave slogan ‘ Do not ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.’
In short American System choose the best available talent of the country for the position of president and they are proud of them. Hence there is a President Day to pay them due respect.
America is---
America is great and will remain great
As it stands for unity in diversity
It is a country of immigrants
With every cultures co-exist thereon.
That is why America is great.
Here the work is worshiped
Not the result out of that
It is not counted kind of work you do
but you do something is accounted
That is why America is great
Freedom, liberty and justice are the base
American are not ready to compromise same
They supports human rights vehemently
To establish the fair rule universally
That is why America is great.
Bharat Desai

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

(Who never believed to give his Names to any public Institution, Road, Bridge,Airport etc His ideal was sincere and honest public service without expectation.He was awarded ‘Bharat Ratna’ which he never went to take it. It was handed over to him at his house by the highest Indian Government officer. Even ‘Nishane Pakistan’ was handed over to him by the Pakistani Ambassador at his house. )
Morarji R Desai,former Prime Minister was born on 29Th February 1896 and died on 10Th April 1995. Thus his birthday comes in every leap year as per Christan year. i.e. Every Four years. While his birthday also falls on ‘Dhuleti Day’ which is very auspicious day as per Hindu year.
He was the last Gandhian prime minister and the first Non congress Prime Minister. He occupied all most all high elected positions of Indian constitution except President of India. The presidential position was also offered to him but he gracefully denied it. He occupied the positions of Chief Minister, Central ministers, Deputy Prime Minister, and also of Prime Minister Post’
He had introduced land reforms, social reforms,police reforms and nationalization of essential services at the state level. He gave lands to poor farmer who actually raised the crops since several decades. His government introduced legislation banning polygamy. Besides that government organized the home guards for helping the administration in critical time..The buses industry was nationalized in his time in the Bombay State then. This was done in order to help people in rural area wherein bus routs were not profitable. He introduced prohibition in order to protect youth and poor. He was for the eduction in mother language as per Gandhian concept.
The inflation is very high in India at present. Therefore many Indians remembers Morarjibhai Government when it was lowest in the history. Following were few important achievements of Janata Government under Morarjibhai.
1)The inflation was completely under control.
2)They removed zonal restrictions on food grains, and made all commodities available in plenty.
3) The wheat,rice and sugar prices were the lowest during his tenure of Prime minister.
4) He also abolished the rationing on various commodities then.
5)He got it amended the constitution in order to remove the certain provisions of Emergency in order to avoid misuse of the same again in future.
6) He introduced the 'Prashar Bharati 'Bill making TV and Radio free from the government control which was passed by subsequent government. It was done in order that Radio and TV may not be misused by people in power.
7) He introduced the bill wherein all constitutionally approved regional languages were made available for appearing in all administrative cadre examination. i.e. IA'S, IPS, IFS ETC.
8) The foreign relations with all countries were best including Pakistan. He was the only prime minister of India who has received the highest civilian award of Pakistan. i.e. 'Nishane Pakistan'.

He was recognized as best Administrator with high Caliber and Character. He never compromised with people’s interest. We hardly find such political leaders in this time.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

India and china are neighbour country but it appears there is tension in their relationship. It can be very easily described as a cold war. In the economic development also they are rivals in the world. They stands fifth and fourth rank among the biggest economies of the world.
Which things are common between India and China? Their culture are thousands of years. They had religious, social and business connections since long time. The disciples of Buddha had taken Buddhism from India to China. It also carried the family values from India to China. Besides that the most pious places of Hindu religion Mansarover(Lake) and Kailash Mountain are in Tibet. In short India and China has been exchanging cultural, social and scientific knowledge since long time. Besides that India and China were colonized by European countries and even exploited .
Therefore there are deep wounds of exploitations on the people of both this countries.
However the yellow race of China is considered to be one of the Superior races of the world. Therefore it is said you do not awaken the Dragon otherwise it will distrube you. The strength of China reflects in the historical achievements of Changiskhan, Kublikhan etc. The Marxist leader Moutse Tung revolutionised the China. Thereafter China emerged as one of the the powerful countries in the world. That mean Chines Dragon has awaken and we do not know where and when it will distrube the world. China lays it hands any where they feel it belonged to them. They took, Hongkong, Macao,and Tibet and now their eyes are on Taiwan, and the international water of South Asian Sea. They want Akshaychin, Arunachal Pradesh and other Areas of India by creating border disputes. China wants to become super power in the world by increasing their domination, and acquiring strategic territories.
The report of the intelligent bureau of India says that during the year 2010 to 2011 China crossed the Indian territories in 750 places which covers Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Some places they came inside up to 3km to 7 km. Besides that China alleged that India has destroyed their surveillance post in Ladakh. This shows that after the war of 1962 they are still keeping military pressure on India. It reflects their malicious intention.
China has surpassed India in Economic progress with highhanded manner with their autocratic rule. China is a close country while India is open with Democracy. The intellectual power of India is higher. India may be having slow progress then China but it is steady and sound. Therefore one American journalist has said 'The China may be factory of the world but India is laboratory.
Besides that there is report from the American ‘ Think Tank Middle East Media Research Institute ‘ that Pakistan is having military strategy with China under which Pakistan is giving Gilgit/Baltistan to China for 50 years lease under the pretext of development Scheme. However China may strengthen its position there within the lease period. It will be very adverse military situation for India if it becomes reality. It also shows how China is increasing pressure on India.
China consider India as a very soft target looking at the weak Indian policy. Indian foreign minister recently stated that Tibet is a internal part of China while allowing Exile government of Tibet is freely operating in India. It is contradiction and weak policy of India.
In the 1962 war clearly proved that China is a leader of Asia in every sense.Sardar Patel also warned Nehru well in advanced and much before 1962 aggression of China regarding the malicious intention of China. This is only to show that China has been playing its card very smartly in foreign policy.
There is no doubt that India is well prepared militarily now then 1962. India have mountain brigade of our army on the Border Area with China. Besides that India also constructed Airstrips and Roads across the border area with China. However India should be more alert with China then Pakistan.
Bharat Desai

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Spring in now in full form. Every one gets fresh with the beautiful weather around. Even Health also improves in the pleasant weather of Spring. Most of poets are very much impressed with beauty of spring and gave the best poems regarding its beauty. Let us see what is there in the Spring which attracts Every one
The Spring
"The clouds are crystal clear
With attaining Navy blue color
The trees are beautiful and green
With colorful dancing flowers
We realize pleasant time has come
As spring is in full swing.
The birds are singing songs
And rivulets are playing divine music
The mountain peaks change its color
from Snowy white to dark green
That is time We realize
The springtime is everywhere.
The children are out in the parks
For enjoying carefree vacation
The air is fresh and weather is warm
The big smile on every face around
Then we ask why this celebration?
And we realize spring is around."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The 31st January was the death anniversary of Mohanlal Karamchand Gandhi. Netaji Bose addressed him First time as a 'Father of the Nation' to whose feet he wanted to put the freedom of India if achieve in his own way. India also awarded him a title of 'Father of Nation' after independence.
Mahatma Gandhi was not only Saint but he was social reformer and a Mass leader. He never said anything, which he never practiced. Therefore his life has become a message for the whole world.
He had a tremendous faith in God, and he considered truth as one of the extract form of God
One of the American journalists Vincent Shin described Gandhi's faith in God in following incident, which took place on the same day of his death.
" It was a year 1948. One early morning he getup from his sleep and his inner conscious gave him message that ' Gandhi is going to be killed. It was a time of partition of India and lot of communal disturbances were going on. He decided to go India and inform Gandhi about is inner message. He traveled from New York to New Delhi. It was very difficult for him to meet Gandhi, as he was extremely busy. Somebody told him to meet him doing his early morning walk. Accordingly he waited for Gandhiji. It was morning of 30th January 1948. Gandhi was with his four inmates for morning walk. Mr. Vincent introduced him self as journalist.
'What makes you to come here?' Gandhi asked.
'Sir you are going to be killed. I can see that'. replied Vincent.
'Oh you have traveled from New York to New Delhi to tell me this?' Gandhi asked him with a smile.
'You may not care for your life but it is very precious for us. You are the light for whole world.'Replied Vincent.
'Dear friend everything is in the hand of God and nothing move without thy wish. If God wish nobody will be able to save me. You must know that we Indians believe firmly in God.' Gandhiji replied him calmly .
Mr. Vincent Shin had satisfaction that he has tried his best to save his life. The God will prevail and Gandhi was killed in same evening at Birla House. Mr. Vincent was present then. He was unhappy that he could not save Gandhi’s life.
However Mr. Vincent was very much impressed with Gandhi’s faith in God."
This clearly shows that Gandhi was never afraid of death and more or less he was living a life of Saint.
He always accepted his weaknesses publicly looking at the truth, which had root in his deep faith in God. His son Hiralal use to misbehave with him publicly, due to some grievances against him. Once Gandhiji told in prayer meeting that ' He gave culture to whole country but fail to give his own son.' Such admission of truth in public requires lot of courage.
Gadhiji believed that he gets tremendous strength from his faith in God. He had no attachment to anything and no double standard for others. All these made him saint in true sense.
He was a social reformer and believed that untouchable is the blackest spot on the Hindu culture. He uses to call those untouchables as 'Harijan' ie'Godmen'. He uses to clean toilet him self in order to set example on others and to show that it is an important work for maintaining the good hygienic conditions. The people doing such work should not be looked down. He also told Kasturbaa to do such work otherwise it is difficult convince others. This shows he always started his social reforms with his nearest one.
‘The least requirements and simple leaving’ were one of his commandments. This can only bring inner happiness in the society. He was for social reforms through change of attitudes and by bringing inner happiness.
He saw human weaknesses with pity and instead of condemning it, He wanted to use the best part of human being in constructive work. Therefore he carried with all sort of people with him in freedom struggle.
He was a mass leader with magnetic personality. He knew very well that many of his followers never show eye to eye with him. They were with him because they can not survive without him. The final goal of freedom was more important for him then those individual leaders. However he was very unhappy when they started ignoring him after freedom. He wanted to leave Delhi to retire from public life. However one of his followers requested him that ' You have to be in public life because people of this country wants you.’ Thereafter he changed his plan. This shows that he was a Mass leader and more cared for the people.
He was very clear about weapon of ' Nonviolence’, which he used against British government in order to achieve freedom for India. Once Field Marshal Kariappa, then Army Chief of India asked Gandhiji "How to teach 'Nonviolence' to my soldiers?" Gandhiji did not replied because he knew that ‘Nonviolence is not a weapon of Cowards.’Therefore the use of Violence for Self-defense carried some meaning for him.
He said 'Even common man can achieve success in life by sincere efforts. Therefore It will be a best tribute to him by trying to follow what he practiced. In short that is how every life can be made his life story.