Saudi Arabia- In the process of the Green Revolution
Saudi Arabia is the biggest oil producer and exporter, producing 10.8 million barrels a day. Aramco, the Saudi oil company with a market cap of $2.3 trillion, is second in the world after Apple.
Saudi Arabia has its own plan on how to handle carbon emissions and to have energy transmission in the country. They have set aside big funds of $620 billion in public investment funds which can help finance their energy transmission efforts.
Saudi Arabia has already created technical support for young people to handle the carbon emission problem. The government has mandated that all buildings are to be constructed with an energy efficiency system. They want more and more EV charging centers. They have taken up 33 solar and wind projects.
Besides that Saudi Arabia is building up a $ 500 Billion city of NEOM which will go for the concept of air taxis with the creation of green hydrogen. It will generate electricity. A green fuel plant will be built for the same. Aramco has also done research and found how to reuse carbon from the atmosphere of oil fields. Aramco has found a way to use a fuel mixture of carbon and hydrogen which can reduce the pollution of cars by 80%.
It is the appreciable effort made by the deserted kingdom to reduce carbon emissions.