Self Reliance-India's Mission
The Indian government is determined to make India self-reliant in Manufacturing i.e. Defence, Technology, and Food, etc. There is already a surplus in food production. India also manufactures light Aircraft, Naval Ships, Aircraft Carrier, and Submarines. It is already ahead in Rocket Technology.
However, India does not want to depend upon the import of spare parts for manufacturing and already started giving incentives for the startup thereof. About 125000 startups are operating in various sectors.
Besides that, there are a lot of IPOs coming up in India with plenty of foreign investments. In the year 2023, 194 companies had gone to the public. Some of them are also related to Consumer Goods, Pharma, Construction, Steel, Electrical Components and Food. The Auto spare parts manufacturing companies are also on the verge of entering in share market.
It is reported that three chip-making companies are now planning to put their plants in India. Apple and Samsung have already started making their latest phones in India.
All this shows that India has the fastest developing economy in the world while some of the advanced countries are facing adverse economic situations.