Iran has a thousand years of history and culture. Its culture is rich in art, literature, poetry, music, cuisine, and architecture. It invented Algebra and Wrote about Medicine. It is also rich in forest and which had lots of lions, tigers cheetahs, and leopards in the past. But most of the wild cat species are extinct now and only cheetahs and leopards remain.
Once upon a time, it was known as Persia with a large empire from the Meditarian Sea to Pakistan but in AD 642 it was run down by the Islamic Empire. Parsis who landed in Gujarat and were compelled to leave Iran because of those adverse developments. Thereafter in-between it was occupied by foreign powers. However, in the year 1921 one of the Persian officers Reza Khan took charge of the country and his son Reza Pahlavi became the Shah of Iran in the year 1941. His regime was discredited due to a lot of corruption. The Islamic Revolution was organized by Islamic clergy Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the year 1989. Since then Iran has been ruled by an Islamic Mullah and under Islamic law. However, Iran is a Siya Islamic State.
Iran is struggling to become an Islamic Atomic Power to dominate Middle Eastern countries and to have a say in world politics. Because of the above America has imposed economic sanctions on Iran to prevent its becoming an Atomic power. Besides that, it can be a direct threat to Israel which is not in the interest of America.
However, Iran is blessed with wide oil resources which it is selling at discount rates to China and other needy Countries. Iran has also created its nuisance value by financing terrorist organizations like' Hamas' in Palestine, 'Houthis' in Yemen, and 'Hizbullah' in Lebanon.
Iran is also hard-pressed as its export of oil is reduced. It lacks the generation of cash and shortage of foreign exchange. The inflation is also very high which is creating discontent among people. The
people are also against imposing strict Islamic law. Women have also revolted against the covering of faces.
In short, Iran is leading towards some type of political trouble in the country but it has also become now irritating country in the world.