Women form about 50% population of the World. In a democracy, they play a crucial role in creating the government of the Country. Besides, they have qualities far superior to men, i.e. Sacrifice, Flexibility, Patience, Mercy, Concentration, Intelligence, Unity, and Long-term Planning. All these qualities have taken women ahead wherever they get opportunities.
The highest IQ record in History also belongs to women. It is reported that women speak about 20000 words in the day in comparison to 7000 utterances spoken by men. This shows women are more vocal and expressive than men. It is said that US women earn $18 trillion and they spend $28 trillion worldwide. Therefore world economy is flourishing on the purchasing power of women.
Women are Biologically sensitive to high pitch noises. They can hear the crying offspring even when they are sleeping. Hence they are more efficient in raising a child than men folk. They have obtained 60% of college degrees in America, enabling them to get lucrative jobs in the market.
Women have an advantage in many physical things. They have a better sense of smell than men. Girls' brains are generally maturing earlier than boys. Women are more rational than men. It is reported that American women live 2 to 8 years more than men. The first computer project was started by a woman named 'Ada Lovelace'. It shows that women are more intelligent which can add to the prosperity of the economy i.e. If gender equality is properly observed in workplaces. Besides that, they have higher immune systems than menfolk. It was observed during the Corona pandemic.
However, it is observed that women get drunk earlier than men because they have less water in their tissues. They are more emotional than men which is one of their weaknesses. Women may be superior intellectually but weak in heavy manual work.
Women are now coming up in leadership level more than a decade ago which is being confirmed by Forbes Megezine of USA. But they are still fighting against gender discrimination in the men-dominated world.