Anger-The Great Enemy Of Mankind
Anger has created the greatest war on this planet. The wars in the world have created large-scale destruction and the death of millions of people in this world. The anger creates feelings of jealousy and revenge. It also increases the ego of rulers, mighty and perverts. Therefore it is very much necessary to control anger of any form. It is said that any words fired out of anger can not be withdrawn and can create a big rift in a relationship of any nature. Hence it is essential that anger has to be controlled. But it is very much necessary to know how one can manage to control Anger?
First of all, no decision should be taken out of anger and it is to be seen that anger subsides before one takes a final decision on any problem. It is also necessary to control one mind. The mind can be controlled by one becoming positive, spiritual, and satisfied. Besides, that mind can be also tamed through yoga and concentration.
It is also necessary to see the qualities of others instead of looking at their drawbacks. One also has to become tolerant to others to control the mind which increases anger.
Mahatma Gandhi once said ' It is better to see one own drawback instead of seeing of others'. Therefore it is very much essential to improve one self instead of improving others. It will automatically decrease the Anger if we ignore the drawback of others.
In short in order to control Anger, one has to conquer, Ego, Desire, Lust, Greed, Ambition, and the Urge for Power.