Sleep- Problems Thereon
Health care is the most important for all but it is neglected by some. Besides that life has become full of stress and strain due to fast and capitative world. In the process some time the important aspect of the life are being ignored.
The sleep is one of the factors which plays very important role in human life. The all big decease starts from lack of sufficient sleep. It is to be noted that during the sleep period persons some of the organs get rest while some of them perform their functions well. Therefore and quality sleep is important for healthy body.
The most important thing is how to get get sufficient sleep? We have to change our life style to get good sleep. One should have cozy and restful nighttime one hour before the bed time.( i.e. There should be dim light in the room.) All electronic devices like Phone, Computer, Tablets are be switch off before going to bed.
It is better to reduce the consumption of the alcohol at night time in order to get good sleep. The room temperature also affect the sleep. Hence room has to be little bit cool at bed time. One can reduce and avoid the noise level by using Ear Plugs at bed time. Beside that one should also observe regular and fixed sleeping time. The comfortable pillows and mattress can also help to get good and quality sleep.
The dinner should be light in order to avoid distrube sleep. The book reading is good hobby before sleep. The daily exercise help to get good sleep as body exertion is best for sleep and healthy life.
The restless night and disturbed sleep at night are the signals of decease in the body. (i.e. Indigestion, Diabetes, Neurological Disorder etc.