Laser Rays
Albert Einstein had discovered the principle regarding Laser which has brought a great revolution in the field of science. It is the use of the system which centralizes powerful rays in one straight line, which is known as a Laser System. Laser means ' Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation.'
It is noteworthy to note that how Laser has helped the lives of people in the world. The laser is now used for detecting Crime and During human surgeries. Its rays are so powerful that it can dilute any hard metal. Laser Rays are used in Measurement and it can be a source of Clean Energy. Air pilots are using 'Gyroscope' for finding ways that are based on the Laser. The Laser can be used as a medium to convert various energies like electricity, Sound, and Light. Some people compare laser with the third eyes of Lord Shiva which said to be throwing very powerful rays. All radiation-related scientific plants are also having the shape of Shivling.
Laser rays can create holes in any strong metal. However, a laser is also used to detect any tiny hole in the plane or rocket, or space shuttle. The laser can also measure accurately the distances between two planets. It is also used in microsurgeries of Eyes, Ear, Stomach, Brain, and Cancer. The Laser can destroy the censer system of war weapons including Tank, Missiles, Plane, and Warship.
Scientists are now trying to use the Laser for creating the disappearance of things. The Magicians are using the technic of eye illusion for the same which science is trying through laser Beam. In the short laser is a very powerful and revolutionary discovery of the time.