Third World War?
There is a grave situation developing between America and North Korea which may led to World War.
North Korea has done several missiles test which had crossed the Japan and fell in the Pacific Ocean. Japan and South Korea are very much agitated for the same. North Korea has also tested 'Hydrogen Bomb' i.e. Underground test which had created Earth Quakes of very large Scale. It has disturbed all surrounding Countries who are close Allies of America. Besides that even 'UNO' has also imposed several strict international restrictions on North Korea in order to bring it in discipline. But there is no effect on North Korea and it is going head as per their agenda.
The American President Donald Trump has already warn North Korea that' It will have to pay very heavy price if it takes action against our Allies'. Donald Trump has also described the North Korean activities as ' Suicidal Mission.
North Korea is using very abusive language against the American President. Norh Korean Ruler Kim Jon said ' Donald Trump is a bad guy and who is fond of playing with fire.' Besides that Foreign Minister of North Korea has gone up to describing Donald Trump's warning to North Korea with ' Barking Dog'.
Hence it can be seen that situation very tense and which can flare up at any time. However the question arise that' On whose support North Korea has become so insolent? It is very clear that China and Russia axis is behind the North Korea who are questioning the Supremacy of America.China and Russian are soft towards North Korea. China can easily cut the supply line of North Korea in order to control it. Besides that it is reported that Pakistan has also given Atomic Secret to North Korea. All these factors are responsible for the present situation.
America and South Korea have already started doing Bombing Exercises along the Border of North Korea. But North Korea is still adamant on its plan. Hence it appears that we are at present on the thrash hold of 'Third World War'.