Home Town
One always remember once Home Town wherein he spent his pleasant Childhood. Childhood is always innocent and carefree. Hence it becomes more Memorable. Even Childhood friends are always thick and thin whom one remembers forever. Even the great Celebrities have always searched their Hometown in their old age. But question is whether they find it in same shape? The present time always absorb the past where nothing can remain the same. However one goes on searching his past memories with emotional approach. There is no rationalism or practical approach in the same. Thus one will say-
Where is my Home Town?
Where is that Ice Candy Man
Who use to come on Hot Summer day
Where is that small Tasty food Shop
Where had parties with buddies.
Where is---
Now no play ground can be seen
As concrete Jungle has come up
Where are those old Buddies
With whom played up to late evening
Every thing have disappeared
And searching the same Emotionally
Where is---
There is no place to walk on the Road
Than riding Bicycle is Impossible
The Railway Station is now Busy place
No relaxing place remains for anybody
Where is---
The small Theater is not there
But still its ruin can be seen
Am like emotionally fool
Searching the past in the Present
Where is---
Bharat Desai