Thursday, September 26, 2024



                                                                    People have to face tough situations now and then. such thing has to be handled in life with courage to come out successful. The self-development always helps to stand successfully against it. Some qualities are to be acquired to see that things become smooth and less painful.

                                      The superiority complex is sometimes helpful but the inferiority complex brings depression and nervousness. Therefore one must take a stand confidently as if one is right. In the process, if some people underestimate you then also one will have the upper hand in the matter.

                                      One should have the patience to listen to others which is the key to success. Besides that one has to be calm which is a sign of confidence. It is observed that egoistic people make a lot of noise and they do not care to listen to others.

                                    Sometimes a day is bad but that does not mean that whole life is going to be bad. Motivation and Consistency are more important in life to achieve success. It is like one may read 100 books but only one can change the life. One meets 100 people in life but only one can change the life.

                                   Worries create anxiety but anxiety will not change the future but truth of life is that action will only change the future. One must have a disciplined life to maintain continuity in life. It s not true that discipline brings perfection but it does bring self-control and mental balance.

                                     In short, all this self-development is necessary to face the cruel and difficult world. 



Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Interesting On Ancient Maya Culture

                                                                      It is said that the Mayan Culture is one of the most well-known cultures in the world. It can compete with Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian cultures which are also very ancient.  Maya culture was situated in South America and was well organized with knowledge in various fields including Astronomy. Its Temple is an Architectural monument in the world.

                                                Maya people were excellent Astronomers. In their book 'Dresden Code' they analyzed Venus and Luner tables. They had 260 days a year in their time. They had also knowledge of the recurrence of periodical Solar Eclipses. Their predictions were also satisfactory.
 All these show that they had skilled Naked-eye scientific knowledge of Astronomy.




Friday, September 6, 2024



                                                                                 Dementia is an old disease among seniors of advanced age.  However, women are more at risk of suffering from Dementia. It is also believed that it comes in inheritance. The latest research says that about more than 45% of cases of dementia can be prevented or can be delayed. Hence so many preventive measures are being suggested by experts.

                              The risk factors of dementia are many among them are Smoking, Obesity,  No Physical Activity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Overdrinking Alcohol. All these lead to suggest living a healthy life to avoid dementia.

                            Eat lots of Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish, and do not drink sweetened drinks to keep one healthy. Even 'LDLCholostral' has been added as a risk factor for Dementia. Besides that, it is suggested that one should also do some brain exercises, including learning musical instruments or a foreign language or doing crosswords and sudoku puzzles.

                           It is also observed that loss of Vision and Hearing can be also factors of risk for Dementia.  It is also believed that sleep disorders can lead to dementia It is said that a higher level of Education lowers the risk of dementia.

                            It is found by researchers that the incidence rate of dementia is being reduced in Western Countries. It may be due to handling the risk factors effectively. However, it is reported that in China and Japan, age-related Dementia cases are climbing. It has become the fifth most important cause of death in those countries.

                          The preventive measures and a healthy life with a nutritious diet will only help to control Dementia.
