Monday, June 24, 2024


Bertrand  Russel's Philosophy

                                                     Bernard Russel was a thinker and philosopher. He said many things wisely which can guide us through life.

                                                    He believed in humbleness which one can have a great quality in life. Therefore he said' Humbleness is part of Truth'. It can lead to success in life. He also believed that the truth has to be accepted by using wisdom. It is a simple solution to avoid conflict and friction

                                                 One has to present such ideas that it make people think about it. That means it should be appealing on a large scale. One can't achieve anything by force but flexibility and adjustment are very important things in life. 

                                                  The goal can be achieved if it's worth it. one can't depend upon public opinion about it.  It is a historical fact that if one tries to destroy other's opinions then such action will damage own self. Hence one has to be tolerant.

                                                   Do not hesitate to think of something new and do not be afraid to do something unique. It is the key to success. If someone wants to live in heaven let him live. There is no use being jealous of him and to waste energy. The real heaven is only in the reality of life.

                                                  Bernard Russell concludes that the true way is short and right but wrong ways always remain before one without fail. 



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

India's Border- To Day and Past. 

                                                        ' Akhand Bharat' word is frequently used in India in the context of the historical and ancient border of India in the past. It is also reported that in the Indian parliament, one map shows the past map of 'Akhand Bharat' or United India.  It has created lots of heartburn and controversy worldwide, including in Pakistan. During their regime in India, the British Imperial power separated many Regions once part of India over time.

                                                       Once India was spread over 83 lakh square kilometers which is now  33 lakh square kilometers.  It was from Iran to Burma and Indonesia from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari( i.e. To the Indian Ocean.) This is because the following Countries were separated from India by the British colonial regime.

Name of the Country-----               Year 

1) Afghanistan  ----------                1876

2)Bhutan          -----------                1906

3) Sri Lanka -----------                    1935

4)Burma          -----------                 1939

5)Tibet            ------------                 1907

6) Pakistan    -------------                 1947

7) Nepal        -------------                  1904

                                             Besides that India had political and religious influences in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. It was a time when India was a very rich and prosperous country and it was very powerful around. 

                                             Therefore every Indian lives in the Dream of 'Akhand Bharat 'which is very logical and rational.



Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Health Care - The Latest 

                                               Certain parameters are generally fixed for certain diseases but revised with time. This may be related to better health care or further research on those diseases. 

                                                Blood pressure is the biggest problematic disease in human health. It can lead to Paralysis, Heart problems, and Blood-related illnesses in the human body. It is reported that in the year 1970, the Blood Pressure parameters were 180 /110  but now it is 120/80. This is to be noted for people who are suffering from the disease of high or low blood pressure.

                                                In the case of diabetes the sugar level after the meal was 180, and fasting it was 130 i.e. That was the parameter for it since 1990. However now it is 150 after meals and 120 fasting.  All these show that with time, research, and experience health care is changing very fast.

                                              The fast and comparative world has also created lots of stress and strain which is creating mental problems. It is reported that 90% of health problems are Mental while only 8% are related to other parts of the body. It is observed that knowledge of disease leads to more tension and stress on the body which adversely affects the victim. Hence it is not advisable to talk much about diseases to patients but it is wise to talk about improvement in the health of the victim.

                                            This is also noted that with improved health care, most diseases can be treated and get rid of it. In most diseases, the victim person requires sympathy and positive talk for a speedy recovery that too with modern Health Care.
