Sunday, May 26, 2024


Truth Of  Life

                                                                  We must always search for the truth to face the difficult situation in life.  It is observed that one comes across many people in life.  It is not a permanent association with them. Therefore it is necessary to digest the truth that all people who came into one life will not remain with us forever. 

                                     Some people get hurt in life, but remembering that bad event will be a waste of time and energy. It is better to proceed further by forgetting and forgiving which can lead to one's growth.

                                    One has to be positive in life because most difficult struggles in life can become a blessing. That means the experience thereon may help to solve future problems smoothly.

                                   Failure creates frustration and depression in life but it is also said that failure is the key to success. In short, one must never give up.

                                  One step ahead can take ahead in one's difficult goal. Even difficult times can pass eventually. However one has to pass some time and that too with a lot of patience.

                                 It will bring failure and sadness if one tries to please everyone. People also search the happiness in the world but they fail to know that happiness is in their hands and within.

                                 Life is very precious and it is to live purposefully. It is also the fact that life is not easy to live. But one has to live it positively being born as a human being. That is also one of the truths of life.

                                 Given above better to know the bare truth of life to swim smoothly in the ocean of life.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024


                                                                          What one does positively or negatively in life is karma. The law of action and reaction is said to be equal and opposite. Therefore, if one has good and positive karma, one receives good results; if one has negative karma, the results are bad and negative. Besides that Lord, Krishna says in Gita that we have the right to do karma but have no control over its result. That does not mean that one stops doing karma as it is a life process. 

                                                                   However, it is very necessary to understand the rules of karma.  Karma also affects the lives of all. 

                                                              It is said that whatever thought and energy one puts out to the world, i.e. One gets back results good or bad. Besides that one should see that action is taken before things happen. i.e. Instead of waiting for everything to happen magically for him. 

                                                             It is also necessary to be humbled to understand that all situations and results are on account of their past actions.  One has to control own self and not others and has to focus on personal growth.  The change has to start with oneself which can lead to self-growth through positive karma.

                                                          Whatever happens in one life is because of one own karma. Besides that, it is to be owned by one who brought it through one own action. That means it is one own choice.  In life past, present, and future everything is connected.  The past action leads to the present situation and what one does today will determine what will be tomorrow. Hence karma of past and present determines everything one gets in life.

                                                                The action of giving is an action that one believes from the heart. It reflects one inherent belief in living a positive life. It is one of the positive karmas that one can implement in life. The bad karma will go on repeating if one does not take lessons from mistakes. One must learn lessons from history and change own life. It will bring positivity and improvement in doing good work.

                                                             Patience, Hard Work, and Self-assurance are the parts of Positive Karma that bring success and satisfaction to one life. Whatever way one makes positive contributions in the form of karma always brings positivity and happiness in life.

   In short, every walk of life requires one to do karma which brings happiness and satisfaction in life.


Sunday, May 5, 2024


Uyghurs In China

                                      12 Million Uyghurs live in the Xinjiang province in the far western region of China. It is a Muslim-majority Region of China, 

                                     China has imposed special rules on the said Region in the name of Chinese style. i.e.  From religious talk to Mosque construction should be in the Chinese Way. This also prevents individuals or organizations from inducing the local population to believe or not believe in any religion.  About a Million Muslims were also kept or locked in camps for re-educating during the years 2018 and 2019 respectively. 

                                       The religious festival of Ramadan on which final day Muslims observe fasting during the daytime has also become risky because of being caught. Even the Iftar party has also disappeared. In short, China is trying to show that Xinjiang is now in the mainstream of China.

                                      Besides that one Ancient Adobe Brick Mosque was also converted into a Musiuim by giving one or other reasons. some of the mosques are also being dismantled. The Chinese flag is being raised in the Mosque garden along with playing the Chinese National Anthem. In short, China is in the process of dismantling Muslim Culture and replacing Chinese-mandated culture in Xinjiang. 

                                       The religious freedom of the people in Xinjiang is being curbed with strict rules and people are under surveillance in their own place.  Unfortunately,  Muslim Countries are also not raising any protests against the ill-treatment given to their Muslim brothers in  China.  It is also surprising that 'where Muslims have full freedom to observe their Religion' Muslim Countries are raising protests against them on one or another ground. 
