Tuesday, February 13, 2024


                                              Iran has a thousand years of history and culture. Its culture is rich in art, literature, poetry, music, cuisine, and architecture. It invented Algebra and Wrote about Medicine. It is also rich in forest and which had lots of lions, tigers cheetahs, and leopards in the past. But most of the wild cat species are extinct now and only cheetahs and leopards remain. 

                                             Once upon a time, it was known as Persia with a large empire from the Meditarian Sea to Pakistan but in AD 642 it was run down by the Islamic Empire. Parsis who landed in Gujarat and were compelled to leave Iran because of those adverse developments. Thereafter in-between it was occupied by foreign powers. However, in the year  1921 one of the Persian officers Reza Khan took charge of the country and his son Reza Pahlavi became the Shah of Iran in the year 1941. His regime was discredited due to a lot of corruption. The Islamic Revolution was organized by Islamic clergy Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the year 1989. Since then Iran has been ruled by an Islamic Mullah and under Islamic law. However, Iran is a Siya Islamic State.

                                         Iran is struggling to become an Islamic Atomic Power to dominate Middle Eastern countries and to have a say in world politics. Because of the above America has imposed economic sanctions on Iran to prevent its becoming an Atomic power. Besides that, it can be a direct threat to Israel which is not in the interest of America.

                                        However, Iran is blessed with wide oil resources which it is selling at discount rates to China and other needy Countries. Iran has also created its nuisance value by financing terrorist organizations like' Hamas' in Palestine, 'Houthis' in Yemen, and 'Hizbullah' in Lebanon.

                                         Iran is also hard-pressed as its export of oil is reduced. It lacks the generation of cash and shortage of foreign exchange. The inflation is also very high which is creating discontent among people. The

people are also against imposing strict Islamic law. Women have also revolted against the covering of faces.

                                       In short, Iran is leading towards some type of political trouble in the country but it has also become now irritating country in the world. 



Saturday, February 10, 2024


Decline Of Economy- China

                                                        China is a close authoritarian country.  Its survivance technology is also working successfully. Therefore people are compelled to work and give the desired result without resistance. Media also talk and write what people in power desire. Hence it is difficult to find the actual economic situation in China. However, sometimes economic figures talk about the actual position of the country.

                                                      COVID-19 and locked down thereof have badly affected the economy of China. There is zero tolerance for COVID-19 in China and that compelled the authorities to impose total locking down in several cities and industrial towns. It badly affected the industrial activities and it has brought down the production. Hence China's GDP is 5.5% in the year 2023. Besides that American Trade War has also affected the exports of China up to a large extent.

                                                    It is also observed that the Chinese population has also gone down in the year 2023. It started falling in the year 2022. It is recorded that Millions died in COVID-19 in China and the shrinking of the birthrate further affected the Chinese Economy. The 1/5 Chinese population is old age and decreasing in population is a danger sign for China. Hence all this development will change the demography of the population.

                                               The unemployment rate among urban youth has also increased to 21% but now revised figures reflect it at 9%.  However, it is reported that the figure of unemployed youth also consists of those who are undergraduates which cannot be included in unemployment figures. The prices of food, fuel, and vehicles are also coming down in China. It can further affect adversely the GDP of the Country.

                               All these facts show that the Chinese economy is in decline.



Sunday, February 4, 2024


Philanthropy And Donors

                                                   It is observed that rich people have become more conscious of helping to needy and downtrodden in the world. Therefore vast flow of funds is now flowing to NGOs that are working in different fields for needy people. Besides that, it is being donated without attaching too much string.

                                                   MacKenzie Scott a former wife of Jeff Bezos received a stake of $38 Billion in Amazon on her divorce from her rich tycoon Husband. She is very modest and without much publicity,  $18 Billion was donated to various NGOs without much string. It is a purpose that is important to her where money is being spent. Nowadays donors believe that NGOs know better how much money is to be spent and on which specific purpose.  They only obtain a few Data regarding those NGOs for their record purpose. This approach smoothens the process for donors and recipients.

                                                Gates Foundation is also giving large funds for various social purposes in developing and poor countries. They have given Billions of Dollars to eliminate various diseases. The eradication of polio is a glaring example of it.

                                                 Similarly, 'The William and Flora Hewett Foundation' which was floated by technocrats has also donated large funds to NGOs without much strings. Ford Foundation has put in 2 Billion Dollars for Institutions and Networks. Jack Dorsey the co-founder of Twitter and Square has donated 1.5 Billion Dollars. These are examples of how large funds are flowing for social purposes.

                                                 Mahatma Gandhi also gave the concept of 'Trusteeship'to  Rich Indian Tycoon. It means some part of their wealth is to be used for needy people through donations. That is how Indian tycoons like Birla and Bajaj have donated large amounts of funds for social purposes i.e. For the poor and needy. Nowadays Industrial Houses like Ambani, Infosys, and Adani have also created their foundations for social purposes. 

                                                In short, the feeling of giving something to needy and poor people is now developing on a large scale. That is one of the best developments for the welfare of the world. 
