Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Reason and Logic

                                                            Sometimes we observe some strange things regarding many things but understanding the same requires some research behind such matters.

                                                          The padlocks have some holes in the bottom.  It raises the curiosity of some people who are a little bit particular. Things like water when go in a padlock and can drain easily. Besides that, it can be used to pour oil so that it does not get jammed.

                                                        Sometimes the hole is found in the window of an aircraft. It is meant to breathe hold if there is a drop of pressure. It also helps to keep the cabin pressure at a safe and comfortable level. It also gives the crew the ability to  change the   pressure of the cabin,

                                                       The extra hole on the top of the sneaker helps to tie one shoe much tighter.

                                                       The long-neck bottle is used in trade and industry when a normal-neck bottle can be used.   The long-neck bottle can be easy to hold. Besides that, it also helps to distribute the heat throughout the entire bottle when it is held.  

                                                      There is a hole next to the Camera.  It is a microphone as there are three microphones in a Smartphone. The other two microphones are at the bottom edge and under the speaker grill respectively.

                                                      The brass door nobs are used as it is more resistant to bacteria. This is because door nobs are used by several people. Brass also helps to keep it germ-free.  

     In short, everything has logic and reasoning behind it. One has to try to understand the same.


Monday, January 15, 2024

India- 2024

                                                              India which is popularly known as Bharat is being praised all over the world for its economic and social progress. Bharat has presented its Goal with strong willpower.

                                                              Russian President Vladimir Putin has admired Bharat for its achievements. He was very much impressed with Bharat's non-aligned policy in the world. 

                                                              China's leading newspaper Global Times which is considered to be spoke newspaper paper of the Chinese government also praised the Indian leadership for presenting its strategy actively and successfully. it also praised the economic and social progress of India despite the tension prevailing due to the Galwaan Valley Border dispute. China also praised the Indian foreign policy which was successful.

                                                            Besides that Bharat has been successful in reducing imports and increasing exports. India has successfully strengthened its relations with world powers like USA, Russia, and Japan.

                                                           India's GDP was 6.4 % in 2023 with Electronic production of US$101 Billion. It also includes the US$44 Billion production of Smartphones. India had also generated 640000 jobs during the year 2023. It has already created a single window system to further increase foreign investments. 114000 startups are being registered during the year because of encouraging industrial policies of the Indian government. That is why India is now the fifth largest economy in the world and it is heading towards occupying the fourth position very soon..





Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Krishna on  Values and Morality

                                                                 The rules about values and morality have become very irrelevant in the present day. It is observed that smart and crooked people are more successful and good people have to watch wrong doing silently and helplessly. Hence what Krishna said before five thousand years ago is still relevant.

                                                                 Bhismapitamamah had asked Krishna that all the big warriors on the Kaurava side in the war of Mahabharat were killed by the wrong means.  Was it correct? He further observed that it would set the wrong precedent for the coming generation.

                                                                Krishna answered his questions analytically and diplomatically.  We can learn from history but decision has to be taken according to the present situation.   Every Yug makes the decision to select a leader based on logic and reasoning. 

                                                                 Ram was a leader of Treta Yug and I am in Dwaper Yug.  Our way of handling things can not be the same as we have to face different situations.  

                                                                Vibhshan was a saint in the family of Ravan. Ravan was Villain but he was a devotee of Shiva. Agand was the perfect gentalman in the family of Wali who was a Villain.  The Villans had even knowledge of Dharma and Truth in Treta Yug. Therefore Ram never used the wrong means to destroy his enemies. 

                                                                In my time there were Kansh, Jarasan, Duryodhan,  Dushasan, Shakuni, and Jaydrath who were all wrongdoers and sinners. It was neccessary to use the wrong means to kill them. Any means they have to be eliminated in the interest of the people.

                                                               However, in the future and in Kalyug there will be a worse time to come. People will have to be more ruthless otherwise Dharma and Truth will be destroyed.  There is no use in observing morality and values when bad and immoral powers are cruelly attacking Dharma and Truth.  Future will have to learn that values and morality have no importance when one desires victory over Evil.

                                                                It is also foolishness to leave everything to God.  People have to do everything to destroy Evil while God only gives guidance.  I have not done anything in the war of Mahabharat.  It is Pandavas who did everything. This is a message of nature and it is absolute truth.
