Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Indian Economy

                                     It appears that the Indian economy is more developing in the world in the shadow of recession. Besides that, it has become one of the fastest-developing economies in the world.

                                     America has been under the shadow of a recession and big American companies have already taken drastic steps to reduce their staff strength by lakhs. China's economy is down due to the effects of the coronavirus, and trade war with America. japan is suffering from stagnation and a more old population.  It has created a shortage of working force. While German economy is under stress and the shortage of gas/ petrol due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. This is the position of all economies that are bigger than India at present. 

                                      India has a strategic advantage in the world due to its major young, educated, and cheap labor force. Besides that India has an intellectual high-tech working force in software. The Trade war between America and China has given an additional advantage to India regarding the transfer of manufacturing activities of America from China to India.  India is also one of the biggest consumer markets in the world. Therefore Indian economy is bubbling with faster development.

                                      Indian economy Ranks five at present among the biggest economies of the world and trying to reach the Third Rank in the next five years.  It is a realistic expectation in the context of Japanese and German Economies GDP rates  are at present 4410 and 4304 Billion Dollars respectively against the Indian GDP rate of 3750 Billion Dollars.  

              It can be seen from above that India has a capacity to become a superpower in few decades.




Saturday, August 12, 2023

Namaskar- Indian Culture

                                                               In Indian culture humble attitude is given more importance and it reflects in the various types of gestures. People who talk in a soft manner are always appreciated. Besides that greeting people with two folded hands called 'Namaskar' is more observed in Indian culture. 

                                                          Namaskar is a very graceful gesture to greet people in private and in public. It is a sign of humbleness.  It means in other words " Be Happy and " Always Remain Happy".

                                                            Besides that 'Namaskar' can give always security in the form of Blessings from all and including elders.  Once Bhismapitah decided to kill Pandavas in the war of Mahabharat. Draupadi when came to know about it went to Bhismapitah and offered Namaskar in return he gave a blessing  'Akhand Shobhagyavati  Bhav' ( i.e.I Bless that your husband will be protected). Thereafter Bhismapitamah realizes that he can't kill the Pandavas as he gave the blessing to their wife. This shows that humbleness always pays. It also teaches us that always respect our elders.

                                                         Namaskaar is a sign of good behavior. It is one of the best Thoughts, Signs of Humbleness including giving up Ego. It also reflects the high culture of a person. In short, it is a culture of India.


Saturday, August 5, 2023

Generation to Generation

                                                     There is a vast difference between the past and present which has led to a generation gap. The past which was somewhat slow with life and the present has made life very fast and competitive. The past was mainly based on manual work while the present is more or less mechanized. Hence there is a different picture today than past. This is called the generation gap.

                                   There was no  Cell Phone,  Internet, Computer,  Air conditioning, Radio, or TV. DVD, No Bike or Helmet, etc in the past. Schoolchildren use to play in meadows after school. Sometimes they use to draw water from the waterfall, People use to walk barefoot without shoes or chappals. Besides that no food supplementary was available. The black and white photos were there with colorful memories.

                                    We have today Mineral water, Bread, Pasta, and Fast food along with several friends i.e. School friends, College friends, professional friends, Social friends, and acquittances to enjoy thereon. But very few true friends can stand by in time of need. old time children use to make their own toys while now there are ready-made toys available in the market as per one test.

                                    One wonders why people are not happy with all luxuries in life. In the past people had fewer requirements, and life was hard. There were more values in life. The people were more passionate and honest and ever ready to help each other in case of need. That made them more satisfied and happy among them.

                                         Therefore the truth of life is money and luxury can not give all happiness but it gives only comforts. However, few requirements, values, and humanity only give inner happiness in life.
