Wednesday, April 19, 2023


The Artificial Intelligence -Conflict Thereon

                                                                                                     ' Chat GPT' is a program of Artificial intelligence created by Microsoft.   Facebook had also started the program on Artificial intelligence long back but had to drop as the program started creating its own version of languages which was not advisable and acceptable to the company. Besides that several other companies are also working on AI.

                                                           There are people who support AI and some of them oppose it. Bill Gates, Sunder Pichai, and Scientist Kurzweil support the AI program but Ellen Musk, the late Stephen Hocking, and Co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak oppose the AI program. It was reported that Ellen Musk also started the program on AI but he was not happy with the outcome. Hence the conflict is going on AI program in Silicon Valley.

                                                           It is said that the Medical Exam and Law Exam require three months for studying and passing which can  Answer the AI programmer 'Chat GPT immediately. Therefore some people believe that AI programmers will one day pass the Singularity. It means today human mind is very powerful but the time will come when AI programmers will surpass human intelligence which will be dangerous for human intelligence to control it. It will be dangerous to human Society. It is also felt that in longtime AI machines may work in the opposite direction of human programming which is also a matter of concern.

                                                             AI Machine may also create image generator graphic programs which can misguide people and also show Ilusary Graphic  in various Hollywood Movies. This is also will become sometimes an undesirable aspect of society that can misguide people.

                                                            Hence there are assets and Liabilities in the AI program which has become a matter of controversy among intelligent people.



Thursday, April 6, 2023


New World Order 

                                                   International politics is changing fast and the countries that were neglected are coming up in new world order. China and India were not given that much importance on the stage of world politics. 

                                                America was a superpower for decades but now it seems the world is changing. Even the dollar which was dominating in world currency has lost its value in the changing circumstances. In short, some of the countries are indirectly challenging the supremacy of the dollar and superpower America.

                                                Russia, China, North Korea, and Belarus are the countries that seem to be aligned. while India has maintained its neutral position between the Western block and the Russians. Hence Indian position has become very strategic in Asia. 

                                                  It is reported that NATO has offered its membership to India but India is silent on that subject. Even Russia has also suggested joining its block along with China. But India has suggested to Russia that China should first clear all boundaries disputes with it. This shows that India now stands strategic country between the two blocks.

                                               Besides that, it is reported that 17 countries have already agreed to trade in Indian Rupees. It is further reported that some countries like 'The UAE are accepting Rupee Credit Cards and Indian Rupee Currency. This shows how Indian Rupee is becoming strong internationally.

                                                  In short new order is going to come in the world wherein India will play a very important role in the world.


Monday, April 3, 2023


Jack Maa - A Great Chines  Business Tycoon

                                                                                    Jack Maa a Chines business tycoon disappeared from china and was seen in Japan, Thailand, and that too in lonely places. He criticized the Chines government which lead him to a bad book with the Chinese government. Thereafter he left China in the wilderness.

                                                                                     He had to face the hard life and to struggle in order to come up. In childhood, he worked as a tourist guide from age of nine. He use to do cycling for 26 kilometers per day as a tourist guide. But as a tourist guide he improved his English with foreign travelers.

                                                                                   He faced failures in getting admission in good college and become ultimately art graaduate. He wanted to go to Harvard but he failed there even. He applied to 30 places but everywhere he got refusals. This was a very hard time for Jack Maa.

                                                                                     He started his own company in 1995 and went to the USA. He found that America did not know much about China then. Hence he started his website under the name 'Ugly' to attract investors. Thereafter he started his famous company 'Alibaa 'along with his friends which gave him a great push. In the year 2020, the net worth of Jack Maa became 42 billion dollars. He is now the second richest man in China.

                                                                                 It seems that the Chines government has now settled now all problems with Jack Maa as a trade war is going on with china.

                                         However, he is a role model as an ideal businessman.
