Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Democracy Is In Trouble

                                             Democracy is considered as one of the best systems for running the government. However, the democratic system has been questioned by some of people and including politicians who are supporters of the same. sometimes it is questioned the way it is conducted. 

                                              Trust in the system is the thing that only can strengthen it but when trust is lost then it leads to falling of it. In some cases, even political interests create problems for the democratic election. India and America are the biggest democratic countries in the world wherein some of the politicians have questioned the democratic elections. 

                                             Donald Trump, former president of America, and his supporters had questioned the last presidential election of America. There was a Riot by supporters of Donald trump on 6th June 2021  at Capital Hill, Questioning the Presidential Election.  This incident itself questions the democratic process of election in America.  It is a serious problem for the democratic system in the USA.


                                           In the last Indian election, the landslide victory of the Bhartiya Janata Party was questioned by Opposition Parties. They questioned the faulty system of electronic voting machines.  However, some of the politicians do not mind if their parties get elected on the same voting machine. Hence it becomes a matter of political interest but in the process whole system is being questioned.  This is also a dangerous point for the Democratic System. 

                                             Recently there were Riots in Brazil against the elected President. The supporters of the Former President have questioned the election. They have alleged that the president has fraudulently won the election. In short, they have questioned the election process. This is also one of the danger points for the democratic system.

                                        The Truth is that the democratic system is the best system of government but it depends upon the people who are handling it and who are enjoying it. More is required to be done to uplift the value and character of people in order to make it the best.


Monday, January 9, 2023


Robotic Technology

                                      Robotic technology is expanding very fast. It started in the industrial field wherein Robots replaced Human Workers. But now its uses are applied to almost all areas. In Japan, Robots are used in hospitability industries and in the fashion world.  The Robot speaks and acts like a Human being.

                                      America is also using Robotic Technology in the Healthcare Sector.  It is being used in sensitive Surgeries like Heart and Brain. There is an instance when a Robot addresses the British parliament to show the technology's effectiveness.

                                    It has yet to be discovered where the application of Robot Technology will end. It has no limit in handling human activities. This shows that the time will come when Robots will dominate over the world. It may replace human activities who has created it.

                                    Bahrain's King recently brought a Robot with him as his Bodyguard. It speaks six languages and cost him $7.4 Million Dollars. The Robot is obtained in order to protect him.  The said Robot can fight physically and can chase the culprit. It shoots if necessary. The Robot is armed with an electronic teaser. It carries a 360-degree camera.  There are three hidden guns that can fight with about 1050 men. The Robot also carries medication and water. This shows that Robots can compete with any most efficient bodyguard.

                                   In short, it is to be seen that Robot Technology may not become liabilities to humanity who has given its birth.



Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Health Care and  Ayurveda

                                                        Ayurveda is the Ancient Indian method of Health Care. It has its own organic medication which does not create any side effects on the body. Besides that, there is an ancient book that described how Indian Rishis used to perform surgery when necessary. 

                                                         However, Ayurveda puts more stress on self-control over the body and mind.  They believed in more herbal medication than medication based on chemical products.

                                                          In Ayurveda, it is believed that mental conditions have an effect on Health. There are instances when a simple Sugar Pill cures a health problem because the mind believes that it is a healing agent.  Sometimes negative thoughts are responsible for deteriorating health conditions. Therefore sometimes genes may not be responsible for health but it may be sick minds. In short sick mind may be responsible for some short diseases.

                                                          Hence Yoga is recommended to control the mind and to induce positive and powerful thinking.  Suitable Yoga exercises control one's biology, physiology, muscles, and bones. The Brain Chemistry of Yoga students controls and protects them from diseases. Even negative thoughts can be controlled by exercise. Therefore Yoga appears to be the extended method of Ayurveda for health care.

                                                        It is reported that Dr. Keisuke Hanjo and Alison, who are recipients of the Noble Prize, have supported one of the treatments for Cancer i.e. Cancer cells can be destroyed if a suffering patient observes fasting for three terms without a drop of water for 20 hours.  This also appears to be part of Ayurveda Naturopathy. 

                                                         The Indian Government also encourages Ayurveda treatments by opening an Ayurveda University.  Besides that  Indian government also making efforts to see that Ayurveda Medication and remedies thereof are being approved by the Drug Administration of the USA. 
