Sunday, December 18, 2022

Swastik and Hindu philosophy

                                                      There is a misunderstanding regarding the symbol of the Nazi party and the  Hindu symbol of Swastik. The symbol of the Nazi party differs as it goes up and down from then the Indian Swastik Symbol.

                                                      Nazi party never followed the philosophy of the Swastik Symbol. The only similarity is that the Nazi party believed that Germans are superior Aryans.  They also considered Indians to belong to the same Aryan Race. The assumption might have been based on historical facts that Aryans were living in Central Asia and out of that one group had migrated to Europe and another group to south Asia. i.e. India.

                                                        However, the Indian symbol of Swastik carries deep rational and philosophical meaning related to the practical life of human beings.  

                                                      The main four pillars of the symbol give emphasize the Observance of Dharma,  Achieving Moksha, Controlling Moha i.e. Kam, and the Urge for wealth. i.e. Arth.

                                                      It also gives messages of keeping Unity, Liberation from wrong Instincts, To maintain fellowship and friendship. 

                                                      Besides that, it conveys through its four top curves to achieve happiness in life by controlling the mind, desire, and ego. Wisdom is the most important to achieve those results.

                                                     All those messages caring one to the center of the Swastik which is Brahma. i.e. The ultimate goal of life which is absolute truth.

                  In short, Swastik gives significant guidance to achieve perfection in life.




Monday, December 12, 2022


Twitter  And  Its New Look

                                                      Elon  Musk is a very adventurous genius.  Some people think that Elon Musk has played a big gamble by taking over 'Twitter'. However, whenever Elon Musk does anything thing he always plans in advance which other thinks is impossible. Besides, Musk's action of acquiring 'Twitter 'was also considered strange as it is not doing well at present.

                                                       Elon Musk has already fired, Directors, Top Officials, and Several Thousand Employees of 'Twitter' as soon as he had taken over the company. He also warned employees who do not want to work hard. In short Musk up to some extent an admirer of the Chinese working force.

                                                        Elon Musk believes in giving more Freedom and facilities to its user. Twitter had no Editing facilities for users so they can change their posting if necessary. He has now started Editing buttons for 'Blue Tik' users on Twitter. But in time to come, he intends to give such facilities to all users.

                                                         Besides that now users have Photo and GIF facilities while posting. That means one more file can be attached to the posting. These are new facilities that Twitter is giving to users.

                                                        Elon Musk also believes that everyone should have the right to express their views freely. Therefore he has started again those accounts that were blocked. i.e. Including of Donald Trump's Account. But he made sure that he would not tolerate fake accounts.

                                                         Elon musk also intends to collect charges from 'Blue Tik ' users but will simplify the verification process.

                                                         Besides that Elon Musk plan to make Twitter like' All on one platform. i.e. Including Payment, E-Commerce.

                                                      Elon Musk has removed the Indian-origin CEO Parag Agrawal from Twitter but he has already taken prominent Indian-origin high-tech engineers couple Sri Ram Krishnan and his wife Arati Ramamurthy as advisers.  Ram Krishnan is considered to be the future CEO of Twitter.  Elon Musk is very much impressed with Sriram Krishnan / Arati's  Podcast App 'Club House'.

                      Given the above that the face of Twitter will be changed by Musk very soon.




Sunday, December 4, 2022


America Supremacy - Challenge Thereof 

                                                                      American supremacy is already challenged by countries like Russia, China, and South Korea. Besides that, they are trying to form a new world order against the domination of American supremacy. There are also a few reasons which weaken American supremacy from within.

                                                               Therefore  America has to further strengthen its economy and administration from within to fight against those outside forces. America has even lost the solid support of some of its European Allies. They are putting their national interest first against their long friendship with America.

                                                                  In view of the above America has to strengthen its economy and administration in order to face those powerful challenges to its supremacy. The income gap between rich and poor is increasing in America which requires to be taken care of. Besides that, the internal administration has to be strengthened in various fields in order further strengthen its position.

                                                                  There are certain fields that can be given due attention. US postal services which started in 1775 are now not doing well. SSI which was Established in 1938 is now facing funds problems. Medicare and Medicaid which started in 1965 require urgent corrective measures regarding their funding. The USA is still depending upon the import of oil which is to be reduced. There are severe problems of shelterless /Homeless and Illegal Immigrants. It has to be brought under control. The worse problem in America is high inflation which has reached its highest in the last forty years.

                                                                 In short, America has to also strengthen all aspects of its weak points within also in order to face the challenge of its supremacy from the outside. 
