Thursday, September 29, 2022


Confucious-In Context Of Present-Day China

                                                                                Confucious was a great philosopher of China. He was also a political thinker and was for the self-development of humanity. Therefore he was an authority on political and social vision. 

                                                                                  He believed that the trust of people is crucial for a ruler in case he loses the same then he cannot sustain his power. He was for the ideals and values of ancient culture. He also supported modern education and standby for social reforms. He believed that systems are created by thinking of the people.

                                                                              He said that the divine power or soul of the dead people does not control human lives. Therefore every individual is independent and powerful to create their own destiny. 

                                                                            Besides that when there is a difference of opinions or wrongdoing among officials or a conflict for power that is totally undesirable. Confucious gave a message to establish a nonviolent society.  He had imagined the perfect ruler. He pointed out three factors for the ideal ruler. i.e. Person with good Intentions, Intelligent and Fearless.

                                                                           Confucious was for the family system in society. He wanted that elders should be respected. In short, Confucius wanted that Religion should sustain society and that society should support Religion. He wanted that everyone should be satisfied with what they had.  

                                                                         Confucious said one must live life with full confidence so that any failure in life can't come in the way of Happiness.

                                                                        We do not know that all this wisdom of Confucius has any relevance in the present context in China. 



Sunday, September 11, 2022

Why Nature is Angry? 

                                             The advancement in the field of industries, technology,  and the increase of materialism has also adversely affected nature. The magnetic vibrations in all forms have made the atmosphere warm and hostile. They are responsible for abnormal floodings, cyclonic winds, and even deadly earthquakes. The recent flooding in  Pakistan,  the Earthquakes in China, and several cyclones in different states in America are glaring examples of Angry Nature.

                                              The warming waters are making the sea more toxic which is likely to endanger marine and human life. The increase of fresh cold water in the North Atlantic( i.e, from Iceland) is changing the ocean current which is affecting the weather in Europe. Europe is becoming warm. It has also creat drought in Africa.

                                              While deep sea mining of  EV minerals in Pacific ocean could be critical to storing carbon. It can also affect the surrounding of the said ocean. Besides, the pacific waves are becoming strong in the Southern Hemisphere. It will create danger for the coastline of small island Nations. The erosion due to waves can be also dangerous for local communities.  The Coral Reef of Carabians has to be protected from offshore Drilling.

                                            The temperature of the South Atlantic sea is also rising which can adversely affect the fishing industries of Africa. It is observed that fish can not thrive in warm water. The warming water of Antarctica also melts ice sheets which destabilize glaciers. It can also raise the sea level

                                             The Indian Ocean has medows of sea grass which is to be protected because it produces twice CO2 in comparison with land forests. Besides that Mangrove forest on the sea coast has to be protected as they store lots of carbon. 

                                            It is observed that people have not taken all these development regarding nature seriously. Hence nature is now Angry.



Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Winston Churchill

                                              Winston Churchill a former prime minister of  England is considered to be the war hero of England because he was one of the leaders who made it possible to win the second world war. It was also surprising that he was thrown out of power after the war. Besides that, he was a perfect colonist and was prejudiced against India and Indians who fought for freedom. One he called Mahatma Gandhi 'Naked Fakir of India' in the context of his dress.  He was also against giving independence to India, which was considered Jewell among British colonies.

                                                Churchill said he hates Indians. They are beastly people with a beastly Religion. He once went further and commented very severely on the Bengal famine.  He said it was their own fault for breeding like rabbits. It was reported that once he also commented that  'Those  40 crores Indians (i.e. then) should not be given freedom. They will foolishly tax on everything including air'. Mahatma Gandhi reacted very severely to said comment and retorted  ' Let be Chaos but the British must leave India immediately. ' 

                                               He was very stiff regarding his colonial view.  He said if welsh are striking over hunger we must fill their bellies with lead.  We sent troops in to crush striking miners in Tonypandy. 

                                              Afghan war of 1897 he said ' There who resisted were killed. We proceeded village to village, destroyed houses, wells,  towns, trees, and burned crops.' All these views reflect that he was drunk with  Supreme English colonial power.

                                             It was Atlee a former British labor Prime Minister who gave freedom to India as by then England knew very well that it was difficult to maintain control over India.
