Friday, August 19, 2022


Unknown and Forgotten Freedom Fighters- 75 Years of  Indian Independence 

                                                  There were thousands of freedom fighters of India who fought for freedom in their own way. Some believed in non-violence and others fought violently. However, their patriotism was beyond question. The British government then was using very torturous methods to control those freedom fighters.  Some of the revolutionary young people reacted violently and replied to the British regime accordingly. i.e. Killing British officers and throwing  Bombs at them.

                                                In the process, the family members of those freedom fighters suffered and had very miserable lives. India got freedom in 1947 but some of them were forgotten and their families vanished into poverty. India is now celebrating 75 years of independence.  This is a very good opportunity to rectify the error and give those unknown and forgotten freedom fighters due recognition for the sacrifice they made for the freedom of India. 

                                                 In this connection, we can quote an example of revolutionary freedom fighter Chandrashekhar Azad.  His mother became lonely and helpless after his death. She was rotting in poverty. She had no cloth to wear and no food to eat. She has to do some manual work for her lively hood. Such miserable was the condition of a mother whose son was a revolutionary freedom fighter and after whom 700 British force was chasing.

                                              Chandrashekhar Azad, use to say' He will face the bullet of the British Government but will go on fighting.'   Chandrasekhar Azad had also taken a promise from one of his revolutionary freedom fighter friends Sadashiv Rao to look after his mother. He fulfilled his promise and took her with him as her financial condition was not good.  

                                              Besides, that Azad's mother was not treated well in her village. They use to tell her mother of Daku.   It is very unfortunate that even after independence Azad's mother was not given any help by the government.

                                               India is now celebrating  75 years of independence and if the government searches and prepares a list of all forgotten and unknown freedom fighters all over to give due recognition for sacrifice for the freedom of the motherland. 





Friday, August 12, 2022

When Dancer Becomes Soldier

                                                                     Patriotism is such a thing that can inspire people to do anything for the country. This is a recent instance in Ukraine wherein how one lady citizen of the country sacrifices her career to defend her country. She is a role model for the world as she is a lady artist who has enrolled herself in the military to defend her country against the aggression of Russia.  

                                                        The 30 years Ms. Olesia Vorotnyk is a Ballerina with the National Opera of Ukraine. She is a professional dancer in her country. Her son and husband were killed in Russian supported conflict three years ago.  After that, she took up the soldier position at a checkpoint with an AK-47. Rifle. Olesia also helped to evacuate civilians when it was encircled by Russian troops. Even joining the Army was difficult for her because authorities wanted experienced people.

                                                      However, she found some similarities between Military service and Ballet. Ballet also requires discipline and strength of mind. i.e. To face pain. She also experienced pain staying on her toes during ballet performances which give pain. Sometimes even feet also bleed in the process.

                                                      In the beginning, she was assigned the duty of guarding a neighborhood near Kyiv. She also worked in the military for creating pride in her countrymen. She also wants the future generation of Ukraine to grow up with strong confidence.

                                                    She returns now to her profession but she knows very well that any time she can be called back to serve military at any time. Hence she regularly practices shooting every day.

                                                   In short, she is the living example of the high morale of Ukraine people who are facing the aggression of mighty Russia.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Indian Diaspora  Abroad

                                                       Indian Diaspora abroad has performed very well wherever they have gone. They had an excellent performance in Science, Technology, Politics, Trade, and Industries everywhere overseas. 

                                                      There were so many Indian origin persons who occupied very high positions in Social and Political fields of USA, Britain, Canada, Singapore, Carabian Countries, etc. India is very much proud of them. It is a time when NRI(i.e. Non-Resident Indians) have started investing in India in every field for its developmental projects.

                                                        In America Indian origin people are 1% of the population of America but its performance is very good.  The Indian origin people are having a hold over 40% of Hospitability Industries in the USA. They are very much in High-Tech,  Healthcare, Academic and Scientific Sectors of  USA. Besides that  67% of Indian origin, people have Bachelor's Degree in the USA against the 28% of the General population who has a Bachelor's Degree.

                                                       The Average Household income of the General  American population is $50000/- while the Average Household income for Indian-origin people is $90000/-. This shows how the  Indian origin people are doing in America.

                                                        Once former President of America Barrack Obama advised his American Student audience ' Please Study properly otherwise jobs will be snatched away by Indians from you. ' This is also observed that 80%of American students dropped out after school graduation.

                                Hence people of Indian origin are doing well everywhere abroad.
