Friday, June 24, 2022

 The Realization Of  Buddha

                                                   India has very close religious relations with Nepal. It is the one and only Hindu state in the world. Ram was born in India but Sita was born in Nepal. Similarly, Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal but he realized the truth of life in India. Most of the initial disciple's Buddha was Indian.  Indian kings then also helped to spread Buddhism in the world.  Buddha realized in Buddha Gaya in India near Kashi.

                                                 Buddha said ' If you stand for  reasons be prepared to stand alone like a tree and if you fall on the ground fall like a seed that grows back to fight.' He meant one has to fight alone for reason or truth and even if you fail you should go on fighting  ' Never be to yourself if you want to be successful' That was his Mantra. One has to be humble and kind than to be Right. You are not given the right to be rude, or cruel because you are correct. That is a message of the Buddha.

                                                 In this world, Three things can't be hidden i.e. Sun, Moon, and Truth. i.e. Truth is also power full like the Sun and Moon which can't be a coverup. Buddha was for giving love instead of begging for it. He also added beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful. Besides, that successful people should also carry two things on their lips. i.e. silence and smile.

                                              Buddha believed that a relationship never dies a natural death but is destroyed by Ego, Attitude, and Ignorance.  You will feel far better if you change yourself instead of changing others. Buddha said that Faith and Prayer make impossible things possible even though they are invisible. One moment can change a day, One day can change a life, and One life can change the world.

                                               Buddha was for control over one Tongue. He said when you speak ask your self ' Is it True or Is it Necessary or Is it Kind.  The uncontrolled Tongue only creates great problems. Buddha has given a very pessimistic message ' No matter how hard past you can always begin again.' He said attachment to someone is the root cause of suffering because it leads to expectations.

                                             Buddha said' Nothing is permanent. Do not stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is it will change.  He said there's no path to happiness Happiness is the path.

                                               Buddha also gave very much importance to spiritualism. He said '   Just as candal  can not burn without fire, Men cannot live without a spiritual life.'

                    In short Buddha, messages are for the happiness of the world and peace thereon.


Monday, June 20, 2022

 Success and Character

                                           Character is very important in life but it does not give guaranteed success.  It is strange but true.  In a successful man, one will find his personal life and habits are not desirable. It gives a wrong signal to common men but it is a complicated matter. However, there is nothing like success wherein all drawbacks of a person are ignored or are covered up.

                                          Franklin Roosevelt known as FDR was a very successful president of America. He played a very successful role in handling the American Economic Depression and the Second world war.  He was not having a good reputation regarding corruption. He had another woman in his marriage life. He was very conservative and use to consult an astrologer on various matters. He was a chain smoker and use to drink 8 to10  times a day. However, he is a respected and successful president in spite of all those drawbacks in his life.

                                          Winston Churchill  Second World War Prime Minister of England was successful in winning the second world war. He was a very lazy person who used to sleep up until the afternoon. He was fond of opium during his college time. He was kicked out twice as prime minister of England during his political career. However, he is considered one of the most successful prime ministers of England. He was imperialist which is also ignored. There is nothing like success.

                                        There was one leader who was a Vegetarian. He did not smoke. Besides that, he never cheated wife and inspired millions of his countrymen. In view of the above  Adolf Hitler of Germany can be considered an ideal leader. But he lost the war and became a bad leader for waging the war.

                  All of these show that it is a great mistake to judge anyone by his habit and character.


Sunday, June 12, 2022


Hinduism and Buddhism

                                                        There are several similarities between Hindu philosophy and Buddhism. Bhagavan Buddha was born in Nepal but his Nirvana (i.e. Realization) was taken place in India.  Most of his Initial front followers were from India. They were brought up under Hindu philosophy before they accepted Buddha's teaching.   Buddha's teaching was also mainly influenced by Hinduism but he added some of his own teachings thereon.   Sometimes one feels that Buddha is speaking the language of Vedas and Lord Krishna.

                                                            The extraordinary rise of Buddhism took place at a time when Hinduism was in midst of decaying philosophy. The wasted interest then has taken over control of Hinduism which has become very unpopular because of its irrational practices. Buddha was light for them and people accepted his teaching. Even kings also started accepting buddha's teaching as a state Religion. In short, Hinduism was at declined then and kings started sending monks to surrounding countries for propagating Buddha teachings. i.e. to China, Tibet, Japan, Sri Lanka,  Mymnare, and in Southeast Countries. However, there was one Hindu young  Saint Adi Sankaracharya who traveled from South to North propagating that there is no difference between Buddhism and Hinduism. He also showed that Hinduism has everything which Bhagavan Buddha is teaching.  Those teachings were not put forward by Hinduism in the right perspective. In this connection, Adi Sankaracharya had long discussions for several days along with top Buddhist monks at Kashi. They ultimately accepted that defeat and Hindu philosophy prevailed. Adi Shankaracharya then established four Piths at four corners of India to further protect Hinduism. i.e. at Dwarka, Puri, Kedarnath, and Shrugeri in the South.

       That is how Adi Shankaracharya saved Hinduism from the onslaught of Buddhism in India.
