Saturday, May 21, 2022


Decline Of Glamour-State Of California, USA

                                                                                                 It is the Golden State in America wherein High Tech Silicon Valley and the Glamourious Movie Industry of Hollywood are situated. It is gifted with beautiful green mountains along with valleys including a long Seashore of the Pacific Ocean. Besides, it has balance weather, making the state a more attractive place to stay. It is said that' When One tastes the orange juice of California will never think of leaving California'. 

                                                                                                California also has a history of the 'Gold Rush' when people from every corner of America were rushing to California for becoming rich. Such is the glory of such a prosperous California. However, glory and prosperity are attached to a big circle that brings up and down of anything. It seems California passing through a declining process for many reasons.

                                                                                                   The population of California is shrinking. In the year2022 population of the State further declined by 400000 than in the Year 2020. The population decline is due to migration from the state. The birth rate is less than the death rate.  It appears it may be due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Los Angeles County population has also fallen over the last four years. The state's total fertility rate has also fallen from 2.2 in the year 2006 to 1.5 in the year 2020. In the year 2010, the population of elder 65+was 11% but it will double in the year by 2030. It may change the demography of the state.

                                                                                                  It is no more the migrant magnet because of frequent Drought, Wildfires in the forest Areas, and Expensive Housing. The Rich old people are buying houses in other States. Besides that poor schooling also plays an effect on migration from the State. California has lost 3 million of its population between the years 2000 and 2020 accordingly.  27% of the population of California is foreign-born which is twice the national average. In short, a Culturally rich state has become now more expensive which is not comfortable for the people to stay in. Hence State like Texas and Arizona has become more attractive for people to stay.

                                This is how California is losing its glamour and attractions.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022



                                                      Diabetes is a disease that can give a long life if controlled, but it can kill one if it is neglected. It is a disease that slowly affects one's organs which are most essential for a healthy life. i.e. Eyes. Heart, Kidney, etc. It is observed that patients with uncontrolled diabetes sometimes lose their eyes or make their eyesight weak. Heart problem is expected in the case of diabetes. Besides that, it also adversely affects the kidneys. In short, it can make its victims weak and disabled, and ultimately it may lead to death. 

                                     The expert doctors say that all diabetic patients are not getting equal treatment because of so many reasons. In some cases, even patients cannot effort prescribed treatment because of their economic conditions. Sometimes they do not understand the doctor's instructions due to language problems. It is also found that a doctor's instruction goes against a patient's cultural beliefs. In this fast and competitive world, even some diabetic patients do not get time to follow doctor instructions.                                                About 34.1 Million Adults are suffering from diabetes according to 'US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and 90 to 95 %of them have type 2 Diabetes. It comes to 26%of the population including the population of 65 and the elder. It is more among the economically weaker section than the wealthy.

                                     It requires a better communication system to improve the conditions of diabetic patients. In this connection, Kaiser Permanent Group has higher people who can converse with patients in their own language. Even community workers can also play a better role in improving the condition of diabetic patients. Health care providers can communicate with their patients better and faster by effectively expanding the  Telehealth System. It can also make it easy for Providers to reach diabetic patients in their homes. 

                                       However, Diabetes is the most common disease in the world and it has to be tackled with proper education on 'Living Healthy Lives.


Monday, May 9, 2022



                                                                                 We have celebrated recently' Mothers Day'.  However in this materialistic world sometimes it is observed that children are fighting i.e. who will keep their old mother as they consider her to be a burden. In some cases, children love their money and properties rather than their love and affection. There are cases where some of the children do not attend the cremation of their mother for negligible disputes. Those cases are very unfortunate but exceptions.

                              The mother who gives birth to a child and keeps it in her womb for several months too with so much pain but with love. Hence mother is a fountain of selfless love, affection, and sacrifice. Her love will forever shower on her children whether they are good or bad. Therefore one will never find someone who does not love his or her mother.  It is also observed that Children are always closer to their mothers than to their fathers.

                                  Hence it is said that-


Mother, you  taught me how to walk

 The first word that came from me  is 'Mom'

Your selfless love has also inspired  me

All struggle in your life was meant for we 


 I fall, the blood seems to come out from you

And Tears were flowing when from my eyes 

The pain felt  in your heart

You also stood by me  like a rock in life  


How can I forget  your  obligation in life

But that can not be even returned in my life


                     That is a mother and no one can replace her in anybody's life.
