Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Norms of different professional life.

                                  The general norms are not always common in the social system of the world. It does not vary with countries or people. Besides they are or were common since ancient times.

                                  It is said that' Big fishes always eat Small fishes'. Similarly in the social system, the working poor class is always exploited by powerful people in the world. Poor workers go on working and powerful people enjoy comforts at their cost. Hence it is said that 'Poor Work and Work'.

                                Most of the Revolutions took place in the world due to the oppression of the poor by the rich and powerful class. Many rulers were also removed by the poor class through collective force due to their oppressive behaviors. This is because it is based on the principle that the' Rich exploit the Poor. 

                                The Army protects the country in the name of patriotism and soldiers give their precious lives thereon. Soldiers are always addicted to Leadership and their Country, i.e. Motherland. But it amounts that soldiers protect both the Poor and Rich of the land.

                               The People who earn money pay taxes to the government of the country.  The poor class does not pay much taxes. Soldiers are paid from the taxes. Sometimes even the rich class avoids taxes. In short, genuine taxpayers pay for all the above three. i.e. for Rich, Poor, and Soldiers.

                                Bankers are those who rob all those four classes by giving them loans and giving other facilities. This is to say they make their profit from those classes.

                               It is also observed that lawyer income is based on how they present half lies in such a manner that it appears to be the truth. In the process, they mislead all those classes of society.

                              Doctor earning is based on his patients and is billing on all those above sections of society. There is one section of society who are outlaws flourish by scaring the whole society.

                             However, the politicians are the happy-go-lucky professionals who are having comfortable lives. They live happily on account of all those classes of the country.

                              These are professional norms that are common anywhere in the world. These are all norms that were relevant in the time of the Roman Empire which is conformed in 43 BC by Marcus Cicero.


Monday, January 10, 2022

 India -Can Be Superpower

                                                  India is a developing country. Its GDP is increasing at the rate of 8and 1/2 % which appears to be higher than China in the present condition. This way India can become the third powerful economy by the year  2030.

                                                   India is the 4th most powerful country in the world with the fifth largest economy of 3.3 trillion. It has the second largest arm forces in the world with more than 2 million reserve personal. It also possesses nuclear weapons. India has Agni-6 missiles which have a range of 12000KM. Besides that, it has a counter satellite system that can destroy the satellite of any country. ISRO is the 5th largest space agency in the world. India is also equipped with the 4th most powerful advanced system.

                                                  There are 170 Billoners in India which shows its financial strength. It is the third-largest manufactures in the world. India is the second-largest producer of smartphones with the fourth-largest producer of cars. In steel production, it stands 2nd in the world. India also produces the 3rd largest electricity in the world. Besides that, it produces the largest spice in the world and stands second in textile.

                                                  India is very rich in IT talents with a reserve of 225 Billion Dollars. India has also accumulated a 520 Billion Dollar Exchange Reserve. There is 600 million smartphone user with 600 million internet users in India. India is having a rank in the world in respect of Doctors, Engineers, and Scientists.

                                                NASA is having 36%, Indian Scientists. Microsoft is having 34%,  Indian Engineers. IBM  is having 28%, Indian Engineers. GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, IBM, NOKIA, PEPSI, MASTER CARD, SAN DISK , ADOBEand HARMAN are having Indian CEOs. 

                                                  This all shows how the world will be poor without Indian talents? If so then one day India will become a world superpower.



Thursday, January 6, 2022


Extraordinary People

                                                    Shakuntala Devi of India was known as a Human-Computer. She use to calculate large numbers in seconds. She acquired a world record which shows she had extraordinary capacity.

                                   Liew Thaw Lin of Malaysia is known as Magnet Man. His body was Magnetic. It could hold weighing up to 4.5 Pounds. He could also stick 80 pounds of Metal to his skin. He could even pul car. Scientists said 'There is no magnetism in his body but his body exhibited an unusually high level of friction which allowed him to perform such feats.

                                  Harald William a journalist of New Zealand is known for his linguistic power.  he 58 languages including Basgne and Hittite. His mastery of several languages helped him to develop his diplomatic career.

                                  David Kish developed the echolocation technic. He could interpret echos. He could even detect buildings, trees, and persons 1000 feet, 30feet, and 6feet away respectively. He can tell difference between various materials. He founded the organization to teach echolocation to blind people.

                                  Michel Lotito is a french entertainer also known as 'Mr. Eat All'. He swallowed Glass, Rubber, and Metal.  He even drank mineral oil and eat two pounds of metal every day. His digestive system has never faced any problem.

                                  Stephen  Wiltshire is a British  Architect and  Artist known as' Human Camera'.  He could draw a detailed LandScape of the Entire City from his Memory. His only need was to look at his subject one to remember it. His drawing showing 'Panoramic View of Newyork' is displayed at 'JFK Airport 'of Newyork.  

                                Dean Karnazes has broken many running Records.  In the year 2005, he broke the record by running  350 miles in 80 hours and 44 minutes. He did not stop or sleep or eat during the entire Race. In 2006 he ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days.  Scientists believe Karnazes has no lactose threshold.  His body can clear lactate from his blood and convert it to energy.

                      All these facts show they are all extraordinary people on our planet.
