Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Difference Between Outlook 

                                 There is a difference between faith and trust and similarly, there is a difference between knowledge and digestion thereon. One may have faith in somebody but may not have trust. It is strange but sometimes it becomes fact. 

                                  There are instances where you can find clear differences between them. Once there was a very great Artist who used to walk on the rope with his own baby son in his hands. It was a very thrilling show wherein people used to enjoy.  One day he requested his audience to offer one of their babies to exhibit his skill. He waited for a considerable time but nobody came forward from the audience to comply with his request. He was not happy but he told them that they have faith in his skill but have no trust in me. This instance shows the clear difference between faith and trust. 

                                    Arjun was very unhappy after the end of the Mahabharata War as he lost his Dearest son Abhimanyu.  Lord Krishna was observing that his friend Arjun was not happy while all were celebrating victory.  He advised him to come with him on pilgrimage to reduce his grief. They saw on the way a big crowd gathered around the body of one young man. Lord Krishna inquiries what happen?  Somebody from the crowd replied 'He died because of a serpent bite and added he was the only son of his parent. Therefore nobody is ready to convey this tragic news to his parent'.  Lord Krishna told Arjun' Let us do this difficult work of conveying this tragic news to his Parent'.

                                     Lord Krishna told Arjun' You have to do this work. They went to the Parent's place to inform them that their only son has died. First of the father of that young man came out ' Arjun told him that his son has died due to serpent's bite.' Old father stared at him and told 'He was a very good son and very popular among people for his good work. It is a God desire we can't help it.'  Arjun was shocked looking at the reaction father. Lord Krishna then said let go in the house and inform his mother. Arjun also gave the same sad news to his mother. Mother was seemed a little bit shocked but she said ' He was my most loving son. He used to give the best services to both of us. We will miss him but what to do. Nothing is our hand.' Arjun was disgusted with the Parent' reactions to the death of their only young son.  He told Lord Krishna 'Let us leave from here I cannot stand here.'

                                     Lord Krishna then took  Arjuna out and said  ' I had conveyed you 'Gita' for several days during the war of Mahabharat' but you have not digested.  While these old parents have digested the philosophy of Gita truly in their lives.

                            This shows the difference between knowledge and its digestion.


Friday, December 17, 2021

The Key Of Success- Diplomacy
                                                                          Success also depends upon how you deal with the problem.  The sometimes complicated issue can be solved diplomatically instead of wasting energy and effort.  Even the use of rationalism or intelligence does not work in certain circumstances. 
                                                              There is one example where how diplomatically the difficult issue was made smooth and in one advantage. It is related to one intelligent Russian Jew who made one complicated issue in his favor that to by handling it very smartly.
                                                            Russian Jews are permitted to immigrate to Israel if they desire. One of the Jews who was immigrating to Israel wanted to carry along with him some of his wealth.  He got it made a small golden statue of Lenin to carry along with him. 

                                                            Russian Custom found a golden statue of Lenin in his baggage and they asked him 'What is this? He replied ' This is the wrong question. You should have asked Who is he? This is Comrade Lenin who laid the foundation of Socialism. He had created the future prosperity of Russia. I am taking this small statue with me as the memory of dear Hiro.' Russian Customs officer let him go. 
                                                          At Tel Aviv Airport the Israeli Customs officer asked him ' What is this?' He replied' Wrong question Sir. You should be asking " Who is this?" This is Lenin the bastard who cause me, a jew to leave Russia. I take this statue with me so I can curse him every day.'  Israel officer apologized and said 'Sir you are cleared to go.'
                                                            In his new home, one of his friends asked him "who is this?" He replied 'Wrong question'. You should have asked 'what is this?'  This is 10-kilogram solid gold that I managed to bring with me without paying any Customs Duty and Tax'.
                                                            In short, telling the same thing diplomatically in a different manner in different circumstances allows one to look good in every way.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Why China After Taiwan?

                                                   Taiwan is a well-developed country under the guidance and protection of America.  However, once upon a time, Taiwan was under Kamunting China but America stop Communist China to take over it during the communist revolution under Mao Tse-tung. Thereafter with help of America, Taiwan has been able to maintain its independence. But it is under constant threat from China.

                                                  Taiwan has also made good progress in the field of high-tech. Besides that, it is one of the well-governed countries in the world. It has also the set best record in controlling the Covid -19 in the World. Taiwan has a Democratic system of government against the Communist system of China which is Dictatorial. Hence there is a natural competition between the two systems.

                                                  Taiwan is ahead of manufacturing silicon chips in a world which are used in Mobile, Computers, Missiles, Defence, Airconditioning, Fighter Planes, Breweries, and the Internet.  'Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company' is worth 500 Billion Dollars and controls 50% of the world Market. It also controls 90% of the advanced processors market in the world. In short, Taiwan can adversely affect the high-tech industries in the world if anything goes wrong.

                                              China has invested 300 Billion Dollars in the Semiconductor Industries but the result is not favorable. America has also decided to invest 100 Billion Dollars in the Semiconductor Industry. However, Taiwan has an undisputed monopoly in the manufacturing of silicon chips which is a lifeline of the world.

                          This may be one of the Reasons 'Why China is in  hurry to grab Taiwan?' 
