Tuesday, September 21, 2021



                                                                 The takes over of Afghanistan by the Taliban has become a matter of concern for the whole world. It is the same Taliban regime that once sheltered and supported Al Qaida and Usma Bin Laden. Usama Bin Laden directed the Terror attack on World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. 

                          It was America who directed its Military Forces to clear out Afghanistan from the Taliban regime who was harboring the Terrorist activities of Al Qaeda and Usma Bin Ladan.  America and its allies were successful in defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan but the defeated Taliban withdrew and hide in remote and mountainous areas of Afghanistan.

                            It is very difficult to completely conquer Afghanistan because of its geographical situation. Russia could not control Afghanistan with its 100000 Armies sent therein. Taliban made it hard for Russian to stay in Afghanistan and they were compelled to vacate the country.

                            The history is also repeated with Americans.  America has spent One Trillion Dollars and lost its 2500 Soldiers and 3800 persons who were working with American contractors in Afghanistan. Americans also have to leave Afghanistan with the above loss of money and men. Thus Taliban has taken over Afghanistan once again and it has come to the same position which was prevailing before 9/11 in Afghanistan.

                              Taliban are extremists and believe in establishing Islamic State wherein Women has to live within the Islamic Laws. They can not go to school or they have to wear Burkha and suppose to cover the whole body. Taliban will force single women and unmarried young girls to merry their Taliban soldiers.  Even Women can't work as an Anker on the TV.

                                  Taliban are very cruel in eliminating their descendants. They have killed one of the women Chief of police and killed the brother of one of the Vice Presidents of the past Regime. They have also removed women Anker from TV.  These are a few reported examples of their cruel acts. All these shows that it is very difficult to control the Taliban. They also want that Pakistan should be fully converted into Islamic State with Islamic Sheriat laws. Even Pakistan will have to face music instigated by the Taliban even though now it is taking vicarious pleasure in the establishment of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan,

                                      In the short world has to think about how to handle and control the Taliban regime before recognizing it and giving any type of Monetary aid. 


Sunday, September 12, 2021

 Hindu Philosophy And Epic of Mahabharat

                                                                            Mahabharat is a great epic of the world that reflects Hindu philosophy through various means. The 'Bhagavad Gita' is a great philosophical gift to Hindu Religion by Mahabharat. 

                                                                              Besides that, each and every Character in Mahabharat give some message to the people.  There was the total destruction of Kauravas which conveys that if stubborn and wrong attitudes have to be controlled in time otherwise it will ultimately lead to total destruction.

                                                                             Karna was a great warrior and can not be defeated. However, he was killed and defeated because he was supporting the wrong people. Even his Best Arms, Skill, and Blessing of Great also did not work.

                                                                             Aswasthamaa was the son of Great Guru Dronacharya from whom he got the best knowledge and skill of Warfare but he was so much Ambitious that he misuse all the knowledge given by his father. It is not good to be too much ambiguous.

                                                                             Bhismapitah was the eldest person in the Kauravas and Pandav families. He gave promise to his father that he will protect the thorn of Hastinapura without thinking about the consequences thereon. Kauravas were in charge of the thorn to whom he was compelled to support and protect despite that they were wrong and evil. Therefore it is necessary not to give any promise to anybody whereby you have to support and protect undesirable people.

                                                                            Duryodhan was completely destroyed in the war of Mahabharata because he misused Wealth, Strength, Power along with the support of bad and evil-minded people. These types of people always bring total destruction. 

                                                                            If you give power to a Blind, Self-Centered, Uneducated, Egoist, and to a person full of lust then he will lead only to total destruction.   Dhritarashtra was the type of person who brought total destruction to his own family in Mahabharat.

                                                                            One Can't win through fraud every time and in everything. Shakuni all the while played Fraud in the infighting of family. But ultimately he was exposed and failed. 

                                                                              Two characters in Mahabharata were admired very well. i.e. Yudhishthira and Arjun.  Arjuna's humbleness along with his skill and knowledge brought him victory. The victory of Pandavas in Mahabharat was also due to the right guiding principles of Yudhishthira.  Yudhishthira observed values and karma successfully in his life which lead him to final victory. 

                                                                        The Epic of Mahabharata Conveys some wisdom for day-to-day problems and the difficult struggles of life.


Saturday, September 4, 2021



                                                                      Religions never teach Violence, Fraud, or any other things which are Undesirable for human lives. But human nature is such wherein some of the people who are at the top of religious institutions are misguiding and exploiting their followers for their wasted interest

                                  Christ had preached' Love Thy Neighbor.' Hindu philosophy says 'Let all become Happy'.  Buddha had said that ' Silence is the best answer to any abuses instead of Retaliation'. Jainism teaches 'Ask for forgiveness for any Wrongdoing'. Islam believed in the equality of all human beings' Hence religions are teaching the best of the world.

                                  However, the world is today suffering from violence, fraud, and misbehavior on account of people heading over the religions. There are religious heads who are caught in various types of crimes including violence, fraud, and rapes. Some of the religious heads are in jail on various criminal charges. some of the churches are on the verge of liquidations on account of the misbehavior of Priests. This problem is also being faced by the Vatican. Even Hindu Temples of many sects are also facing charges on account of fraud and misbehavior of some of the heads. It can be seen that various religions are facing serious problems because of some of the bad elements therein.

                                       The main reason behind all those religious problems is the lack of character in some of the religious heads. Besides, that blindfolded trust and belief in religious heads have also created a crisis in various religions. 

                                    In short, the level of character and values have to be brought among the preachers and followers thereon. 
