Friday, July 23, 2021


The Great King of India- Ashoka

                                                               Ashoka is being given the title of ' Samrat '(i.e. King of the Kings) in the history of India. He ruled India for more than three decades. It was a period between 302 years to 232 years before Christ. 

                                                                It was a golden period of India and India was known as 'Soneki Chidia i.e. 'Known as a period of  Golden Sparrows '. He ruled from Afghanistan to Bangladesh including Nepal.  There were 23  well-known Universities in India which included 'Takshshila, Nalanda, Vikram Sheela, Gandhara. Even foreign students from China, Tibet, and Japan use to come to study therein. India was known as the 'World Guru'. Ashoka sent Buddhist monks to Tibet and China for spreading the Buddhist Religion. He also sent his sister Sangmitra to Sri Lanka.   Ashoka also built Highways like' G T Road' including hospitals for People and even for Animals.

                                                              The battle of Kalinga (Orissa) and massacred occurred therein change his heart and became very unhappy. Thereafter he became more religious and spiritual.  He built up so many Stumps where he gave religious and spiritual messages. One of such Sheela Lakhs(i.e. Message on Stone) is still there at Girnar, Gujarat State, India. He brought security, peace, and prosperity to India. That is how he became a great ' Samrat Ashok'.

                                                             The modern and independent  India has accepted some of the heritages of  Ashok in the administration of government. Ashoka's Four Mouth Lion' is adopted as a National Symbol. 'Ashok Chakra' is on the Indian National Flag and the Indian army gives the highest gallantry Award under the name ' Ashoka Chakra'.

                                                                 Ashoka was a great king but Indian history has not given its due to his rule which can be done now.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021


In Search Of The Truth

                                                            The close relationship is sometimes broken on hearsay.  It is very difficult to find the truth behind hearsay. Lies sometimes spread faster than truth. People talk about something which is based on prejudices or vindictiveness or jealousy.  In such circumstances, the search for truth becomes very difficult. The stories created out of above mentioned human weaknesses ruin the character, personality, and positions of a person in society. Unfortunately, very few people try to dig into such adverse stories regarding people in society as they do not have any means and time to reach the truth.

                                                   Generally, things go on accordingly and sometimes innocent people are suffering at the hands of such vicious elements. There is a way to find out the truth behind adverse and malicious stories.

                                                The Great philosopher Socrates had tried to solve such hearsay about his own friends by setting some fine norms. One has to make effort to find out whether there is any truth behind the stories.  The person who conveys such a story should also certify that it is true otherwise one should discard it.  The information which a story conveys must be good, useful for society.  In short, if a story that is not good, useful, and true cannot be given importance. It has to be ignored as it can do injustice to an innocent person.

                             Hence everything has a means and way to reach Truth.  


Monday, July 12, 2021

The Last Ditch In British Crown
                                                                         Once upon a time, it was said that the Sun never sets in the British Empire'. It was powerful as it had colonized so many Countries in the World. India was considered to be one of the precious 'Jewels' in the British Crown. 
                                     Britishers played very dirty games to keep their colonies under their tight control. They played against One Religion against Another, One Cast against Another including Tribes against each other in order to protect its interest. It is reported that Britishers stole about  45 Trillion Dollars from India during their colonial rule.  Besides that, they played the same game by creating a partition of India when they were compelled to leave. It is a Law of nature that 'One has to pay for once action' 
                                       India is one of the countries where Britishers created partition i.e. India and Pakistan. They also instigated local Maharajas to remain independent if they desire. They also tried to create 'Dalitstan' of 'Untouchable and Backward Class 'in India. However Indian leadership then acted more tactfully in order to stop the further division of the Country. This is a glaring example of divide and rule.

                                           However, now time is changed and at present Britain is facing the problems of Division and Separations. There are now more than 3 Million Muslims with 2000 Mosques in Britain including Radical Muslims. The Two Cities of Yorkshire and Lancashire are mainly dominated by Muslims which contains parallel Societies which are becoming problematic for British Authorities. Besides that demands for the separation of Northern  Ireland and Scotland is a very critical problem for the survival of Great Britain. 
                                            England is now nowhere in the powerful countries of the world. But the recent development may lead to England as an insignificant Country in the world. In short, nature is paying back in the same manner as England played with its colonies in the past.