Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Feeling  And  Health

                                                            The feeling and various types of emotions makes an adverse effect on the Body. It is said that the root cause of various decease are the various feelings one goes through. Sometimes the mind and feelings are the creators of various trouble for one body. It is reported that the Turmoils in the mind of the person is the creator of all Health Problems. 

                                                             The anger creates a problem for the liver and it may create Indigestion, Acidity, etc. This shows that Anger is the greatest enemy of person and it also creat problem with others. Therefore anger has to be controlled to safeguard one health. 

                                                             The continuous worries can upset one stomach which may create constipation for the person.  Constipation can exhilarate the infection in the body. It is said that 'Too many worries lead to death.

                                                             Stress and Strain lead to Heart Problems.  Sometimes it damages the Brain due to continuous tension. These are very delicate organs of the person which can lead to paralysis or a Serious Heart Attack. Hence person has to go for meditation in case of Stress and Strain.

                                                            Some people are suffering from fear of various matters which badly affect their Kidney. The kidney is one of the very delicate organs if it fails or damaged person has to for Dialysis or Replacement.  However, kidney problems make one miserable. Hence one has to create self-confidence and daring to face the situation instead of being feared from it. One may fail in facing the problem or situation but that does not close the door of success forever.

                                                            The laughs are another remedy for all those adverse Feelings and Emotions. Laugh helps one to reduce Stress, Strain and increase happiness. 


Thursday, March 11, 2021


Countries- Known For 

                                              There are several countries in the world about whom very few know about their unique features. They have got those Identities Naturally or Historically. Sometimes those features related to Political and Social Situations.

                                             Canada is one of the big counties on the American continent in the Context of its Area.  The 60% Area of Canada is covered by Lakes.  Canada has 3 million Lakes which are the highest in numbers in the world.  Besides that Canada is the most literate country in the world. Nauru is one of the countries whose 90% population is overweight. It is considered to be the most unhealthy country in the world. while Falkland has a population of fewer than 3000 people with half-million ships. However, it is one of the biggest exporters of wool in the world.

                                            Saudi Arabia has lots of desert land and not a single river flowing through it. They have an acute shortage of water. Hence they draw the highest amount of underground water in the world through desalinization water plants. Malta is a small country and its economy weak. Therefore most of its Citizens are migrated abroad. That is a World Record.

                                           South American Country Suriname has the highest forest in the world.  Most of its people live near its capital because 90% of its area is covered with forest. Singapore is one of the small but very developed countries.  It has no farm in the country that is a unique feature in the world.

                                          African Country Somalia is the most disturbed and very violent country in the world. It is due to Political instability and Civil War. The  USA  is the superpower in the world. However one will be surprised to know that it has the largest number of people behind the Bar (i.e. About 2.2 Million ) in the world.

                                           India is the most diverse country in the world. That is unity in diversity. Its diversity reflects in Culture, Cast, Race, Religion, Economy, Climate. and  Language.

                                           There may some more countries in the world with some other unique features which are yet to be identified.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Self-Realization- In Context of Veda

                                                               Vedas are at the foundation of Hindu philosophy. Ajurved which is one of the part and partial of all Vedas is basically lead one to self-realization for which the great saints of the world had carved in their lives. 

                                                              Our Rishis had said so many things in Hindu ancient scriptures which are not believed by our scientists and intellectuals. However, now our scientists are with their experiments coming to the same conclusions. Ajurved said in Sanskrit' Pragnanam Bramha' means 'Knowledge is God'.  All developments in the world are due to knowledge. One should not see the thing once own way but it should be seen as in actuality. The Human can put the Lion into a cage which is a very wild Animal. That is due to the knowledge of how to tame a Lion. Therefore it is said that knowledge is God.

                                                             'Tatva Masi' in Sanskrit means' You are the same.'  It is conscious of the person where God resides.  It always reflects the Truth. All Emotions, Humour, Feeling, Writing, and Speaking which are parts of life start from it. Those live things have no relations with the body where the power of God Exists. In short, the reasons for all deceased are due to stress which arises out of love for the body.

                                                               The One more truth which Rishis had pronounced in Vedas that 'Ayam Atma Bramha'.  It means Atma is 'God'. In short, they mean that' God lives within us' in view of what explained above. It is a satire on the people who are running here and there in search of God.

                                                             Besides, that Ajurved said ' Aham Bramahsmi ' It means ' I am God' which is very misguiding for illiterate, and ignorant people in the world. It has to be understood from the right perspective. Even some arrogant and insolent people use this sentence. However, realized Saints use it in the right way.    The realized souls are always one with God can only say he is very much near God and Thy is within us. In short, that is complete self-realization.
