Tuesday, February 16, 2021


World  Allied In 2021

                                                        Newly elected  American president Joe Bidon has taken over the regime of America after the defeat of President Donald Trump.  He overturns many policy decisions taken by his predecessor. However, he is very cautious in the case of American policy towards China and still following the policies of his predecessor. i.e.Including policies of Trade War, Opposing its expansionist policies which also include South China Sea issue. Besides that, he is still persistent in case of mishandling and misguiding the world in respect of coronavirus at the initial stages. 

                                         China is the most controversial country in the world which is following expansionist policies with India, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, and all other small countries around it.  It is also violating human rights in China including in  Xinjiang province and Hongkong. The people of China are always under the surveillance of the government and their privacy is also being violated.


                                          China has become prosperous in world trade by practicing one-way trade. That means China is mostly in surplus in International Trade by producing Chip and quality goods. Even though those goods may not be enduring for a long. This may be one of the secrets for large turnover in its trade. China has a very large earning of foreign exchange out of trade which they are using to invest through loans among weak and poor countries. China exploits their natural resources in return and also for increasing its political influence on those countries. 

                                                             However, now the world has realized the Chinese ambitions to become a superpower in the world.  American president Joe Biden has already told Americans that 'China will eat away our lunch if we are not careful.  Besides, that world economies are ruined because of coronavirus which was originated in China.  World opinion is now against China and new political alignment has come up against China.  America, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, France, and the UK have formed an axis in order to face China in Asia and the South China Sea. Therefore all Naval Forces of those countries are patrolling the South China Sea in order to give an appropriate answer to Chinese expansion policies all over the world.  


Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Role Model For Leaders -Anjelica Markel

                                                                                  Anjelica  Markel is a Chancellor of Germany for 18 years which is one of the biggest economies in the World. There are no charges of corruption or favoritism during her regime. She is very adjustable with her opponents and has been very balanced in her talk.

                                                                                  She is coming from the area of former East Germany but does not have any urge for a luxurious lifestyle. Germany was not in good shape when she took over but today German economy in the best shape.  She is very popular among the people of Germany.

                                                                                   Why she is so popular? She never gets attracted to material pleasures. she never carves for a Luxurious Car or Big Real Estate or Yacht, or Private Plane. She has a very simple lifestyle. One reporter asked her why she is repeating the same dress now and then.? She replied 'I am a government employee, not a model. She also stated to a journalist that ' I arrange my own clothes. My husband operates washing machines at night so that our neighbors are not disturbed and there is less power consumption during the period. She is staying in an ordinary Apartment like an ordinary Citizen.  In short, she does not own any Villa, Swimming Pool, Garden, and Servants,

                                                                                       It is quite different attitudes than what many leaders carve for. However people always observe their leaders and follow them, Therefore leaders are supposed to be role models for people.  That is why Germany is a very strong country with a very powerful economy in the world.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

 Health Care - Inconext of Sleep 

                                                            Good health has a very close relationship with sleeping habits.  Some people are careless about the sleep. Those persons torture their bodies by taking insufficient sleep. They go on enjoying life up to late hours at night and then get up early on their professional call. In the process, their health starts deteriorating. It invites diseases like blood pressure, heart problems, etc. In short bad habits reduce your sleep and create adverse health problems.

                                                            Quality sleep can help one to avoid the major problems relating to Heart and Blood Pressure.  It balances the hormone and strengthens the memory power. One can also reduce cholesterol with good sleep.

                                                            The insufficient and disturbs sleep can spoil once a day and make him feel lousy, tired, and drowsy at day time. Those things will affect the efficiency of the person.  The continued lack of sleep can create stress and mental disease.  It can also adversely affect one memory power.  Reduced and disturbed sleep also increase indigestion which can be caused of major diseases.

                                                             In short healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle can only give quality sleep. it is very much necessary for happiness.
