Thursday, January 21, 2021


                                                      Italy is a country with the historical background of the Roman Empire to the Christianity World headquarters of Vatican City. It has its own traditions and fashion history.  Besides that, Italy also attracts the world's attention for its architectural structures and great art pieces like the painting of  Monalisa.

                            One must visit once in life to see the natural beauty of seawater running through the city of Venice. Italy has a rich culture born along with beautiful greenery around. The beautiful small islands in the sea around Italy are an additional attraction for travelers. Italy is the best wedding destination for celebrities in the world including for film stars of Hollywood and Bollywood. 

                            Italy has the best Second-best health system in the world as per WHO with a life expectancy of 84 years. It is a world trendsetter in design with a brand like Pitti, Prada, Doles, etc. Milan is the fashion capital of the world. 

                              Italy is also the hub of automobile manufacturing with brand name Fiat, Ferrari, Chrysler, and Lamborghini, etc. It export specialized machinery means for transport, furniture products, textile and clothing, food, and copper products. There are industries relating to agriculture products firearms, machine tools, and domestic appliances. It produces 11% solar electricity for consumption as per the reporting year 2015. The Electrical Battery, Barometer. Wireless Telephone, Typewriter. and Thermometers are also made in Italy. Italy is very much involved in the innovative fields of  Nuclear Reactor, Space Science, and Rocket Design.

                                  Italy has the highest cultural heritage and the average  Italian is having the best lifestyle. Hence they also appreciate the good things in life.




Thursday, January 7, 2021

 American Foreign Policy

                                                         Every Country has the right to practice its foreign policy in the best interest but American foreign policy quite different in the sense that as it varies with the different countries on the basis of who follows and who does not follow its line. In short, it is followed in its interest with the view to dominate over them. This is because America wants to maintain its supremacy.  Once there was a competition of supremacy between America and Russia and now it is between America and China. Few world powers with Atomic weapons have created an Atomic treaty which is based to maintain their supremacy and to prohibit other nonatomic power countries from manufacturing atomic weapons. The root cause of  American conflict with Iran is based on making various efforts by Iran to manufacture atomic weapons.

                                              Iran Enemy Israel has already Atom Bomb and even Pakistan has an Islamic Atom Bomb. Israel is the American Allies and Pakistan was once very friendly with America. This reflects the double standard in the American foreign policy because they are and were following the American line of foreign policy. However, it is appreciable that America is ready to spend its Money, Men, and its  Resources to handle any Rough Nations of the World. North Korea is one of the living examples. 

                                                   America can go to war even in order to maintain its supremacy and to use the natural resources of the countries. America runs down and destroyed  Iraq on the ground that it has chemical weapons. There were other hidden reasons to control its Oil fields. America also removed the Al Kaida regime from Afghanistan who organized an attack on the world trade center of New York, However, America is still paying a very heavy price with Money, Men, and its resources.

                                                  There may be some discrepancies in American foreign policy but one has to recognize that it has the will to carry outs its objectives at any cost. 'The Ugly Americans' Novel described the inconsistency and discrepancies in American foreign policy. America is at present in conflict with Iran and China with some specific objectives. We hope it may not turn into a World War. We wish the year 2021 maybe a year of Peace and Harmony for the world.  


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Nepal Under Political Turmoil

                                                      Nepal is the only Hindu state in the world even though India is the origin of Hinduism.  Besides, it is a buffer state between India and China. Once Autonomous  Tibet was a buffer state between India and China.  It was a political blunder on the part of  Jawaharlal  Nehru then PM who officially recognized the sovereignty of China over Tibet which brought the Chinese border adjourning to India. It also automatically brought the Chinese border near Nepal. In the process, Himalayan protection became irrelevant to both Countries. India and Nepal are paying a very heavy price for that controversial decision. India is facing continuous border disputes/ conflicts with China and Nepal is now a victim of internal interference of China in Nepal. 

                                                     China also played a very crucial role in uniting the Marxist Communist and Maoist communist parties in Nepal in order to install political power in the hands of the communist regime. China also gave loans and grant to built-up infrastructure in Nepal. This is only to increase its influence in Nepal and to reduce the dependence of Nepal on India. This is a game that China is playing with all poor and underdeveloped countries in order to exploit their natural resources and using them for strategic purposes. 

                                                    However, now China is finding it difficult to solve the political rivalries in communist groups of Nepal.   K P  Sharma Oli, Prime Minister of Nepal has dissolved the House and declared midterm elections as he could not face challenges from former PM Pushpa Kumar Dahal, known as Prachanda. There is opposition from people, opposition parties and including from communist party within. Some people have gone to the supreme court for challenging the decision of prime minister Oli. Besides, people have come down on the road for opposing the prime minister's decision. In short, there is turmoil in the political field of Nepal.

                                                    The Chinese envoy to Nepal leaving all diplomatic protocol has been taking an active part in order to solve the political crisis in the communist party of Nepal. China has also sent a high-level communist party delegation in order to find ways and means to solve the crisis. But it seems they have failed and returned to China. However, still few senior officials of China's communist party are still meddling in the political crisis in Nepal.  People of Nepal have now openly come down to the street in order to oppose China for interfering in the internal affairs of Nepal. 

                                                     India is a silent spectator of the political crisis in Nepal in spite of that former Prime Minister Prachanda has asked for help. India is very much displeased with Prime Minister Oli for creating border disputes with India. It appears that it was done with the incitement of China. However, it seems India wants that relevant parties in Nepal should take a decision in the best interest of Nepal. It is very much necessary for the development and stability of Nepal. China should be kept out of these problems.
