Thursday, December 17, 2020


Sleep- Problems Thereon

                                                                           Health care is the most important for all but it is  neglected by some. Besides that life has become full of stress and strain due to fast and capitative world. In the process some time the important aspect of the life are being ignored. 

                                                    The sleep is one of the factors which plays very important role in human life. The all big decease starts from lack of sufficient sleep. It is to be noted that during the sleep period persons some of the  organs get rest while some of them perform their functions well. Therefore  and quality sleep is important for healthy body.

                                                    The most important thing is how to get get sufficient sleep? We have to change our life style to get good sleep. One should have cozy and restful nighttime one hour before the bed time.( i.e. There should be dim light in the room.) All electronic devices like Phone, Computer, Tablets are be switch off before going to bed.

                                                     It is better to reduce the consumption of the alcohol at night time in order to get good sleep. The room temperature also affect the sleep. Hence room has to be little bit cool at bed time. One can reduce and avoid the noise level by using Ear Plugs at bed time. Beside that one  should also  observe regular and fixed sleeping time. The comfortable pillows and mattress can also help to get good and quality sleep. 

                                                    The dinner should be light in order to avoid distrube sleep. The book reading  is good hobby before sleep. The daily exercise help to get good sleep as body exertion is best for sleep and healthy life.

                                                      The restless night and disturbed sleep at night are the signals of decease in the body. (i.e. Indigestion, Diabetes, Neurological Disorder etc.





Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Farmer Agitation in India

                                                                 The farmer  agitation in India  is drawing attention of world. India is a agriculture country with average income of farmer is less. They are also playing the major part in democratic elections in India. Hence all political parties are playing politics in order to get their support.

                                        In view of above the turmoil of the present farmer agitation has to be viewed. Narendra Modi government got it passed the farmer reform  bills in the last session of Parliament. Narendra  Modi had promised that he will try to increase the farmer income doubled. Narendra Modi is a strong leader and he think that present farmer bills will be very much beneficial  for farmers .  Besides that opposition  is simultaneously playing politics to  increase their voting support in rural areas.  

                                                    Some people think that the farming in advance country like America has the best farm laws and they are doing well in the free economy. But it is not so. Small farmers in America is not doing well in spite of having high tech and mechanized farming. 'Time Magazine' report says even before Corona Crisis American farmers were going  for liquidations as they are indebted very heavily. There is a recession in the farm and dairy products in America. Milk prices are going down in America. There are also cases of suicides among American farmers. It is also reported that migration of population has started from Rural Area to Big Cities due to bad conditions in farming sector. It may happen that 70% of American Rural population may migrate to big cities by 2040.  In view of above context the Indian farm reform has to be carefully viewed.  

                                        The Indian  government is also ready to amend the act as per some of the positive  suggestions of farmer leaders. However farmers have now taken stand to see that Indian government repeal the act entirely. All opposition parties in India are supporting their stand. There is no reasoning and logic in the matter. It seems that is a political move to put government in the embarrassing situation.

                                       There are two main dangerous factors are involve in this agitation. One is anti national elements are inciting and misguiding  farmers and another one is hostile countries towards India have started interfering in the internal matter of India. 

                                                                  Therefore it is  necessary to solve all genuine problems of farmers at the earliest. The elements which are encouraging the agitation unreasonably are playing with the fire. The enemies of India are now taking vicarious pleasure out of present farmer agitation. 



Thursday, December 3, 2020

Uighur Muslims

                                                         Uighur Muslims are the most unfortunate Muslims who are suffering at the hand of China. China is having a bad history with Tibet and recently with Hongkong. However, the Muslim world who is particular about protecting the Islamic culture is totally indifferent with the fate of their brother Uighur Muslims in China. China wants to change the culture of people according to its convenience and in the process, they are trying to eliminate the Uighur Culture and Traditions. They are doing the same thing with Tibetan Culture. Besides that China is making strong efforts in order to reduce the majority of Uighur Muslims in the Xin Jiang Province. Pakistan who claims to be the leader of the Muslim world is silent in this matter as they are heavily indebted to China.  Pakistan is ignoring the miserable conditions of Uighur Muslims.

                                  Uighur Muslims have a unique identity with a 76% majority in the Xi  Jiang  Province of China. It is surrounded by the borders of eight countries. China is trying to establish its Han Chines population in order to reduce the Uighur majority. China has been able to reduce the Uighur majority up to 42% and increase the Han Chines population up to 40% by wrong means. About 10 million Uighurs are kept in Camp in the name of educating them. They are illtreated in camp wherein they are compelled to eat pig mutton on Friday which is prohibited to eat on Friday. Two million Uighurs are behind the bar. Uighurs are even not allowed to observe their festivals. It said that 1 out of 10 Uighurs Muslims is behind the bar.

                                   Xin Jiang province is very rich in natural resources. It has 1/3 of gas and 38% of Coal reserve of China.  It produces 60%of Chines Cotton. The Uighur Muslims are not happy with the Chines rĂ©gime and they want to have independence from China.  The surrounding Turk origin Muslim Countries are also supporting their demands.

                                   China's way to Central Asia passes through Xin Jiang province that is the reason why China wants to have strong control over Xin Jiang province.  
