Saturday, November 14, 2020


                                                                             One may go to America or Antarctica but his love for his native land will reflect in one or other forms. He always misses his place where is was nourished, brought up, and lived with Nature. Nature is the same everywhere but love for his native land always makes him to compare with the nature of his place. This is what refect in the poem below.

                                                             Where is?

                                         I have seen the beautiful mountains here

                                         And running wild rivers Everywhere 

                                        The golden rays of the sun can be seen

                                         And moonlight also glitter here

                                         Nature full of beauty here

                                         But where is dust of  motherland here

                                         Where is?

                                         The heavenly beauty is sprayed everywhere 

                                          The gardens with the fragrance of flowers near.

                                          Beautiful fruits are hanging all over

                                          The songs of birds can be heard in the air

                                          Nature full of beauty here

                                          But where is the smell of  motherland's air here

                                          Where is?

                                          The showers of rain are very pleasant here

                                          And running water is very crystal clear

                                          Icy peaks of mountains are attractive mere

                                          With snowy valleys  look very beautiful  here

                                          Nature  full of beauty here

                                         But where is muddy water of motherland here

                                          Where is? 

                  ( From the Book of Author Title 'Heart Beats' Published in the USA)












Thursday, November 12, 2020

Inside Iran

                                              The present ongoing conflict between America and Iran is a conflict of interest. It is an old story that in the time of Shah of Iran  America was getting crude oil at a very low price from Iran with a guaranty from America to protect the Shah's Regime. However radical Islamic organization of Iran revolted against the Shah of Iran and he was thrown out. Shah has to take Asylum in America.

                                            Besides that Iran is Shyia's dominant Islamic Country which has a natural conflict with Saudi Arabia which is a radical Sunny Country. America has good relations with  Saudi Arabia that too based on its huge crude oil resources. 

                                            The other major reason for the American Iran conflict is the research and building of the Atomic Weapons thereof by Iran. Former American  President Barak Obama had signed the Atomic Treaty with Iran in order to control Iran's activities regarding building up of  Atomic weapons. However, the present American President Donald Trump was not happy with that treaty and he broke the same and imposed strong restrictions on Iran. This had created a very bad financial Crisis for Iran.

                                            Besides that, Top Iran's General Suleman was killed by America through the Drawn attack in Iraq. These have further deteriorated the relations between America and Iran.

                                           Under this difficult time Iran has become more friendly with China which has offered them, Million of Dollars aid in various fields of Iran, i.e.In  Port Development, Road Building, and Railway, etc.

                                            However, the Islamic government of Iran has imposed many restrictions on women based on their Islamic guidelines. women are supposed to wear Burkha and to Cover their Faces. They should not wear western dresses like jeans.  There are few Women TV Ankers in Iran.  There is an inhuman law that one father who has adopted a daughter can Marry her. 

                                             Iran's government has started becoming lenient and allowing to educate women and now lots of girls can be found in the university without Burkha and Jeans. There are western professors in the Universities who are also influencing the women's culture in Iran. One can even find even women TV Anker without Burkha on TV Station. All these do not mean that Iran is changed but more is required to be done for the betterment of Iranian Society.

                                                Iran has an Ancient and Glorious Cultural History in the World and it is trying to once again to regain the same. We have to wish Iran all the best.





Friday, November 6, 2020



Pakistan and India

                                                                                 Pakistan was created by Britishers by creating conditions that Hindu and Muslim cannot live together or Muslims are not safe in Hindu dominated India. They incited communal feelings among Muslims to demand separate states from  India. In short, they wanted to make India weak. Even they gave freedom to the Native States of India to maintain their position as they like. i.e.To remain independent or to choose to join any one of them. This was a move to divide India into several States which can ultimately create chaos in the subcontinent after they leave. It is due to a visionary and strong leader like Sardar Patel who made India united one through his policies of diplomacy and force if requires. 

                                                                               This is the only background behind the creation of Pakistan. It is very unfortunate that Pakistan has not able to come out of the communal background and failed to progress in the field of developments. It is struck up with Kashmir and Terrorism problems out of hatred of India. It is said that any Pakistani government can't survive without keeping Kashmir Dispute burning before the people of Pakistan. Pakistan's s enmity against India being used by various countries in order to control India's increasing power in the world.  In the process, Pakistan's debt has increased up to such an extent that some of the world powers are using Pakistan in their interest. 

                                                                               Besides that Pakistan's army has also become very strong and they are dictating the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Nawab Sheriff's former prime minister of Pakistan has also confirmed about the same In short, it has become clear now that all civilian governments were and are being dictated by the Army.  It is said that the present Prime Minister Imran Khan is also today existing on the support of the Pakistani Army.

                                                                             it is said that the Pakistani government is also supporting terrorism and terrorizing surrounding countries like India, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka. Several innocent people are being killed by terrorists. It is a proxy war of Pakistan with India as Pak Army can't face war with the Indian Army. Pakistan is also helping the Taliban in Afghanistan in order to destabilize the Afghan Government. It is reported that three Pakistani terrorists were arrested in Shri Lanka on their intelligence report. Sri Lankan government is very much alert after the 'Easter Sunday' attack of terrorists. 

                                                                              China is using Pakistan by giving huge loans which it can't return due to its weak economy. In the process, China has taken over the Port of GADWAR in Baluchistan. China is also using militarily the Pak occupied region of Baltistan and Gilgit in order to harras India in the ongoing Border dispute and conflict with China. In short Pakistan and China have formed an axis against India.

                                                                            Pakistan is playing with Chinese tunes as if china is its Boss.  These are being done at the cost of its freedom and that too satisfy its hatred against India. Pakistan seems to be playing with fire in this game.  
