Friday, October 16, 2020


Laser Rays

                                                                                 Albert Einstein had discovered the principle regarding Laser which has brought a great revolution in the field of science.   It is the use of the system which centralizes powerful rays in one straight line, which is known as a Laser System. Laser means ' Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation.'

                                It is noteworthy to note that how Laser has helped the lives of people in the world. The laser is now used for detecting Crime and During human surgeries. Its rays are so powerful that it can dilute any hard metal. Laser Rays are used in Measurement and it can be a source of Clean Energy. Air pilots are using 'Gyroscope' for finding ways that are based on the Laser. The Laser can be used as a medium to convert various energies like electricity, Sound, and Light.  Some people compare laser with the third eyes of Lord Shiva which said to be throwing very powerful rays.  All radiation-related scientific plants are also having the shape of Shivling. 

                                  Laser rays can create holes in any strong metal. However, a laser is also used to detect any tiny hole in the plane or rocket, or space shuttle. The laser can also measure accurately the distances between two planets. It is also used in microsurgeries of Eyes, Ear, Stomach, Brain, and Cancer.  The Laser can destroy the censer system of war weapons including Tank, Missiles, Plane, and Warship.

                                 Scientists are now trying to use the Laser for creating the disappearance of things. The Magicians are using the technic of eye illusion for the same which science is trying through laser Beam. In the short laser is a very powerful and revolutionary discovery of the time.



Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Women -Difficult To Understand

                                                              It is generally difficult to understand women because women's actions decisions and behavior depend upon on emotions, rather than on logic and reasoning. They are more close and secretive in certain matters than men. They are more adjustable, amenable, and loyal in outlook. Former British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher  believed that  ' One wants to talk out any task  you give to men but if one desires to solve the problem then use the neck of a woman.' 

                                                             However, sometimes it is very difficult to understand women. It is said that sometimes a woman carries secrets with her death. In certain rare cases, it was observed that women failed to keep secret with them. This shows women are very complex personalities.

                                                                  There are other positive aspects also related to women which are admirable. It is difficult to understand a woman using intelligence but can know them well by showing love.  In the absence of, a woman in the house it becomes dry and boring.  A woman can destroy once life but can even make one life.  It is said that 'There is a woman behind every successful man.'

                                                                 Women always live life for family and always live a life selected by others. She is like fire which can spread fragrance through candlelight but can destroy the whole family in the same fire. She can be also symbols of patience, tolerance, and sacrifice.

                                                                   It is observed sometimes that no notice is being taken regarding the absence of a woman in the house but when she is absent from the house it looks like an unglamorous and deserted place.  Woman plays a very important role in the family. In sister, it reflects love. In wife, it is a symbol of sacrifice. She is like a God in form of a mother. Woman in short represents love, affection, patience, tolerance, and sacrifice.  

                                                                 It is more important to use the best qualities of women instead of trying to understand them.              



Friday, October 2, 2020



                                           India is the origin of many things in the world including '0', Yoga, and the great literary creation of Panchatantra.

                                             Panchatantra is considered to be written in 300 BC by one Vishnu Sharma but nobody knows whether he was an author of Panchatantra or he was some imaginary character. However, Panchatantra stories have become the most popular and well-read books in the world. It has its versions in poetic, dramatic, and storytelling forms. It is translated in Major fifty languages in the world. It is available in Sanskrit, Arabic, Syrian, Hebrew, Latin, German, French, Spanish, and many other languages of the world.

                                            The wisdom stories in Panchatantra are narrated through the participation of Animals like a Lion, Fox, and Bull including Birds. Stories teach Smartness, Diplomacy, Crookedtness for doing something good in an unethical way. 

                                             Besides that, it deals with the following Main Subjects in its Stories.

1)How to Brake the strength of friendship?

2)How to make friends for one advantage?

3)When to go for War and when to end the Same.

4)It describes how one loses important thing which is in his hand?

5) How to be cautious about the things one does not know much.?

                                                      However, some of the critics are not happy about the Panchatantra which teaches Smartness, Crookedness, and Cunningness.

                                                      But nobody can deny that Panchtantra is the most popular, well-read book and translated into the major languages of the world.
